Studying Surah Maryam Part 1 - (2/7/17)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
8th Shawwaal 1438

The Prophet ﷺ said,

خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه‏

"The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it." [Al-Bukhari]

And he ﷺ once said to his companions:

"‏ أَيُّكُمْ يُحِبُّ أَنْ يَغْدُوَ كُلَّ يَوْمٍ إِلَى بُطْحَانَ أَوْ إِلَى الْعَقِيقِ فَيَأْتِيَ مِنْهُ بِنَاقَتَيْنِ كَوْمَاوَيْنِ فِي غَيْرِ إِثْمٍ وَلاَ قَطْعِ رَحِمٍ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ فَقُلْنَا يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ نُحِبُّ ذَلِكَ ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏"‏ أَفَلاَ يَغْدُو أَحَدُكُمْ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ فَيَعْلَمَ أَوْ يَقْرَأَ آيَتَيْنِ مِنْ كِتَابِ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ خَيْرٌ لَهُ مِنْ نَاقَتَيْنِ وَثَلاَثٌ خَيْرٌ لَهُ مِنْ ثَلاَثٍ وَأَرْبَعٌ خَيْرٌ لَهُ مِنْ أَرْبَعٍ وَمِنْ أَعْدَادِهِنَّ مِنَ الإِبِلِ ‏"‏ 

“’Which of you would like to go out every morning to Buthan or Al-'Aqiq and bring two large humped and fat she-camels without being guilty of sin and severing ties of relationship?’ They (the people) said: ‘Messenger of Allah, we would all like that.’ He said: ‘If any one of you goes out in the morning to the mosque and learns two verses of the Book of Allah, the Exalted, it is better for him than two she-camels, and three verses are better for him than three she-camels, and so on than their numbers in camels.’” [Sunan Abi Dawoud]

A camel in their times is like a valuable car in our time. One VERSE is better than one camel, and two VERSES are better than two camels, etc. This is what will benefit us in the Hereafter. 


Surah Maryam is a Makki Surah and was the third Surah that was revealed upon the Prophet. There is no woman mentioned in the Qur’an by name except Maryam عليها السلام, and there is no Surah named after a woman except Surah Maryam. 

Some of the Repeated Words

a) Mercy 

One of the attributes of women is that they have mercy. If you notice, the word mercy and its derivatives are repeated many times throughout the Surah:

1) Verse 2: 

"(This is) a mention of the mercy of your Lord to His slave Zakariya (Zachariah)."

2) Verse 18: 

"She said: "Verily! I seek refuge with the Most Beneficent (Allah) from you, if you do fear Allah.""

3) Verse 21: 

"He said: "So (it will be), your Lord said: 'That is easy for Me (Allah): And (We wish) to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us (Allah), and it is a matter (already) decreed, (by Allah).”"

4) Verse 26: 

""So eat and drink and be glad, and if you see any human being, say: 'Verily! I have vowed a fast unto the Most Beneficent (Allah) so I shall not speak to any human being this day.”"

5) Verse 44: 

"O my father! Worship not Shaitan (Satan). Verily! Shaitan (Satan) has been a rebel against the Most Beneficent (Allah)."

6) Verse 45: 

""O my father! Verily! I fear lest a torment from the Most Beneficent (Allah) overtake you, so that you become a companion of Shaitan (Satan) (in the Hell-fire)." [Tafsir Al-Qurtubi]"

7) Verse 50: 

"And We gave them of Our Mercy (a good provision in plenty), and We granted them honour on the tongues (of all the nations, i.e everybody remembers them with a good praise)."

8) Verse 53: 

"And We bestowed on him his brother Harun (Aaron), (also) a Prophet, out of Our Mercy."

9) Verse 58: 

"Those were they unto whom Allah bestowed His Grace from among the Prophets, of the offspring of Adam, and of those whom We carried (in the ship) with Nuh (Noah), and of the offspring of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Israel and from among those whom We guided and chose. When the Verses of the Most Beneficent (Allah) were recited unto them, they fell down prostrating and weeping."

10) Verse 61:

"(They will enter) 'Adn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting Gardens), which the Most Beneficent (Allah) has promised to His slaves in the unseen: Verily! His Promise must come to pass."

11) Verse 69: 

"Then indeed We shall drag out from every sect all those who were worst in obstinate rebellion against the Most Beneficent (Allah)."

12) Verse 75: 

"Say (O Muhammad) whoever is in error, the Most Beneficent (Allah) will extend (the rope) to him, until, when they see that which they were promised, either the torment or the Hour, they will come to know who is worst in position, and who is weaker in forces. "

13) Verse 78:

"Has he known the unseen or has he taken a covenant from the Most Beneficent (Allah)?"

14) Verse 85:

"The Day We shall gather the Muttaqun unto the Most Beneficent (Allah), like a delegate (presented before a king for honour)."

15) Verse 87: 

"None shall have the power of intercession, but such a one as has received permission (or promise) from the Most Beneficent (Allah)."

16) Verse 88: 

"And they say: "The Most Beneficent (Allah) has begotten a son (or offspring or children) [as the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah, and the Christians say that He has begotten a son ['Iesa (Christ) ], and the pagan Arabs say that He has begotten daughters (angels, etc.)].""

17) Verse 91: 

"That they ascribe a son (or offspring or children) to the Most Beneficent (Allah)."

18) Verse 92: 

"But it is not suitable for (the Majesty of) the Most Beneficent (Allah) that He should beget a son (or offspring or children)."

19) Verse 93: 

"There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes unto the Most Beneficent (Allah) as a slave."

20) Verse 96: 

"Verily, those who believe [in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger (Muhammad)] and work deeds of righteousness, the Most Beneficent (Allah) will bestow love for them (in the hearts of the believers)."

The name of Allah “Ar-Rahman” is mentioned 16 times. This name has been mentioned most in this Surah. 

b)      Taqwa

c)       Gifts (Mawahib) 

Out of the mercy of Allah is that He gives gifts. 

Part #1 - The Story of Zakariya and his son Yahya 

(Pillars of Faith)

Verses 1 to 15

Verse 2: 


"(This is) a mention of the mercy of your Lord to His slave Zakariya (Zachariah)."

Belief in Allah: 

1)  رحمة (Rahma)= Attribute of Allah

2) ربك (Rabbik) = Name of Allah

We believe that one of the names of Allah is Ar-Rabb and one of His attributes is Ar-Rahma. 

Belief in the Prophets and Messengers:

1)      Zakariya عليه السلام

We believe that one of the Messengers is Zakariya عليه السلام, whom Allah sent to Bani Israeel. 

Verse 3: 


"When he called out his Lord (Allah) a call in secret,"

Belief in Allah:

1)  رَبّه (Rabbahu) = Name of Allah 

Verse 4:


"Saying: "My Lord! Indeed my bones have grown feeble, and grey hair has spread on my head, And I have never been unblest in my invocation to You, O my Lord!"

This is the invocation of Zakariya عليه السلام to Allah. 

Belief in Allah:

1) ربي (Rabby) x2 = Name of Allah 

In most of the invocations of the Prophets, you find that they invoked Allah with this Name – because they want the special nurturing of Allah. Musa عليه السلام for example, said [as mentioned in Surah Al-Qasas 28:24]: 

"So he watered (their flocks) for them, then he turned back to shade, and said: "My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!"

And at the end of Surat Aal-Imran, in the dua made by the Ulol-Albab [3:191-194]:

"Those who remember Allah (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire."

"Our Lord! Verily, whom You admit to the Fire, indeed, You have disgraced him, and never will the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers) find any helpers."

"Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one (Muhammad) calling to Faith: 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed. Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and remit from us our evil deeds, and make us die in the state of righteousness along with Al-Abrar (those who are obedient to Allah and follow strictly His Orders)."

"Our Lord! Grant us what You promised unto us through Your Messengers and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection, for You never break (Your) Promise."

The name Ar-Rabb has been mentioned over 5 times. 

Verse 5: 


"And Verily! I fear my relatives after me, since my wife is barren. So give me from Yourself an heir"

Belief in Allah:

1) فهب لي (Fahab Li)

This is one of the actions of Allah; Allah is the one who gives. And giving a gift is giving without taking it back. Children are called a Hiba; they are gifts from Allah, as Allah mentioned in Surah Shura [42:49]:

"To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills. He bestows female (offspring) upon whom He wills, and bestows male (offspring) upon whom He wills."

Verse 6: 


""Who shall inherit me, and inherit (also) the posterity of Ya'qub (Jacob) (inheritance of the religious knowledge and Prophethood, not the wealth, etc.). And make him, my Lord, one with whom You are Well-pleased!".

Belief in Allah: 

1) ربي (Rabby) - Name of Allah

2) رضيا (Radiya)  - Action of Allah 

Manners are a provision. Just as you ask Allah for money and food, you should ask Allah to give you good manners. 

Belief in the Prophets and Messengers:

1) Ya’qoub عليه السلام

Verse 7: 


"(Allah said) "O Zakariya (Zachariah)! Verily, We give you the glad tidings of a son, His name will be Yahya (John). We have given that name to none before (him)."

Belief in Allah: 

1) نبشرك (Nubashirok) – This is an action of Allah.  He is the One who gives you good news.  In Surah An-Najm [53:43]:


"And that it is He (Allah) Who makes (whom He wills) laugh, and makes (whom He wills) weep;"

Belief in the Prophets and Messengers:

1) Yahya عليه السلام; the son of Zakariya عليه السلام

He was given to Zakariya when he was 70 or 80 years old. 

Verse 8: 


"He said: "My Lord! How can I have a son, when my wife is barren, and I have reached the extreme old age."

Belief in Allah:

1) ربي (Rabby) - Name of Allah 

Verse 9:


He said: "So (it will be). Your Lord says; It is easy for Me. Certainly I have created you before, when you had been nothing!"

Belief in Allah:

1) ربك (Rabbuka) - Name of Allah 

2) خلقتك (Khalaqtuka) - Action of Allah 

3) هيّن (Hayin) – Any matter that Allah wants to do is easy for Him. Do not think that anything is impossible. Allah can do anything. Allah related this story in order to tell you not to think that your problem or calamity has no solution. As long as you believe in Allah, do not lose hope. Allah is able to take you out of any distress you are in because you are His slave. 

Verse 10:


[Zakariya (Zachariah)] said: "My Lord! Appoint for me a sign." He said: "Your sign is that you shall not speak unto mankind for three nights, though having no bodily defect."

Belief in Allah:

1) ربي (Rabby) - Name of Allah 

Verse 12:


"(It was said to his son): "O Yahya (John)! Hold fast the Scripture [the Taurat (Torah)]." And We gave him wisdom while yet a child."

Belief in Allah: 

1) ءاتيناه (Aataynahu) - One of the Actions of Allah is that He is the One who gives.

Belief in the Prophets and Messengers:

1) Yahya عليه السلام

Belief in the Books: 

1)  الكتاب (Al-Kitab)

Q. What book did Allah order Yahya to hold fast to? 

Verse 15:


"So Peace on him the day he was born the day that he dies and the day that he will be raised up to life (again)!"

Belief in the Day of Judgement: 

1) و يوم يبعث حيّا (Wa Yawm Yb'athu Hayya)

The Story of Maryam عليها السلام and Zakariya عليه السلام in Surat Aal-Imran

The story of Zakariya عليه السلام is mentioned in more detail in Surat Aal-Imran. Allah began with the invocation of Zakariyah عليه السلام in Surah Maryam, and when Allah gave him what he asked for, he was amazed. Why? When Zakariya عليه السلام invoked his invocation, he forgot his invocation, because as mentioned in Surah Aal-Imran, he saw Maryam عليها السلام in a state where Allah gave her without means. She would have the fruits of the winter during the summer, and when he asked her where she got it from, she said she got it from Allah and that Allah provides for whoever He wills without limit. At that moment, he forgot the impossibility of his situation and how he could not get a child at all, and he invoked Allah. In Surah Aal-Imran [3:33-39]:

Verse 33:


"Allah chose Adam, Nuh (Noah), the family of Ibrahim (Abraham) and the family of 'Imran above the 'Alamin (mankind and jinns) (of their times)."

Verse 34:


"Offspring, one of the other, and Allah is the All-Hearer, All-Knower."

Verse 35:


"(Remember) when the wife of 'Imran said: "O my Lord! I have vowed to You what (the child that) is in my womb to be dedicated for Your services (free from all worldly work; to serve Your Place of worship), so accept this, from me. Verily, You are the All-Hearer, the All-Knowing."

This was Maryam’s عليها السلام mother and Yahya’s عليه السلام aunty; i.e. The wife of Zakariya عليه السلام is Maryams عليها السلام's mother’s sister. 

"محررا" (Muharraran) - i.e. Free from all worldly work. They would be servants for the sacred house, which was Masjid Al-Aqsa.

Verse 36:


"Then when she delivered her [child Maryam (Mary)], she said: "O my Lord! I have delivered a female child," - and Allah knew better what she delivered, - "And the male is not like the female, and I have named her Maryam (Mary), and I seek refuge with You (Allah) for her and for her offspring from Shaitan (Satan), the outcast."

It was known that only males were servants for Masjid Al-Aqsa. 

The invocations of parents have an effect on their children. The Prophet ﷺ said: 

كُلُّ بَنِي آدَمَ يَمَسُّهُ الشَّيْطَانُ يَوْمَ وَلَدَتْهُ أُمُّهُ إِلاَّ مَرْيَمَ وَابْنَهَا

The Shaytan touches every son of Adam on the day when his mother gives birth to him with the exception of Mary and her son. [Muslim]

Every human being is touched by the Shaytan at birth, which is why babies cry, except for Maryam عليها السلام and her son Isa عليه السلام, because of the invocation of her mother. Do not be miserly with your children, pray for them every day. 

Verse 37:


"So her Lord (Allah) accepted her with goodly acceptance. He made her grow in a good manner and put her under the care of Zakariya (Zachariya). Every time he entered Al-Mihrab to (visit) her , he found her supplied with sustenance. He said: "O Maryam (Mary)! From where have you got this?" She said, "This is from Allah." Verily, Allah provides sustenance to whom He wills, without limit."

Verse 38:


"At that time Zakariya (Zachariya) invoked his Lord, saying: "O my Lord! Grant me from You, a good offspring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation.""

At that exact moment, Zakariya عليه السلام made his invocation. He forgot everything and remembered the attribute of Allah – that Allah is Able to give you anything without limit; without means. Just ask Allah while having trust in Him and knowing that He is able to give you. 

The rest of the invocation is mentioned in Surah Maryam. 

Verse 39:


"Then the angels called him, while he was standing in prayer in Al-Mihrab (a praying place or a private room), (saying): "Allah gives you glad tidings of Yahya (John), confirming (believing in) the Word from Allah [i.e. the creation of 'Iesa (Jesus) , the Word from Allah ("Be!" - and he was!)], noble, keeping away from sexual relations with women, a Prophet, from among the righteous.""

What was he doing when the angels called him? He was standing in prayer in Al-Mihrab. Do good deeds, think good of Allah, and ask Him and He is able to give you without limit. 

Allah did not just give him a son, but a righteous son who was a Prophet.

Part #1 - The Story of Zakariya and his son Yahya

(Verse by Verse)

Verse 1: 


"Kaf- Ha-Ya-'Ain-Sad. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Quran, and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings]."

The verses after these letters either talk about the Qur’an or a miracle which you are unable to do. 

Verse 2: 


"(This is) a mention of the mercy of your Lord to His slave Zakariya (Zachariah)."

"ذكر" (Dhikr) = (This is) a mention / remembrance 

This word is repeated before Allah mentioned each Prophet. Allah wants us to remember these Prophets because they are our role-models. They reached the peak in their invocation and worship. We should follow them, believe in them, love them, and take them as our role-models.

In Surah Al-Baqarah [2:285]:

"The Messenger (Muhammad) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. They say, "We make no distinction between one another of His Messengers" - and they say, "We hear, and we obey. (We seek) Your Forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return (of all)."

"رحمت ربك عبده زكريا" - of the mercy of your Lord to His slave Zakariya 

Before Allah mentioned Zakariya, He called him his slave (عبده). This is to show us that if we want mercy, we should be slaves of Allah. Allah gave Zakariya عليه السلام His mercy because he was His slave. He invoked Allah, and even when the angels gave him glad tidings he was in the Mihrab praying. Be a slave to Allah and He will include you in His mercy. 

Verse 3:


"When he called out his Lord (Allah) a call in secret,"

The mercy of Allah is when Allah made him invoke Him. 

Allah mentioned "نادى" (called) and "خفيا" (in secret). We know that calling is loudly, but in secret means in secret. How can you call in secret? From Surat Aal-Imran we learn that he invoked Allah in the Mihrab. He was alone, and some Scholars said it was in the middle of the night. Another Prophet delayed his invocation to the last part of the night, when his sons asked him to invoke: Ya’qoub عليه السلام.

Why did he call in secret? The Scholars mentioned three reasons:

1) Calling in secret indicates sincerity. All your invocations should be generally done in secret, except in situations where, for example, you do it openly in order to show your children how to invoke and teach them that whenever they have a need they should direct it to Allah. Otherwise, when there is no need, you do not need to invoke in front of people. 

2)  The people would not understand. They would say, “Why are invoking Allah for a son after you are old?”

3)  Because he was old and weak and did not have the strength to say it loudly.

Verse 4:


"Saying: "My Lord! Indeed my bones have grown feeble, and grey hair has spread on my head, And I have never been unblest in my invocation to You, O my Lord!"

The first thing he did was describe his situation.

"قال ربي" - Saying: "My Lord! 

All the Prophets began their dua with the name “Ar-Rabb” because they wanted the special nurturing of Allah. If Allah accepts your invocation, He will run your affairs in at easy way. You will see people running here and there tiredly and wasting their time, and your need comes to you just by invoking Allah - Because He is the one who runs the affairs. 

"إني وهن العظم مني" - Indeed my bones have grown feeble

He began with his bones because the body is kept up with bones. If bones are weak the entire body is weak. 

"واشتعل الرّأس شيبا" - and grey hair has spread on my head

i.e. Im old and it is a message my death is near.

This is one of the best ways to ask Allah; I am poor, and you the only one who is Rich. I am in need and no one can fulfil my need except you. I am ignorant, and you are the only one who is Most Knowledgeable. I am unable to do anything, and you are the only one who is Qaadir Muqtadir. The more you describe your weakness to Allah and show how much you are in need of Him and cannot do anything without His help, the more He will help you. All the doors are closed in front of you and you have no door except His door. You know He will not let you down because you are weak and do not have anyone except Him. No one knows about your pain except Him. No one can relieve you from your situation except Him. Describe your situation to Allah and show humility to Him.

"و لم أكن بدعائك ربي شقيا" - And I have never been unblest in my invocation to You, O my Lord! 

Do not be one of the people who forget the gifts of Allah. How many times have you been sick and asked Allah to heal you and He healed you? How many times have you asked Allah to make the way for something easy for you and He made it? Keep a memory of how many times you asked Allah and He gave you. Like Allah gave you before, He can give you now. Know He will not let you down. 

Verse 5:


"And Verily! I fear my relatives after me, since my wife is barren. So give me from Yourself an heir,"

"و إني خفت الموالي من وراءى" - And Verily! I fear my relatives after me

He was afraid of who would be in charge of the religion after his death. He did not find anyone able to be an Imam from among Bani Israeel and was afraid that the Religion would be lost. Some think he asked Allah for a child because he did not have children, but he did not ask Allah for a son for himself. He wanted a son to be in charge of the religion after his death.

"و كانت امرأتي عاقرا" -  And my wife is barren

The name of his wife was ‘Aasha who was the sister of Henna; the mother of Maryam. 

"فهب لي من لَّدُنك وليا" - So give me from Yourself an heir

He said Wali and not Walad (a son). He asked for a child to take on the Wilayah of the Religion, and inherit prophethood. This was his greatest concern. 

Allah said in Surah Al-Baqarah [2:133] regarding the concern of another Prophet -  Ya'qoub عليه السلام - when he was on his death bed: 

"Or were you witnesses when death approached Ya'qub (Jacob)? When he said unto his sons, "What will you worship after me?" They said, "We shall worship your Ilah (God - Allah), the Ilah (God) of your fathers, Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma'il (Ishmael), Ishaque (Isaac), One Ilah (God), and to Him we submit (in Islam)."

Verse 6:


""Who shall inherit me, and inherit (also) the posterity of Ya'qub (Jacob) (inheritance of the religious knowledge and Prophethood, not the wealth, etc.). And make him, my Lord, one with whom You are Well-pleased!".

"يرثني و يرث من ءال يعقوب" - Who shall inherit me, and inherit (also) the posterity of Ya'qub (Jacob) 

The Prophet ﷺ said in a Hadith: 

الْعُلَمَاءُ خُلَفَاءُ الأَنْبِيَاءِ إِنَّ الأَنْبِيَاءَ لَمْ يُوَرِّثُوا دِينَارًا وَلا دِرْهَمًا إِنَّمَا وَرَّثُوا الْعِلْمَ

The scholars are the successors of the prophets. Verily, the prophets do not pass on gold and silver coins, but rather they only impart knowledge. [Musnad al-Bazzar]

The Prophets do not leave anything behind as inheritance. So when Zakariya عليه السلام said “يرثني” (Yarithony), it does not mean he will inherit money; it means he will inherit knowledge, wisdom, prophethood.

"وجعله ربي رضيا" - And make him, my Lord, one with whom You are Well-pleased

 – i.e. A righteous son that you are pleased with. This is the highest goal any slave of Allah has; that Allah is pleased with him and his children.

Who will be pleased? Allah will be pleased with him and people will be pleased with him because of his good characteristics and manners.

The invocation of Zakariya عليه السلام is now over. From it we learn: 

1)      Choose a suitable time and place when invoking Allah. A suitable time: the time of the acceptance of dua. A suitable place: Away from the people. Let your invocation be sincere to Allah.

2)      When you invoke show your humility, need, weakness to Allah. The more you are humble to Allah and describe your need and weakness to Him, the more He will give you.

3)      Remember the gifts and bounties Allah has given you before. He will give you now just as He gave you before.

4)      Ask Allah with His Name “Ar-Rabb”

Verse 7: 


"(Allah said) "O Zakariya (Zachariah)! Verily, We give you the glad tidings of a son, His name will be Yahya (John). We have given that name to none before (him)."

Allah gave him a son and Allah named that son. And He named him with a name that no one had been named with before. Allah called him يحيا (Yahya) which means "He will live". حياة means "life". 

Some of the Scholars said that no one had a son with his characteristics before. 

Qatadah said that Allah named him Yahya because Allah gave him life with faith.

Yahya عليه السلام thus had two distinguishing characteristics: Allah is the One who named him and Allah named him with a name which no one before him had. This is an honour for him. 

Verse 8: 


"He said: "My Lord! How can I have a son, when my wife is barren, and I have reached the extreme old age."

"قال ربي أنٌى يكون لي غلام" - He said: "My Lord! How can I have a son

When Allah gave Zakariya the glad tidings of a son, he was amazed. It was as if he had forgotten the obstacles preventing him from having a child when he saw Maryam عليه السلام's state and because of his great desire to have a son.

"و كانت امرأتي عاقرا و قد بلغت من الكبر عتيا" - when my wife is barren, and I have reached the extreme old age.

These were two preventives from having a son, in his wife and in him. 

Verse 9: 


"He said: "So (it will be). Your Lord says; It is easy for Me. Certainly I have created you before, when you had been nothing!"

"قال كذالك قال ربك هو علي هين" - He said: "So (it will be). Your Lord says; It is easy for Me

Allah is able to do everything; nothing is impossible in front of the ability of Allah. 

In Surah an-Nahl [16:40]:

"Verily! Our Word unto a thing when We intend it, is only that We say unto it: "Be!" and it is."

"و قد خلقتك من قبل و لم تك شيئا" - Certainly I have created you before, when you had been nothing!

Allah created Adam عليه السلام from nothing, and creating a human being from a father and mother is easier than creating a human being from nothing. 

Verse 10: 


"[Zakariya (Zachariah)] said: "My Lord! Appoint for me a sign." He said: "Your sign is that you shall not speak unto mankind for three nights, though having no bodily defect."

Zakariya عليه السلام wanted a sign for his wifes pregnancy. He was so happy that he wanted to see the sign in front of his eyes. When a couple is married and are awaiting pregnancy, they wait anxiously. Zakariya wanted to see the sign immediately – so that his heart would be in tranquillity. This is like Ibrahim عليه السلام in Surah Al-Baqarah [2:260]:

"And (remember) when Ibrahim (Abraham) said, "My Lord! Show me how You give life to the dead." He (Allah) said: "Do you not believe?" He [Ibrahim (Abraham)] said: "Yes (I believe), but to be stronger in Faith." He said: "Take four birds, then cause them to incline towards you (then slaughter them, cut them into pieces), and then put a portion of them on every hill, and call them, they will come to you in haste. And know that Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise."

He did not doubt that Allah was telling the truth, but he wanted to see it. Knowledge is of three levels:

1) علم اليقين ('Ilm al-Yaqeen) - This is knowing something  

2) عين اليقين ('Ayn al-Yaqeen) -  This is seeing it with your own eyes

3) حق اليقين (Haqq al-Yaqeen)  – This is living it 

E.g. You tell your little daughter who has not seen honey before about honey. This is علم اليقين ('Ilm al-Yaqeen). Then you bring it for her and she sees it; this is عين اليقين ('Ayn al-Yaqeen). Then she tastes the honey; this is حق اليقين (Haqq al-Yaqeen).

Zakariya and Ibrahim عليهما السلام wanted to go from علم اليقين ('Ilm al-Yaqeen) to عين اليقين ('Ayn al-Yaqeen), which is why Allah gave him a sign. What was the sign? He was not able to speak for three days and three nights except the remembrance of Allah, without having any disease or sickness. 

Verse 11: 


"Then he came out to his people from Al-Mihrab (a praying place or a private room, etc.), he told them by signs to glorify Allah's Praises in the morning and in the afternoon."

"فخرج على قومه من المحراب" -  Then he came out to his people from Al-Mihrab 

The Mihrab is not the Mihrab we know nowadays. Nowadays it refers to the place the Imam stands in the Masjid. Here, Mihrab refers to the place where you worship. 

"فأوحى إليهم أن سبحوا بكرة و عشيا" - he told them by signs to glorify Allah's Praises in the morning and in the afternoon.

He made signs because he was not able to speak, telling them to glorify Allah. 

Some Scholars said "سبحوا" (Sabihoo) means prayer and that بكرة (Bukra) and عشيا ('Ashiya) is the time of Fajr and Maghrib. Prayer was obligatory on all Prophets and it was the same time for all Prophets. 

Other Scholars said it does not refer to prayer but to Tasbeeh. 

Why did he tell his people to glorify Allah at that time? Because this son is not only for Zakariya عليه السلام, it is for the entire nation. Just as we praise Allah for sending Muhammad ﷺ, Zakariya عليه السلام tells his nation to glorify Allah because He is sending a prophet.

After Allah mentions this story, He then talks to Yahya:

Verse 12: 


"(It was said to his son): "O Yahya (John)! Hold fast the Scripture [the Taurat (Torah)]." And We gave him wisdom while yet a child."

"يا يحيى خذ الكتاب بقوة" - O Yahya (John)! Hold fast the Scripture 

Which Scripture? The Torah. 

Allah orders Yahya عليه السلام to hold fast to the Torah. Just as we should recite the Qur'an, know its meaning, ponder over it, act upon it, and take it as a way of life, Allah ordered Yahya عليه السلام to do the same when He commanded him to hold fast to the Torah. 

"و ءاتيناه الحكم صبيا" - And We gave him wisdom while yet a child.

Some Scholars say Al-Hukm is prophethood. He was a Prophet when he was only 7 years old; before he reached the age of puberty.


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