Tadabbur Class 3a - (31/3/16)

بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Allah dispraised those who carry the Qur'an in their hearts and don't understand and act upon it. Bani Israeel were entrusted with the Torah, but they failed to carry out Allah's commands, so Allah resembled them with donkeys. In (62:5):

In Madaarij As-Salikeen, Ibn Qayyim mentioned the benefits of Tadabbur saying, "There's nothing more beneficial to the slave of Allah in this life and in the hereafter than Tadabbur of the Qur'an. 


1) It shows the way of good and the way of evil, it's description, and the description of its people, the fruits, and the end of both people.

2) It strengthens the foundation of إيمان in the heart of the slave.

3) It shows the سنة of Allah with the ancient people, and what they did such that they deserved the punishment, and how Allah rescued the believers. 

4) It shows the slave the justice of Allah and His bounties upon His servants, mentions Allah's Names, Attributes, What He loves and hates, the laws He legislated, the صراط of Allah, what obstacles obstruct a person from following the right way (mainly the Shaytan - The Shaytan waits on this path, preventing people from reaching their goal.)

5) It identifies the human self. It teaches us who we are - what our nature is - starting from our creation, to our inborn qualities. If you want to know about yourself, ponder over the verses in the Qur'an. 

6) Through pondering over the Qur'an, one realizes the reality of everything around him......"

Nowadays people take extra care of pronouncing the Qur'an and stop at that. Tajweed is a means to understanding the Qur'an, but don't make it your utmost goal. The goal is to increase our faith and purify our souls. 

Al-Hasan al-Basri said: "You have taken the night to be a camel that you ride on to pass through various stages of the Qur'an. Those before you considered it as messages from their Lord; they pondered over them at night and lived by them by day." 

The Salaf used to read Qur'an during Qiyam at night. The night is a good time for Tadabbur; there are no disturbances and your mind is clear. It's Sunnah to recite it loudly, with ترتيل. Do so and repeat the verses over and over again. In the day time, act upon what you recited at night. 

In (73:6):

What makes people ponder over the Qur'an? Love of Allah. If you really love Allah, you'll love His speech. 

Uthman said, "If you truly love Allah, you would never feel satisfied with reading His book"

Many people may claim that they love Allah, and most people claim this, but how do you really know if you do? The aforementioned are the indications. 

The Prophet ﷺ told us to say this دعاء in times of distress:

Ibn Manthur, the author of Lisan Al-Arab, said that spring is the most beloved of all seasons to humans; in it people feel a sense of rest and joy which they don't feel in other seasons.

In this دعاء you are asking Allah to make the Qur'an the spring of your heart - to make it more beloved to you than anything else, to be a means of rest, tranquility, of removal of your distress. 

But how can I neglect reciting it, pondering over it, acting upon it, and expect it to be the spring of my heart? This is contradictory. 

It'll never ever be the spring of your heart if you abandon it and don't recite it daily, or finish it at least once every month. The companions of the Prophet ﷺ would finish it in three days, seven days, and maximum one month or forty days.

Look at your state - Are you really taking care of the Qur'an? How much are you acting upon its commandments? 

Signs which indicate your love for the Qur'an:

1) You rejoice and feel delight when you recite it

2) You recite it for a long time without becoming bored.

3) You long for it after a prolonged period of abandonment due to an obstacle which occurred in your life.

4) You look at everything around you in the world through the perspective of the Qur'an. 
E.g. You look at something and immediately a verse in the Qur'an regarding it comes to your mind. 

-> I look at my children and remember the statement of Allah in (8:28):

-> I look at the sun and I remember the verse in (16:12):

-> I see the luxury and glittery adornments of this world, and I remember (57:20):

5) You act upon its commandments and abstains from its prohibitions. 

How can I love the Qur'an?

1) Before anything - Invoke and seek Allah's help. This isn't something that'll happen in a day and night, especially if your relationship with it is already weak. 

If you're a person that doesn't watch your eyes, ears, heart; you listen to music and watch films, your heart is busy going to this coffee place and that shop, - your heart will love the Dunya and not reject or deny evil. You'll see evil and you won't mind it happening. So if you're this kind of person, and you're not taking the means to purify your heart, how can you expect Allah to endear the Qur'an to your heart? Never will the love of the Dunya and the love of the Qur'an combine in a heart of a person. 

If you really want to love the Qur'an, you need to empty and clear your heart of all these worldly occupations and affairs. Just focus on what Allah loves and is pleased with. And ask Allah to help you overcome your defects, make righteousness beloved to you, and evil deeds hated to your heart. 

Reflect over yourself when you recite verses which talk about sins you commit. How guilty do you feel when you're committing the same sin Allah is prohibiting you from? Feeling bad is a good sign. Don't ascribe purity to yourself or act like its not meant for you.

2) Ponder over the Qur'an. This goes back to the first thing we discussed. They're interrelated. 
What will help you ponder over the Qur'an? -> Love of the Qur'an. 

What will help you love the Qur'an? -> Pondering over it. 
