Name of Allah - الرقيب - Introduction 3a

Everyone is seeking peace of mind, tranquility, rest in their hearts. There are people whose hearts are more tranquil than others. What made them different? 

As the persons faith increases (by learning more about Allah), as his tranquility increases. He won't be afraid, he won't panic, he won't worry. 

The evidence that there's a connection between faith and peace of mind:
In (13:28):

Only those who believe in Allah, His names, attributes, actions, His angels, the meeting with Him, His decrees, etc. find rest in their hearts when Allah is mentioned to them. 

E.g. The believer might go through a difficult situation. If anyone approaches him and tells him that Allah is merciful, etc. these words would affect him immediately. But if a persons faith is weak, no matter how much you talk about Allah to him, he wants a materialistic solution - thinking that his relief is in these means and not in Allah's hands.

Allah created our hearts always turning, disturbed easily. That's why it's called the قلب. And because of this it's always in search of peace. 
We won't attain peace by going out, associating with people, traveling, etc. Only one thing will bring peace to your mind and rest in your heart - Remembrance of Allah.
Don't waste your time, money, and life, seeking peace of mind in other things. 

Bear three things in mind: 

1) The Sunnah of this worldly life is that it's full of fear. There is no one but they have fears. 
E.g. We're afraid of sicknesses, losing our jobs,poverty, of the future, etc.

We are surrounded by fears. Allah created life in this way.

2) Allah mentioned that He created human beings weak.
We are weak and we need to admit this. 

What should we do? Resort to Allah.
Although some people admit that they are afraid and weak, instead of resorting and relying on Allah, they run away from Him. They rely on themselves; feel self sufficient. They always plan for themselves.
No one says don't plan for yourself, but when you do so, rely on Allah. 

If there was no fear in life, and man was strong, many acts of worship would be abandoned. There would be no reliance on Allah, no hope in Allah, no seeking shelter in Allah, etc. Because man already has peace of mind. 
Allah wants us to seek Him. He said He is All-Able, The Rich, The All-Strong. So seek the ability, the richness, the strength from Him. But only the true believer who knows Allah does that

3) This worldly life is the abode of trials 
Allah didn't make this world the abode of peace. Allah said regarding Paradise in (6:127):

If you really seek peace, then you won't get it in this world. It's in the hereafter.
So our goal should be to reach Paradise, the abode of peace and security.
People run from one country to the other for the sake of security and peace. And there's no peace and security except in knowing Allah.

How does the true believer live in life? 

-> The true believer knows very well that Allah is his وكيل. Whenever he wants to accomplish any job, he takes the means. He puts effort, but while he does that, he puts his trust in his وكيل. And he gives Allah the full authority to dispose his affairs. So he feels at rest. Because the One who is disposing his affairs is perfect, So why should he worry and be afraid? Allah will ordain whatever He sees best for him, and push away whatever will harm him. 
People may come and cause him to be afraid, but they won't be able to. He will say Allah is His وكيل with confidence.

-> The true believer knows that there is no continuous joy or happiness in this world. The moments of happiness are followed by sadness. He knows there is no absolute richness. So his heart isn't attached to this worldly life, it's attached to Allah and the hereafter.

-> The true believer knows His Lord is الرزاق. Allah ordained everyone's رزق even before the creation of the heavens and earth by 50,000 years. 
Allah wrote your رزق of knowledge, marriage, children, etc. 
He knows this, so he walks in life without fighting others for his رزق. He lives peacefully. If Allah has written it for him, he will get it. If the people gathered to take his رزق from him, they would never be able to take it, unless Allah writes it to be taken away from him. 
He knows that even if his رزق is in the depths of the sea, at the bottom of the earth, Allah will bring it for him. He believes that Allah is لطيف خبير. 
This peace will not be attained until the person knows who Allah is.

-> The believer knows His Lord is الشكور. He knows that if he does a little good Allah will give him abundant rewards and appreciate it. He never belittles any good deed he does, even if it is just removing harm from the road. He doesn't become upset when he does good and people don't thank him, because he is waiting for his reward from Allah. He knows nothing is lost with Allah. Allah will give him his reward in full, and even more than he deserves.

-> The believer knows Allah is الحافظ الحفيظ. Allah is protecting the heavens and the earth. He isn't afraid of evil eye, of magic, of people doing harm to him. He knows that he is under the protection of Allah.

-> Even if the doctors tell the believer his sickness has no remedy, he knows that Allah sends down the sickness, and the cure. He takes the means of the healing and doesn't panic or worry. He knows that sickness is a mercy from Allah, a means of forgiveness of sins, elevation in ranks, making his scale heavy. 
And how long will I live? This is not the real life. The real life is in the Aakhirah.
Allah out of His mercy opened the gate of sickness for me, in order that I may meet him with no sins. Only the true believer thinks in this way.

We need to know Allah. Try your best to learn about Allah, and you will enjoy peace for the rest of your life. There's no other way to achieve this peace.
