Protection of the Tongue - (31/7/16)

بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم
We want to maintain the faith we collected in Ramadan. We are approaching the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, the most virtuous days to Allah, and we will not be able to perform good deeds during it without Eeman. Eeman motivates us to take good actions.

A matter which greatly affects our faith is Our Tongue. 
The tongue has a great affect on the heart. Good speech softens the heart, whereas bad speech hardens the heart, until it causes a covering over the heart - such that when the person hears about Allah and the Last Day he will not be affected.

What is evil speech? قيل و قال -  This includes sinful talk, useless talk, speaking about that which does not concern you nor increases your faith.

E.g. You are depressed. Will you look for a person who increases your distress or someone who speaks good to you? Naturally you look for a person who will remind you of Allah's mercy, kindness, ability to remove your distress and grief. When you see a tiny plant grow between the rocks and cement, doesn't this give you hope? It tells you that Allah is able to make a way for you to come out of your distress. Her speech will affect your heart.
If another person tells you your sickness is chronic, your problem has no solution, your grief and sadness will increase. Your change in feelings is all due to the speech of the person. 

E.g. You are at work and get up to offer the Thuhr prayer. From morning until noon you have been indulged in talking about everything - both good and evil. When you stand for prayer, will you be able to collect your heart and remain focused? This is the affect of the tongue. 
You do not have to be at work, you can be at home indulged in useless talk on your phone.

The Prophet ﷺ was given the Qur'an, the greatest miracle. And it is the Speech of Allah. Allah said in [59:21]:

"Had We sent down this Quran on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rending asunder by the fear of Allah. Such are the parables which We put forward to mankind that they may reflect."

Look at how many embrace Islam because of the Qur'an, although they are non-Arabs and do not understand Arabic. Speech has an effect on our heart - it either increases our faith or decreases it. And in life, we hear more than we see.  

In [50:18]:

"Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it)."

رقيب = Watchful
عتيد = Ready to Record
يلفظ literally means 'to throw out'. When you speak, it is like you are throwing arrows - either arrows of good, or evil. 

In order to maintain the softness of our hearts, we need to protect our tongues. Al-Bukhari رحمه الله mentioned in كتاب رقاق (The Book of Softening the Hearts), What is disliked of قيل و قال (Chapter 22) In it, he mentioned the following narration:

After this chapter, He mentioned the following chapter:

He emphasizes protecting our tongues from قيل و قال, asking too many questions, etc. Then he mentions the first Hadith, which teaches us what will help us control our tongues: Belief in Allah and the Last Day.

Strengthen your faith in Allahs Watchfulness, His Greatness, of the Day when you will be recompensed for your deeds. This will make you protect your tongue. 
The weaker your faith becomes, the more you will carelessly speak. The stronger your faith is, the more you will watch your tongue. In [82:10-12]:

"But verily, over you (are appointed angels in charge of mankind) to watch you."

"Kiraman (honourable) Katibin writing down (your deeds)."

"They know all that you do."

In order to fall under the category of those who protect their tongue, you need to:
1) Speak Good
2) Or Remain Silent

Our issue is not in speaking good, it is in remaining silent. And this is an obligation on us, because of لام الأمر (The Lam of Command). And whatever is an obligation, is an act of worship.

Bukhari رحمه الله mentions the Second Hadith:

So whoever does not protect what is in between his jaws and between his legs will not have this guarantee. These are two organs we have to safeguard from illegal actions in order to be guaranteed Paradise. Do not use them except in what is right, legal, and pleasing to Allah.

The guest refers to the person who comes from another country; the traveler. You are allowed to turn the resident out. The period for entertaining a guest is three days and a night, being extra generous and giving him a high quality meal on the first day and night. Imam Malik said that on the first day and night you should entertain him generously, particularize him with special food and treatment, give him valuable gifts according to your means, and protect him. Some scholars said the entertaining should be done for three days, others said only a day and a night. This is related to your belief in Allah and the Last Day. 

What is the connection between this and your tongue? As soon as someone who does not fear Allah and the Last Day hears of a guest coming, He will think of excuses and apologies to turn him out. Although, the Salaf used to say, "The guests come and leave with the sins of the people of the house". In other words, it is a blessing to have guests.

When the guest comes, we should keep his secrets, not defame his honour, speak good about him, hold our tongues from complaining, bear his harm, etc. Take care of your tongue. You will have great rewards with Allah if you do that. 

What are the evil consequences of not protecting ones tongue? 

A person may be very close to Allah, His pleasure, and Paradise, but then may say one word carelessly which will cause him to slip into Hell.

Both of the two parties in the Hadith uttered a word, and both of them did not give importance to what they said. However, one said good, and the other said evil, and one was received with the Pleasure of Allah, and the other with the Anger of Allah. 

What should our attitude be?

#1 - Whenever we want perform an action or say something, we should be truthful and sincere.
Do everything and say everything for the sake of Allah, hoping for His reward, and nothing from people. Did the person who removed the thorn from the road imagine his reward would be received by Allah with forgiveness of sins and admittance into Paradise? 

Know you have a Lord who is Forgiving and Appreciative (غفور شكور) so do not belittle any good deed. Even if you do an atoms weight of good deed, Allah will add it to your scaled and reward you for it. Nothing will go in vain with Allah.  

When you do a good deed, do not look at it as a favour to Allah, look at it as something minor. Allah deserves more. Our good deeds are nothing and full of shortcomings and mistakes. 

#2- If it happened that you committed a sin, repent to Allah.
Do not belittle the sin. Many people commit sins boldly because they believe that what they are doing is minor, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. They do not know that Allah is Severe in Punishment. Do not look at the smallness of the sin, but the Greatness of Allah.

#3- Know that you cannot guarantee that Allah accepted your good deed, but have hope. 

Never look at your good deeds as abundant. Look at for who sake you are doing it for. Expect and wait for the reward from Allah.

#4 - Contemplate on the state of your tongue. 

Look at how we criticize everything day and night. We criticize the blessings of Allah, the actions of Allah, the wisdom of Allah. Whenever Allah withholds something we like and desire, we speak with discontent. Whenever Allah gives us something we think we don't need, we say '...If only it was another color, etc...' 
By doing that, we are criticizing the wisdom of Allah. Allah gives in the right time, in the right amount, to the right person. 

Who are you to say this is the right time or not the right time? Allah is the One who decrees everything. 

E.g. A woman gives birth to baby. People sit down taking about the creation of Allah, looking and analyzing his ears, eyes, nose, etc. Isn't enough that he is born in wellbeing and good health? 

Repent to Allah for your precious sins. And from now, start a new page with Allah. 

How do I protect my tongue and make my utterances pleasing to Allah? 

1) التفكير - Think considerably before you talk. And this is what we lack. We say anything that crosses our mind. 

2) Keep the following in mind: 

a) Have a Good Intention 
A person may say good, true words, but behind those words are an ill intention. 

E.g. A woman attended a gathering with her in-laws. When she went back home she told her husband everything that happened. She is saying the truth, but her intention is to provoke and annoy him. And what this woman did is gossiping. She conveyed the truth, but her words cause enmity between the people.

Your intention should be seeking nearness to Allah, seeking His pleasure and reward.

b) Say it at the right time, the right place, suitable to the people whom you are addressing.
Your words and intentions may be good, but it may not be the right time to talk, or the right people to tell.

E.g. There's a gathering with your colleagues and they are defaming their manager. You want to say something. Be careful of your speech. You may kindle a bigger fire, make them more angry, and cause more mischief in the society.

When Imam Ahmed was unjustly put in prison for not saying that the Qur'an is not created during the Fitnah, he told his students to not propagate the Hadith of enjoining good and forbidding evil, because it would cause more evil in the community. 

If you do not know how what you are going to say is going to affect the people what should you do? Keep quiet.

c) Make sure it is Authenic. 
Do not send anything if you are not sure about its authenticity. You should verify the truth and the authenticity of the stories.

E.g. When the smartphones had just come out, people started to receive messages saying to be careful because there were many copies of the Qur'an which had been altered, and to warn the people and spread it amongst everyone. The evil consequence of this was that the youth came after many years doubting the Qur'an, saying, "How do I know that the Qur'an I'm reading has not been changed?"

Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should protect his tongue.
