ءاثم من آوى محدثاً

بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ءاثم من آوى محدثاً 
The sin of the person who gives refuge or helps one who innovates a heresy (in the Religion) or commits sin

Narrated Asim: I asked Anas, "Did Allah's Messenger ﷺ make Al-Madinah a sanctuary?" He replied, "Yes, (Al-Madinah is a sanctuary) from such and such place to such and such place. It is forbidden to cut its trees, and whosoever innovates a heresy in it or commits a sin therein, will incur the curse of Allah, the Angels, and al the people" Then Musa bin Anas told me that Anas added, "...or gives refuge to heretic or a sinner" [Al-Bukhari #7306]


1- Al-Madinah is sacred, however its sanctity is lesser in degree than the sanctity of Makkah.

2- The prohibition of cutting its trees, except for what people need for the cultivation of the land and so on. This is in contrast to Makkah, where it is strictly to forbidden to cut trees, save Al-Idhkir. There is no penalty for cutting the trees in Al-Madinah, however the person who does so is considered a sinner.

3- The meaning of محدث includes: 
a) Innovation in the Religion
i.e. Inventing in the religion of Allah what Allah has not ordained or legislated such as the innovation of Al-Jahmiyyah and Al-Mu'tazilah

b) Al-Fitnah
i.e. To cause Fitnah in the affairs of the Muslim nation, such as crimes, killing men and women, causing enmity and hatred amongst Muslims, etc.

Practicing it in Madinah is more grievous than practicing it in any other place.

4- The Prophet ﷺ informed that Allah curse will be upon the innovator as well as the Angels and all the people. This is because Madinah is the a town of the Sunnah; of Prophethood. Everyone who hears the action of the innovator will curse him, because innovation is contrary to the Sunnah. 
However, the curse only applies to a person who innovates or causes Fitnah; it does not extend to the person who commits a sin. With that being said, a sin committed in Madinah is still more grievous than a sin committed anywhere else.

5 - "Giving Refuge" differs in meaning according to the meaning of محدث:
a) If the word Muhdith has a Kasrah (محدِث), it refers to supporting a criminal, protecting him from his opponents, and preventing the authorities from reaching and carrying out the penalty on him.

b) If the word Muhdath has a Fat'ha (محدٓث) it refers to being pleased with the innovation of the innovator; approving it and not denying it. [Ghareeb Al-Hadeeth by Ibn Al-Atheer] 

Ash-Shawkani said, "Muhdith with a Kasra is the person who causes mischief in the land by transgressing against others, and the one who gives him refuge is the one who prevents the law of retribution to be set on him" [Nail Al-Awraar]

The curse of Allah upon the person is not limited to Madinah, but extends to wherever he is, according to the following Hadeeth: 

Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said, "Whoever gives shelter to a thief, killer, fighter, those who should receive a legal punishment, or should pay back a right of Allah or the right of a human by preventing the obligatory right to be fulfilled, is his partner in crime (sin). And he is cursed according to the Hadeeth narrated by Ali in which he was asked, "Did the Messenfer of Allah ﷺ tell you anything that was only for you?" He said, "The Messenger of Allah ﷺ did not tell us anything that was for us only; that he did not tell all the people, except that which is in the sheath of my sword." He took out a document on which it was written: May Allah curse the one who offers a sacrifice to anything other than Allah, May Allah curse the one who changes (steals) the boundary markers, May Allah curse the one who curses his parents, and May Allah curse the one who gives refuge to a Muhdith" [Muslim]" [Al-Fatawa] 

6 - Shaikh Ibn Jibreen said, "Whoever calls to build theatres, bars, places for singing, then those who support him in it, enable him to do it, or say, "Leave him to do it, because there is an interest in that for the country" have in fact given refuge to a Muhdith.
Similarly, femenists who call women to display their beauty and adornment openly in  the way of Jahiliyyah and those who support them in that and say "leave them to do what they want" have given refuge to a Muhdith"

7 - If the one who gives refuge to, supports, or defends a Muhdith is cursed, then how about the Muhdith himself?
Innovation includes both innovation in the Aqeedah (belief/creed) and practical innovation. Whoever innovates in Al-Madinah will incur the curse of Allah, the Angels, and all the People. And whoever generally gives shelter to a Muhdith will incur the curse of Allah upon himself. 

8 - Innovating in the Religion has become very easy nowadays especially with the ease of the means of communication with people through Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, etc. One may encourage others to perform certain acts of worship by inventing stories or rewards and then circulating it amongst people. Many people, due to ignorance, then think that there is no harm in performing that action due to the reward that is stipulated. Therefore we should not give refuge to the one who invents in the religion by saying "Spread this and you will be rewarded" as this person has invented a lie against Allah and His Messenger ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever tells a lie against me (intentionally) then he will surely enter the Hell-Fire" [Al-Bukhari] 

- Sharh Saheeh Al-Bukhari by Shaikh Ibn 'Othaimeen
- Sharh Riyadus-Saleheen by Shaikh Ibn 'Othaimeen
- IslamQA
- Shaikha Anaheed's Explanation of the Aforementioned Hadeeth
