4b - Name of Allah الرقيب

Allah tells us in the Qur'an that He is الرقيب. He watches everything; nothing is hidden from Him. No matter how much you try to hide or escape from Allah you will never be able to. He knows our intentions, the secrets of our hearts, and He will take us into account for everything we do. 
Whoevers worships Allah by His name الرقيب, will worship Allah by His names العليم، البصير، الحافظ، السميع. 

No one can see Allah now but the impacts of the attributes of Allah are clear in the believers eyes.

What are the impacts of believing in the Name of Allah الرقيب?  
1) The person will become a محسن.
2) It'll increase the sincerity of the person. 
3) The person will become well-mannered. He'll be fearful of Allah and watch his conduct. He'll be shy of Allah.

What makes people careless of Allah's observation and watchfulness? Heedlessness. We know Allah is الرقيب, but our hearts are heedless, so we fall into actions which contradict this knowledge.
الغفلة is the severest affliction which corrupts the hearts of people. 
How do you know if a heart is heedless? The heart of the person is diffused; it doesn't function properly.
This means that Allah sends signs of guidance to this person, but the person is not affected at all.
Allah sends warnings after warnings to this person to awaken him, but this person doesn't understand or respond, and continues his life in heedlessness. This is a serious sickness.

In (7:179):

There are many from the Jinn and Men who will enter the hellfire. Why? Allah doesn't oppress or wrong His slaves, rather they deserve the punishment.
What did they do such that they deserved to enter hellfire?

"لهم قلوب لا يفقهون بها"
Allah gave them hearts but they don't understand Allah, the Qur'an, the warnings, the signs, the Qadar.

"و لهم أعين لا يبصرون بها"
They have eyes but they don't use it to see the truth.

"و لهم ءاذان لا يسمعون بها" 
They have ears but they don't use it to hear the truth. 

Allah created hearts, eyes, and ears for them, but they didn't use these blessings to know Allah and come closer to Him. 

Allah gave the person a heart, eyes, and ears, to see behind the disliked matters and the lusts - to see Paradise and Hell. But these people only see the heaviness and fatigue of obedience and fail to see Paradise behind it, and they only see their lusts and desires, not realizing hell is behind it.

"أولآئك كالأنعام بل هم أضل"
They are worse than animals, because animals still use what Allah has given them to benefit them and stay away from harm.

"أولآئك هم الغافلون" 
They are the heedles ones. Stop here and contemplate. Allah gave you hearts, ears, minds, intelligence. Are really seeing with these eyes? Do you see what Allah loves and hates or do you just run after what your self desires? 
There are many people in the world who are intelligent and use what Allah has given them for worldly matters. But at the end of the day they worship an animal or a tree. They haven't used this intelligence and senses to worship Allah and attribute the blessings to Him.
They didn't benefit from these faculties.

What will happen to these people on the Day of Judgement? 
Allah tells us in سورة السجدة that He created the heavens and earth, and He created man from a despised water. Then He granted us eyes, ears, hearts. After all this man denies Allah's ability in resurrecting him. 
On the Day of Judgement they will say:
In (32:12):

It'll be too late then. Use your eyes, ears, and heart now. Don't wait until the Day of Judgement, where certainty won't benefit you. 
We need to know Allah before it's too late. 

When Allah created all of us, He guided us. He didn't leave us without guidance. He sent to every person the means of their guidance whether it's through a lecture, an event, a friend, etc. 
Look at The People of the Cave. Allah didn't mention that a messenger came to them. What was the means of their guidance? They reflected over the universe; their فطرة. This is indicated when they said:

Whoever will be aware of Allah's watchfulness will attain happiness in this world and the next. How? When the person is aware of Allah's watchfulness, he will take all the means to avoid the punishment of Allah. He'll live a happy life. He'll be upright and follow the straight path. And whoever follows the straight path will enter Paradise.
