Da'wah to Atheists


The Meaning of Ilhaad in the Language: 
To deviate or turn away from a thing. It also carries the meaning of oppression, injustice, arguing, and dispute. 

The Meaning of Atheism (Ilhaad) in the Religion:
In legal terminology, Ilhaad is to deviate from the truth and turn away with different  beliefs and wrong interpretation. The one who opposes Allah’s Siraat (path) and His Hukm is called a Mulhid.

Atheists are those who deny the existence of the Lord; the Creator of this universe. They believe that the universe was brought into existence coincidentally.

How to call Atheists:
1) Use evidences from the inborn natural disposition (Fitrah)
2) Intellectual evidences.
3) Tangible,Witnessed evidences.
4) Legal evidences.

Refer to: 
- The True Religion by Bilal Phillips
- Wisdom in Calling (People) to Allah by Sa'eed Al-Qahtani
