Day 22 - لا اله الا الله in the Qur'an - 27/6/16 - Surah AlFatir + Surah Az-Zumar

بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

When you remember لا اله الا الله it will lead you to appreciate and be grateful to Allah. 
الذكر leads to الشكر, and الشكر leads to the increase of blessings. 

سورة الفاطر - Surah AlFatir
Allah originated and created the creation. And when He created them, He created them pure;- on the فطرة (Natural Instict), where they can recognize لا اله الا الله.
The Theme of the Surah: تقرير العقيدة الإسلامية - It affirms the Islamic Aqeedah 

In [35:3]:

"O mankind! Remember the Grace of Allah upon you! Is there any creator other than Allah who provides for you from the sky (rain) and the earth? La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). How then are you turning away (from Him)?" 

"يأيها الناس اذكروا نعمت الله عليكم
Allah calls all of mankind to remember the graces of Allah. How do we remember the graces of Allah? (I.e. Be grateful for the graces of Allah) 
1) By confessing in the heart
2) Praising Allah on your tongue
3) By submitting through your limbs

We have to always remember the blessings of Allah. When you always remember them, it'll keep you happy and positive.

"هل من خالق غير الله يرزق من السماء" 
The One who gives you blessings is the Creator and the Provider who provided you with all what you have. The core and beginning of all blessings is الخلق (Creation) + الرزق (Provision).
No one creates and provides except Allah. So if there is no Creator nor a Provider except Allah, then why should you attach yourself or direct your worship to other than Him? 

This is a proof for
"لا اله الا هو"

"فأنئ تؤفكون"
What has made you direct your worship to a created being who doesn't provide? How are you diverted? 
Remember that Allah is the Creator and Provider. The blessings should remind you of Allah.
E.g. You're sitting in your room. Whatever you have around you is all from Allah. When you think like this, everything you see will renew your faith and attachment to Allah. 

The Qur'an purifies your heart from all fake attachments. The heart is the place of love and attachment to Allah. You need to remove all that's not worthy from your heart.

سورة الزمر - Surah Az-Zumar
The Theme of the Surah: الإخلاص (Sincerity). It teaches us how to be sincere. 
Everything that helps you become sincere is mentioned in the Surah - particularly the oneness and actions of Allah. 

In [39:5-6]:
"He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. He makes the night to go in the day and makes the day to go in the night. And He has subjected the sun and the moon. Each running (on a fixed course) for an appointed term. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving."

"He created you (all) from a single person (Adam); then made from him his wife [Hawwa' (Eve)]. And He has sent down for you of cattle eight pairs (of the sheep, two, male and female; of the goats, two, male and female; of the oxen, two, male and female; and of the camels, two, male and female). He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation in three veils of darkness, such is Allah your Lord. His is the kingdom, La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). How then are you turned away?

"خلقكم من نفس واحدة"
Though there are so many humans, they originally came from one. 

"ثم جعل منها زوجها"
Allah created from him his spouse, to get comfort. Allah complete the blessings on Adam عليه السلام by giving him a partner. Because we need partners. Allah doesn't need a partner.

"و أنزل لكم من الأَنْعَام ثمانية أزواج" 
Allah is the One who sent down from the cattle (camels, sheep, etc.) we benefit from 8 pairs. There are male and female of each type. 

الأنعام are mentioned due to the benefit. From His blessings, Allah subjected them from us. And we use them for sacrifice; in order to worship Allah. We don't sacrifice anything other than them. 

 "يخلقكم في بُطُون أمهاتكم خلقا من بعد خلق في ظلمات ثلاث"
This is another blessing. After Allah mentioned the creation of Adam, He mentions your individual creation. 
Allah created you in your Mothers stomach, a creation after a creation. He was the One taking care of you. It was in three layers of darkness, no one could look after you except Him - The darkness of the Stomach, the Womb, and the Uterus. All the mother does is carry, Allah is the One looking after the baby. And even if you leave this womb, you still need Allah. You're not Independant of Him. That's why: 

"ذالكم الله ربكم له الملك"
The One who did all this for you is your Rabb; your Nurturer, your Reformer. The One who did all this for you owns the Dominion.

"لا اله الا هو" 
There is no One who deserves to be attached to except Him. Sometimes we forget all these blessings, so Allah's reminding us and confirming our faith. Attach yourself to the One who owns everything. Don't worship someone who is poor and doesn't own anything.

"فأنى تصرفون" 
In Surah AlFatir, Allah says: "لا اله الا هو قأنى تؤفكون"
And in Surah Zumar, Allah says: "لا اله الا هو فأنى تصرفون"
All this confirms your information on the unseen. You're increasing your faith. 
