The Removal of Doubts 7 - (27/10/19)

بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم

كشف الشبهات 

The most important thing a person should take care of is his Aqeedah (belief). The deeds of a person will be fruitless if He commits Shirk. We should therefore learn what our Aqeedah should be. Especially nowadays, people may easily fall into Shirk whilst being unaware of it. 

If he says: 

Doubt #3 - “The disbelievers sought from them - whereas I bear witness that Allah is the One who brings benefit and the One who brings harm and the One who controls all the affairs, and I do not seek anything from anyone other than Him, and the righteous people do not have any part in the matter. However, I turn to Allah and I hope from Allah for their intercession.”

This person is contradicting his own statement. He says he knows the righteous have nothing in their hands but is seeking intercession from them.

Answer: This is exactly the same as the statement of the disbelievers. And recite to him His statement, He the Most High: “And those who take Awliyaa besides Him (say), “We worship them only do that they may bring us closer to Allah” [Zumar 39:3] And His statement, He the Most High: “And they say, “These are our intercessors with Allah” [Yunus 10:18]

Both the previous and contemporary polytheists ask their Awliyaa, but with a difference. The early polytheists did not believe in the Day of Judgement, so they only asked their Awliyaa for worldly needs. The present day polytheists however ask their Awliyaa for both worldly benefits and intercession on the Day of Judgement.

If someone fulfills the 5 Pillars of Islam and the 6 Pillars of Eeman but commits Shirk, all of that will not benefit him. Allah said in Surah Zumar [39:65]:

وَلَقَدْ أُوحِيَ إِلَيْكَ وَإِلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكَ لَئِنْ أَشْرَكْتَ لَيَحْبَطَنَّ عَمَلُكَ وَلَتَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ
“And indeed it has been revealed to you (O Muhammad), as it was to those (Allah's Messengers) before you: "If you join others in worship with Allah, (then) surely (all) your deeds will be in vain, and you will certainly be among the losers."

The third doubt is very similar to the first doubt, therefore the answer is very similar.

And know that these three doubts are the greatest that they have with them. If you know that Allah has explained them in His Book and you have understood them well, then whatever doubts they bring thereafter will be easier than them.

Then if he says:

Doubt #4 - “I do not worship except Allah and this recourse to the righteous and calling upon them is not worship”

He does not understand the meaning of عبادة (worship), therefore you have to explain the meaning of worshipping Allah sincerely to him. Every command in the Qur’an from Allah to us is considered an عبادة (act of worship). 

E.g. “أقيموا الصلاة” - Establish the Prayer 
If it is an act of worship you are required to learn how to perform it in detail. 

E.g. Many people do not know the requirements for the Shahadah and what nullifies it. They may therefore ignorantly nullify their Shahadah.

Then say to him:
Answer: “Do you affirm that Allah has obligated upon you to make worship purely and sincerely for His sake and it is His right upon you?” 

If he says yes, then say to him, “Explain to me that which Allah has made obligatory upon you - and it is making all the worship purely and sincerely to Allah alone, and it is His right upon you.”

Then, indeed, he will neither know what ‘Ibadah (worship) is nor its types.

So explain it to him with your statement: Allah, the Most High, said: “Call upon your Lord with humility and surrendering to His obedience and in secret. Indeed, He does not love those who go beyond the boundaries that He has set for His servants.” [Al-A’raf 7:55]

So when you have taught him this, then say to him, “So do you know that this is the worship of Allah?”

He has to say, “Yes.” And supplication is the core of worship. 

So say to him: “If you affirmed that it is worship and you called upon Allah day and night, with fear and hope, then you have called a Prophet or other than him in a time of need, would you have associated others as partners in your worship of Allah?”

Then he has to say, “Yes.”

Then say to him: “If you knew the statement of Allah, the Most High, “So turn to your Lord in prayer, and sacrifice (to Him).” and you obeyed Him and you performed a sacrifice for Him, then would this be an act of worship?”

Then he has to say, “Yes.”

Then say to him, “If you performed a sacrifice for a created being, whether it be for a Prophet or a jinn, or something other than these two, then would you have associated others with Allah in this act of worship?”

Then he has to say, “Yes.”

The Shaikh gives an example of two types of acts of worship: 
1) عبادة قولية (Worship by speech)
He gives the example of supplication. It is an act of worship because Allah commands us to invoke Him.
Supplication in particular is the core of worship. 

If you then called a Prophet or a Jinn for some needs, you have associated a partner with Allah in worship. 

2) عبادة فعلية (Worship by action) 
Allah said ordered us to sacrifice for Him in Surah Al-Kawthar. It is therefore an act of worship. 

So say to him: 

“And was their worship of them with anything other than supplication and sacrifice and having recourse and the like of that? Since they affirmed that they were all His slaves and under His subjugation and it was Allah who has full control over all the affairs. But they (the polytheists) called upon them and had recourse to them due to their status with Allah and for seeking intercession. And this is very clear.”
