(17/1/17) - The Sickness and The Cure - الدَّاء و الدّواء - Class 19

بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم

From the Consequences of Sins and Disobedience

And from its consequences: It calls for the neglect and abandonment of Allah of His slave and His leaving from between him and his Nafs and the Shaytan.

If Allah leaves you, who do you have to accommodate you? Do not underestimate small sins, ask Allah to forgive you. 

We need Allah to protect us from the evil of our selves and the Shaytan. 
If, for example, you had two kids fighting, you would come in between them, protecting one from the other. When Allah leaves a person, He will not come in between, He will leave him to himself and the Shaytan. 

In the morning and evening supplication we say: 

It is as if you are asking Allah to not leave you; to come between you and your Nafs and the Shaytan. 

How will you expect a person to be if he is left to himself and the Shaytan? Many people are rebellious and cause harm to people. You wonder how they can commit such crimes; it is because he committed sins, so Allah left him, and the Shaytan and his self dictate to him and he follows. He has no protection. Allah said in Surah Maryam [19:83]: 

"See you not that We have sent the Shayatin (devils) against the disbelievers to push them to do evil."

And here is destruction with which there is no hope for salvation. Allah said in Surah AlHashr [59:18-19]:

"O you who believe! Fear Allah and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what you do."

"اتقوا الله"
Have Taqwa of Allah, Do not follow your desires, because desires make you commit sins.

"ولتنظر نقس ما قدمت لغد" 
You are sending forward whatever deeds you do, whether good or bad, so look at what you are sending forward.

"إن الله خبير بما تعملون"
Allah is All-Aware of what you are doing. You need to be cautious of your actions.

"And be not like those who forgot Allah (i.e. became disobedient to Allah) and He caused them to forget their ownselves, (let them to forget to do righteous deeds). Those are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah)."

Their Action: "نسوا الله" - They Forgot Allah 
To forget Allah is to be heedless regarding Allah, His commands, to worship Allah, etc. The opposite of forgetting Allah, is to remember Him. We need reminders. 

How Allah dealt with them: "فأنساهم أنفسهم" - He caused them to forget their ownselves 
To forget themselves is to neglect themselves; forget to do what is good for them and benefits them and admits them into Paradise.

Observe and account yourself for what you are sending forward. If you send forward sins you will be of those who forget Allah. That is why the Prophet ﷺ said: 

لاَ يَزْنِي الزَّانِي حِينَ يَزْنِي وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ وَلاَ يَشْرَبُ الْخَمْرَ شَارِبُهَا حِينَ يَشْرَبُهَا وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ وَلاَ يَسْرِقُ السَّارِقُ حِينَ يَسْرِقُ وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ وَلاَ يَنْتَهِبُ نُهْبَةً يَرْفَعُ النَّاسُ إِلَيْهِ فِيهَا أَبْصَارَهُمْ حِينَ يَنْتَهِبُهَا وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ  

'The adulterer is not a believer at the moment when he is committing adultery, and the wine drinker is not a believer at the moment when he is drinking wine, and the thief is not a believer at the moment when he is stealing, and the robber is not a believer at the moment when he is robbing and people are looking on.'" [An-Nasaa'i #5659]

When you commit a sin, you forget Allah at that moment. If someone constantly sins, they will be of those who forget Allah, and accordingly will be made to forget to do what is good for themselves. They lead themselves to destructions by their own hands, completely forgetting about themselves. They put themselves through hardship after hardship and do not realize what they are doing. Desires have overcome their minds.
In Surah Ta-Ha [20:124-126]:

"And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind."

"He will say, "My Lord, why have you raised me blind while I was [once] seeing?"

"[Allah] will say, "Thus did Our signs come to you, and you forgot them; and thus will you this Day be forgotten."

This is dangerous because the person does not feel this punishment. They do evil to themselves and do not feel it. If Allah makes you forget yourself, who can remind you? Everyone tells you to take care of yourself, to not spoil yourself, to do what benefits you, and you do not see it. You feel like you are okay.


And from the consequences: It removes the slave from the circle of Ihsan, and prevents him from the reward of the Muhsineen

Ihsan is excellence and perfection; to do the best deeds, have the best dealings, perform the best worship;- as if you see Allah. 
Sins prevent a person from being of the Muhsineen. You want to do Ihsan in everything, but you are unable to. Also, sins prevent the reward. This is why we need to ask Allah for forgiveness.

Even if you do not know what sin you are committing, sometimes you notice that you are moving backwards and cannot do good. Make استغفار. 

For if Allah wanted good for him, He would have kept him within the general circle of believers.

It is a favour from Allah upon us to make us of the Muhsineen. Sins deprive this favour. So do not ever underestimate sins, abstain from sins as much as you can and ask forgiveness for them. Allah says in Surah An-Najm [53:32]:

"Those who avoid great sins and Al-Fawahish (illegal sexual intercourse, etc.) except the small faults, verily, your Lord is of vast forgiveness. He knows you well when He created you from the earth (Adam), and when you were fetuses in your mothers' wombs. So ascribe not purity to yourselves. He knows best him who fears Allah and keep his duty to Him"

Allah is واسع المغفرة (vast in forgiveness) to those who avoid the major sins. 

So if a person disobeys Allah with a sin which takes him out from the circle of faith, as the Prophet ﷺ said:  "The adulterer is not a believer at the moment when he is committing adultery, and the wine drinker is not a believer at the moment when he is drinking wine, and the thief is not a believer at the moment when he is stealing, and the robber is not a believer at the moment when he is robbing and people are looking on.'" [An-Nasaa'i #5659]
So beware, beware, and repentance is still presented after.

And from its consequences: It weakens the journey of the heart to Allah and the home of the Hereafter

We are travelers, and our hearts are travelling to Allah. Our hearts should always go forward; running to please Allah. If your heart is going forward to Allah, then all your limbs will follow. 
If you feel that there is an obstacle in this journey, where you want to go forward and do better, but are weakened, then it is due to your sins. Sins weaken the heart from journeying to Allah, and when the heart is weak, the body gets weak and lazy.

Allah said in Surah At-Tawbah [9:46] regarding the hypocrites who did not participate in the Battle of Tabuk:

"And if they had intended to march out, certainly, they would have made some preparation for it, but Allah was averse to their being sent forth, so He made them lag behind, and it was said (to them), "Sit you among those who sit (at home)."

They did not want to go, so a situation came which prevented them from going. Allah knows if your heart wants to go forward or not. Deal with Allah knowing that He knows everything about you.
Allah says that if they really wanted to go out, they would have prepared and made an effort to do so. But because they did not, Allah hated for them to come, and decreed a situation which discouraged them from participating. If you do not want to go forward a take advantage of the opportunity, then Allah is الغني, and can bring others instead of you. 
But we read the signs of Allah wrongly. If a good deed is opened up for you, then Allah wants you to take advantage of it. If you find obstacles, it does not mean that Allah does not want you to perform good deeds, but you need to look at yourself: Did you really want to perform it? If you were truthful, you would have prepared for it. 
