The Book of Prayer - كتاب الصلاة - The Description of the Prayer - (22/2/17)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


This Chapter contains approximately 50 Hadith. The Author رحمه الله generally arranged this chapter in choronological order: 

  • He began with the Hadith of the Prophet describing the prayer to one of the Companions
  • Then the Companions describing the prayer of the Prophet  
  • The Opening Supplications 
  • How to raise your hand in Takbir
  • How to put your hands when standing in prayer 
  • The Fatihah and what to say if you do not know
  • Do you say بسم الله  loudly or quietly
  • Saying "آمين"
  • What the Prophet used to recite after Fatihah
  • Do you recite Quran in Rukoo' and Sujood? 
  • What you should say in Rukoo'
  • What you should say when rising from Rukoo'. Etc.

Hadith #210:



The Description of the Prayer by the Prophet  

The Scholars called this Hadith حديث المسيء في صلاته (The one who prayed badly). It is regarding the Companion Khalad Ibn Rafi', who entered the Masjid and prayed incorrectly, then greeted the Prophet ﷺ with Salam. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ returned his greeting and said: "Go back and pray, for you have not prayed." So he went back and prayed as he has prayed before, then he came to the Prophet 

ﷺ and greeted him with Salam, and the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said to him: "و عليك السلام (and upon you be peace). Go back and pray for you have not prayed." He did that three times, then the man said: "By the One Who sent you with the truth, I cannot do any better than that; teach me." He said: "When you stand to pray, say the Takbir, then recite whatever is easy for you of Quran. Then bow until you have tranquility in your bowing, then stand up until you are standing straight. Then prostrate until you have tranquility in your prostration, then sit up until you have tranquility in your sitting. Then do that throughout your entire prayer." [Mentioned in An-Nasaa'i #884] 

"فأسبغ الوضوه  ثم استقبل القبلة"

Performing ablution and facing the Qibla are conditions of the prayer. There are three occasions when you are allowed to not pray towards the Qibla:

  1. Voluntary Prayers when on a Mount 
  2. When in Fear
  3. When you are sick and unable to direct yourself to the Qibla.

"ثم اركع حتى تطمئن راكعاً"

Rukoo' is a pillar of prayer, and performing the pillars with calmness is also a pillar. That is why the word "تطمئن" is mentioned repeatedly. The definition of calmness can be found in another narration, "حتى ترجع العظام" ("..until each bone returns to its position".)

Hadith #211:


The Description of the Prayer of the Prophet by a Companion

"فإذا ركع أمكن يديه من ركبتيه  ثم هصر ظهره"

When you make Rukoo' you open your fingers and grab your knees.

The Prophet ﷺ kept his back straight. In another narration it is mentioned, "If you put water on his back it would not spill over". Your back will not be straight until you do two things:

1) You put your hand exactly where your knees are 

2) You look at the place of prostration

The tips of your toes should be directed to the Qibla whilst in Sujood.

"و إذا جلس في الركعتين جلس على رجله اليسرى و نصب اليمنى"

The sitting of the first Tashahud is different from the sitting of the second Tashahud. In the sitting of the first Tashahud, you should:

-> Sit on your left foot keeping the right erect towards the direction of the Qibla.  


"و إذا جلس في الركعة الأخيرة قدم رجله اليسرى و نصب الأخرى و قعد على مقعدته"

There are two ways to sit for the second Tashahud:

-> You either sit on the ground while putting your left leg under the right, while the right is erect facing the Qibla 


-> Or you sit on the ground while putting your left leg under the right, without the right foot erect and facing the Qibla.

The Opening Supplication ( دعاء الإستفتاح)

It is not Sunnah to say all the Opening Supplications you know at once, alternate between them in your prayer.

Verdict: It is Sunnah to say the Opening Supplication.

Supplication #1

Hadith #212:



Some of the Scholars said it can also be said during the obligatory prayer, because the narration that he used to say it in the night prayer is not very correct.

1- You first Allah to forgive your sins

2- Then to guide you to the best qualities

3- Then to drive bad manners away from you

4- Then you praise Allah and glorify Him

5- You end the Dua with Tawbah and Istighfar

Supplication #2:

Hadith #213:



In this entire دعاء, you are asking Allah for forgiveness.

Supplication #3:

Hadith #214:


This supplication is the best according to Scholars, because you are not asking Allah for anything; just glorifying Him, magnifying Him, and praising Him.

If you do not know it, put a paper in front of you while you are praying, until you have it memorized.


This addition is a form of إستعاذه, not an Opening Supplication.

همزه = The Shaytan may touch a person and cause him to become mad.

نفخه = Puffing up with pride 

نفثه = To blow with spittle. When the magician does magic, he blows with spittle into the knot

You say the استعاذه at the beginning of the prayer because the Shaytan is your enemy, waiting to ruin your prayer.

Verdict: The إستعاذه is Sunnah.


Hadith #215:



Aisha رضي الله عنه is describing the prayer of the Prophet .  The Prophet forbade us from two things: 

1) The devils way of sitting (عقبة الشيطان)

1) Sitting on the ground while your feet are on either side directed to your right and left.

2) Sitting propped up on your toes while it is directed to the Qibla - This is سنة منسوخ (An abrogated Sunnah), so you can do it. You cannot do the sitting where your toes are not directed to the Qibla.

3)Sitting on your buttock while propping up your thighs in front of you with your hands behind your back on the ground.

2) افتراش السبع 

This is to prostrate while your entire arm is on the ground; similar to the sitting of dogs and wild beasts.


It is forbidden for us to imitate animals. Allah honored us. Whenever Allah talked about the dog or the donkey in the Quran, He does so with dispraise.

How to raise your hands when you make Takbir

Hadith #216:


Your prayer is incorrect without Takbiratul Ihram. When you raise your hands, you raise it whilst joining your fingers, not keeping it spaced out.

You either raise your hands:

1) Parallel to (the bottom of) your ears

2) Parallel to your Shoulders

It is alright to alternate between the two. 

Q. When do you raise your hands in Takbir? 

1- Takbirat Al-Ihram  

2- When you want to make Rukoo'

3- After you make Rukoo' 

4- After you get up from the First Tashahud (I.e. Beginning of the third Rak'ah) 

It is a common mistake to raise your hands while going to Sujood or getting up for the second Rak'ah. 

Some Scholars say this action indicates that you are throwing the Dunya behind your back, others said t indicates you are surrendering to Allah.

Hadith #217:



There are two ways to put your right hand over the left: 

1- Either the right on top of the left

2- Or grab your left wrist with your right hand

You can alternate between the two.

This shows your humility in front of Allah.

Reciting Surah Al-Fatihah is a Pillar of Prayer

Hadith #218:



If you prayed a Rak'ah and realized you did not recite Surah Al-Fatihah, this Rak'ah is null and void.

With regards to congregational prayer, it is prayed either quietly or loudly. If it is a quiet prayer, you recite Surah Al-Fatihah. Scholars differ if it is a loud prayer, some say the Imams recitation is sufficient for you, others say that when he finishes you should recite after him (This is the opinion of Ibn Othaimeen رحمه الله) 

If you do not have time, the recitation of the Imam is sufficient for you. 

Should the Basmalah be recited loudly or quietly? 

Hadith #219:


With regards to the loud prayers, the Scholars said that if you consider بسم الله part of the Fatihah, you should recite it loudly, however if you do not consider بسم الله part of the Fatihah then you recite it quietly. 

The Hadith Qudsi; "I have divided the prayer between Me and my Slaves" indicates that it is not part of the Fatihah as the first verse mentioned in it is "الحمد لله الرب العالمين", and this is the most correct position. But each position has its own evidence.

Verdict: Scholars differ with regards to whether it is obligatory or Mustahhab, according to whether you consider it part of Surah Al-Fatihah or not.
