The Pillars of Faith 2 - (19/4/17)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Q. Why did Allah create us? 
A. To Worship Him

Q. What are some examples of Worship?
A. Praying, Fasting, Giving in Charity, Reading Quran, Seeking Knowledge, Worships of the Heart - Believing in the Unseen, Loving Allah, Fearing Allah, Patience, Relying on Allah, etc. 
Worshipping Allah is not limited to prostrating, bowing, fasting. We should make our entire lives a worship to Allah. We should eat, drink, wake up, sleep, deal with people, in the way Allah wants us to. We should speak for Allah, shake hands for Allah, etc.
In Surah Adh-Dhariyat [51:56]:

"And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone)."

You can be a worshipper wherever you are, whoever you are. 

Q. Who are the best worshippers amongst humans? 
A. The best worshippers are the Prophets and Messengers. They worship Allah 24/7.

Q. What distinguishes people in worship? 
A. الإيمان (Faith)
The more you believe, the more your worship is. Faith is believing in what you do not see, because Allah is the One who is Informing you about it. And this is the test - if you saw what you need to believe in, there would be no test. 
We need to program ourselves to think with the correct beliefs.

Q. How many Pillars of Faith are there? 
A. Six:
1) Belief in Allah
2) Belief in the Angels
3) Belief in the Books
4) Belief in the Messengers
5) Belief in the Last Day
6) Belief in the Decrees, good and bad.


Never underestimate faith, because an atom of it can save a person from eternity in Hellfire.

We believe that Allah has Encompassed Everything with His Knowledge

Allah knows about all of us in this one place and what each and every one of us are thinking. He knows about what we did, what we are doing, and what we will do in the future. 
Allah knows about the unborn child, when he will be born, what his name will be, how his life will be, in detail. Allah encompasses us in knowledge even before we existed.

If you believe that Allah knows about you, it will change you as a person. Even your husband, your mother, and close friend, do not know many things about you. Sometimes you explain your problem to them again and again, but they do not feel what you feel. When you know that Allah encompasses everything in knowledge, you will complain to Him alone and speak to Him.

Similarly, if you are thinking bad or doing bad, Allah knows about you. Even in the darkness of the night, Allah knows about you. And this should make you cautious about your actions.

We believe that only Allah Knows the Unseen

Our future, for example, is unseen. We do not go to fortunetellers, read horoscopes, palm reading, because we believe that no one knows the unseen except Allah. To believe that anyone else knows the unseen is Shirk. 
And if what the fortunetellers say happens, it happens as a test. 
كذب المنجمون و لو صدقوا - Fortunetellers have lied even if they spoke the truth 

Do not open any gate to this, even playing the number guessing games which children play.

If someone goes to a fortuneteller and they tell her that she will have a big problem or that she will die soon, she will live in misery. If there was good in knowing the unseen, Allah would have told us about it. You do not need to know the unseen, you just need to focus on your actions.

Also, we do not know what is in anyone's heart, we only know the outside. So many times we put ourselves in problems, when we assume that we know what people are thinking. Do not go too deep; leave the people's hearts and secrets for Allah. 

We believe that Allah is All-Able
If He Wants to do Anything, He says "Be" and it is

Allah is Able to do everything. Allah is Able to recreate us, Allah is Able to bring life to the dead, Allah is Able to provide you from where you do not expect.

You wonder how an 80 year old lady can have a baby, a person in a terrible car accident can come out without a scratch? Allah is Able to do everything. This belief answers all the questions that mystify us. 

E.g. Maryam عليه السلام in the Quran. A man never touched her, and yet she gave birth to a baby. Allah is Able to do everything. 

With all the impossibilities, such as the doctors saying there is no cure or solution for a sick person, then with your belief that Allah is Able to do everything, Allah will bring you the cure, even with just water. Everything is possible with Allah. إن الله على كل شيء قدير. 

Allah is Powerful, but we underestimate His power. All He says is Be, and it will be.

Belief that to Allah belongs the Judgement in this Universe

Allah is the One who set the laws, because to Him belongs the judgement. Accordingly, Allah will judge between those who follow the laws and those who do not on the Day of Judgement.

So do not judge people. You do not know if that person is going to Paradise, or if that person is going to Hell. That person may change in the last moment of his life. It is not our job to judge people. Allah did not create us to judge, He created us to act. It is only your job to advise them and convey the message, not judge them. Whether they listen or do not listen is not upon you, it is upon them. 

We believe that Allah rose over His Throne

Allah is not everywhere; He is up above the seventh Heaven, over His Throne. He rose over His Throne in a manner which suits His Majesty. We do not know how, but we believe.
Allah is above in His Essence, but He is close to us with His Knowledge. He Knows about us, He Hears us, He Sees us. He knows what we are thinking, whispering to ourselves, what we are saying, even though He is above the Throne.

We believe that Allah is above all of His Creation by His Essence and Attributes

Allah's beauty is above anyone elses beauty, Allah's Generosity is above the generosity of any one of His creation, His Knowledge is above the knowledge of everyone else. There is no comparison between Allah and any one of His Creation.

We believe that He is with His Creation with His Knowledge, Hearing, and Seeing, although He is Above His Throne

Allah is above the Throne, but He is with you wherever you are by His Knowledge. If you are in this country, Allah is with you. When you go to another country, Allah is with you. When you are in your car, Allah is with you.

If it was said to you there was a camera in your room, you would behave well. Do not be afraid of the cameras of the Dunya; Allah is watching you 24/7, and He is even watching your heart. That is why when you perform good deeds, you do not need anyone else to know about it, because Allah Knows. You do not care about your position in front of people, but your position in front of Allah. Belief changes a person.

We believe that Allah comes down every night to the sky of the Dunya and says:
Who is calling Me so I can answer him? Who is asking Me so I can give him? Who is seeking My forgiveness so I can forgive him?  

Even when Allah comes down, nothing is above Him. And He does not need anyone or anything to bring Him down. There is nothing like Allah.

When does Allah come down? At the last third of every night, before Fajr.
Every night we have an open invitation from Allah. He comes down in a manner which suits His Majesty. This time is a blessed time.

Why does Allah come down? For us.

Among humans, the servant is the one who takes care of the master. It is an amazing relationship, that the Master of masters comes down to ask you what you want. 
E.g. If you are told that the Sheikh of the country will come to a certain place at a certain time, and while you are there, if you ask him whatever you want, he will give it to you. There will be lines and queues behind him. This is our reaction with people. To Allah belongs the highest example - He is the King of Kings coming down and asking us what we want. We are all our slaves of Allah, and our Lord comes down and asks us what we want, yet we are sleeping at that time. This is a big opportunity.

When you believe this, you will take action. Belief makes you take actions.

We believe that Allah is the One who Commands and Prohibits

Allah commanded us to pray, fast in Ramadan, go for Hajj if we are able, etc. When we say that Allah said, it is different from when we say so-and-so said. Something is Haraam because Allah said it is Haraam.

We believe that Allah will come on the Day of Judgement to Judge between the People

We are in this life to worship Allah and as a test. On the Day of Judgement, Allah will come and separate the people when He resurrects them for accounting - from the believer who passed the test and the disbelievers who failed the test. We have the choice to believe or disbelieve.
