4c - Name of Allah الرقيب

Our Wishes 

Allah created the human being with the characteristic of wishing. Why? In order to motivate us to do good things.
But people may wish for something sinful. This means that our wishes indicate what kind of heart we have. It teaches us who we are. Wishes are an action of the heart, and Allah watches our hearts.

Many people don't know that we are accountable for our wishes. Our wishes could either be added to the records of our good deeds or the records of our evil deeds.

We should note, however, that sometimes the Shaytan may interfere in the wishes of the person and make him wish for false things. 

Evidence that we are accounted for our wishes:

The 2nd and 4th person did not do anything, they merely wished. And their wishes made them equal to the 1st and 3rd person. This proves that we are accountable for our wishes - they could either be a means of attaining reward or a sin.

There are thoughts which pass our minds and do not establish themselves in our hearts. We won't be accountable for them. But we will be accounted for thoughts which we always think of and are established in our hearts.

E.g. A person was wronged by someone. He's always thinking of what he's going to say to that person and how he'll take revenge and what he'll do. He is accountable for these thoughts.

Based on the above Hadith, our wishes are of two kinds:
a) Praiseworthy 
We need to wish for good for the sake of Allah and the Aakhirah. The second person wished for wealth, which is a worldly matter, but for the sake of the religion. 

E.g. You can wish for lots of children, so that you can increase the Ummah, establish the religion, so that their righteousness will benefit you when you are in your grave, etc.
E.g. You can wish for a righteous husband to help you establish the religion, etc.

Narrated by Ibn Masoud that the Prophet ﷺ said, "Do not wish to be like anyone, except in two cases: (1) A man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. (2) A man whom Allah has given wisdom (knowledge of the Quran and the Hadith) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others." [Bukhari]

Whenever I wish for something good and Allah brings the means for it what should I do? I should show Allah truthfulness, have high resolutions, and act upon the means of fulfilling my wish. One of the characteristics of the hypocrites is the they give false excuses. Don't show laziness or give excuses when Allah brings the means - because He'll bring it as a test. 

E.g. You wish to acquire knowledge. Allah will bring the means as a test and make a center open next to your house. When the classes start you give yourself excuses and don't go. You don't take the means. 
But if it happened that you really wanted to go and your husband didn't let you go - You have to obey your husband. You have a genuine excuse and Allah will reward you.

Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Ansari said: We accompanied the Prophet ﷺ in an expedition when he said, "There are some men in Al-Madinah who are with you wherever you march and whichever valley you cross. They have not joined you in person because of their illness.'' In another version he said: "They share the reward with you.'" [Muslim]

E.g. You wish to get up for Tahajjud prayer. Allah will make you open your eyes at that time, as a test. If you're truthful you'll get up and pray, and if you're lying you'll go back to sleep. 

E.g. Muslims living in a non Muslim country. They wish to move to a Muslim country so they can practice the religion. This is a good wish. Then Allah makes it easy for them to come to a Muslim country. There are those who were truthful and there are others whom Allah made it easy for them to come, but they got diverted by their jobs and worldly livelihood and didn't practice. They are considered liars with Allah. 

b) Blameworthy
Wishing for worldly things for the sake of the Dunya or your own interest are blameworthy wishes.

We need to analyze our wishes - are my wishes praiseworthy or blameworthy?
