3b - Name of Allah الرقيب

الرقيب has 3 meanings:

1) Allah watches what is hidden in our hearts, the fraud of the eyes, our actions, and counts our utterances and actions, and encompasses everything we do. We can't escape from Allah. We are under Allah's watchfulness 24/7. We can't escape from His observation for even a blink of an eye. He watches our thoughts, intentions, concerns, wishes, etc.

2) الحافظ 
Allah keeps, preserves, and maintains everything. Nothing is neglected or lost with Allah. He takes account of what we do, and we will be recompensed for everything we do on the Day of Judgement.

3) العليم, السميع, البصير
Allah watches us with His knowledge, hearing, seeing.

E.g. In Ramadan approximately 2 million people pray Tarawih in the Haram. Allah hears and sees and watches all of their hearts. He knows who is خاشع, who isn't, who's a hypocrite, who's a believer. I may not be able to even hear the person next to me, but Allah hears that person.

When I know Allah is الرقيب, How should I live in this life? / What are the impacts of knowing Allah's name الرقيب? 

1) I will watch my behavior, my acts of worship, my dealings with the people. This knowledge will reform my heart and life. I'll live in the way Allah is pleased with. I'll reach the state of perfection. 

Ibn Mubarak would give charity to a blind woman in the outskirts of Madinah every day. The people told him, "Why are you troubling yourself, she can't even see you?" He replied, "Allah sees me"

When you know Allah is watching you, you will perfect your behavior for Allah. You will avoid making Allah angry with you.

AlQayyim said, "مراقبة الله is continual knowledge with certainty of Allah's observation"
You will reach a stage of certainty where you are always aware that Allah hears and sees you. You won't feel it one day and not feel it the other. You will reach the state of إحسان in your life; the highest degree of faith. 

2) It will affect the sincerity of the person 
The believer watches his heart before doing the action, while performing it, and after finishing it.

-> Before he begins any action he asks himself: What is motivating me to take this action? 
Sometimes we lie to ourselves.

-> He watches his heart while doing the good deed, making sure it doesn't turn to the people.

-> After he does the good deed he doesn't wait for any reward from the people.
If he receives a gift or praise he becomes upset. It's a مصيبة if it's a reward for him. Never praise anyone for their good deeds, no matter how much you admire them. Don't destroy that person. 

Sincerity is something very hard to attain. The scholars said it is something very rare. 

3) I'll be aware of Allah's observation when I commit sins.
I unintentionally commit a sin, or the Shaytan overpowers me. The true believer reminds himself that Allah saw him committing that sin, and that he is accountable for it. This makes him run to repentance. And he increases in good deeds so that Allah will exchange his evil deeds for good ones.

4) It results in happiness in this life and the next.
It'll make you stick firm on the right path and not deviate. You will be concerned about yourself and your trials. You will not interfere in other people's trials. You will put a limit to everything. You know Allah is testing and watching you.

E.g. You have a neighbor committing a sin. Allah caused you to know about this. Now He watches you: What will you do? You advise her, but know that your job is only to advise and quit. You don't interfere more than that. You know your limits.

You will put limits for even your emotions. Women in particular get easily driven away by their emotions. But the true believer puts limits for even her emotions, because she knows Allah is watching her.

5) You will show shyness to Allah
Showing shyness to Allah is hardly practiced nowadays, although Allah is modest and loves modesty and those who are modest.

E.g. You are told that a notable person is going to visit your house. How will you receive that person? You won't receive her wearing a housecoat and shabby clothes. You will wear the best of your clothes, and when you sit with her you will watch your speech and actions and every moment. You will give her full respect. 
Imagine, if we do this to a human being, then what about Allah, the King of Kings? He is with us by His knowledge, His seeing, hearing. How will we behave knowing Allah is observing us?

Many of the scholars, whenever they got up to offer the prayer they would wear their best clothes, put perfume, because they knew they were going to stand in front of the King of Kings.

When of the Salaf would take a bath he would take one wearing the Izaar, out of shyness to Allah. 

Where is our shyness towards Allah? Where is our honour and respect towards Allah?

AlQurtubi said, "The true believer will avoid any shameful and disgraceful action"

عن جد بهز بن حكيم قَالَ قُلْتُ يَا نَبِيَّ اللَّهِ عَوْرَاتُنَا مَا نَأْتِي مِنْهَا وَمَا نَذَرُ قَالَ احْفَظْ عَوْرَتَكَ إِلَّا مِنْ زَوْجَتِكَ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ يَمِينُكَ قُلْتُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ إِذَا كَانَ الْقَوْمُ بَعْضُهُمْ فِي بَعْضٍ قَالَ إِنْ اسْتَطَعْتَ أَنْ لَا يَرَاهَا أَحَدٌ فَلَا يَرَاهَا قَالَ قُلْتُ يَا نَبِيَّ اللَّهِ إِذَا كَانَ أَحَدُنَا خَالِيًا قَالَ فَاللَّهُ أَحَقُّ أَنْ يُسْتَحْيَا مِنْهُ مِنْ النَّاسِ
Bahz ibn Hakeen reported: His grandfather said, “O Prophet of Allah, what should I cover of my nakedness and what may I leave uncovered?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Guard your nakedness except from your wife or those whom your right hand possesses.” He said, “O Messenger of Allah, what about when some people are with others?” The Prophet said, “If you are able to keep anyone from seeing it, then do not let them see it.” He said, “O Prophet of Allah, what about when one of us is alone?” The Prophet said, “Allah is more deserving of your modesty than people.” [At-Tirmithi]

استحيوا من الله حق الحياء. قلنا: يا رسول الله إنَّا لنستحي والحمد لله، قال: ليس ذاك ولكن الاستحياء من الله حقّ الحياء أن تحفظ الرَّأس وما وعى، وتحفظ البطن وما حوى، ولتذكر الموت والبلى، ومن أراد الآخرة ترك زينة الدُّنيا، فمن فعل ذلك فقد استحيا يعني: من الله حق الحياء
The Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, has said, “Be truly shy from Allah. The companions said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, praise and thanks be to Allah, we are shy from Him.’ upon which he replied, ‘it is not that I mean. Being truly shy from Allah means that you preserve your head and what it comprehends (your thoughts, ideas, creed, religion…) and preserve your belly and what it contains (your source of livelihood should be lawful). Moreover, you should remember death and rottenness. He who seeks the Hereafter should abandon the adornments of this worldly life. Whoever does that is shy, i.e., truly shy from Allah.” [Reported by at-Tirmidhi 2458 and deemed good by al-Albani]

6) You will practice good conduct.
You will not tell lies, cheat, oppress people, do wrong, because you know Allah is watching you. You will be careful with your actions.
The servant of Abdullaah ibn Umar, Naaf’e reports, “We were with Abdullaah ibn Umar outside of Madeenah and some people prepared some food for us to eat and whilst we were eating a shepherd was walked past with a flock of sheep. The shepherd gave Salaam and Ibn Umar  returned it and asked him to join them in the meal. The shepherd replied he was fasting. Abdullaah ibn Umar was shocked as it was extremely hot and that the shepherd was also working hard. The Shepherd said he found these days to be extremely beneficial. Ibn Umar  wanted to test the man so he said to him, “Sell me one of the sheep, we will also give you some of its meat and you can open your fast with it.” The Shepherd replied, “They are not my sheep but rather my masters.” Ibn Umar said, “Your master will not care if one sheep goes missing just saying a wolf ate it.” So the Shepherd replied, “Where is Allaah?” and he would say this loudly and he himself would point towards the sky. When Ibn Umar returned to Madeenah he met the shepherds master and freed the slave and gifted the sheep to him.” (Tabaraanee, Baihaqee in Shu’ab, Siyaar 3/216)  
We need a shepherd like this as a husband, a father, a colleague, as an employee, in our lives.
E.g. Many people punch in early when they go to work, and then go out and leave doing whatever they want, not realizing they are paid for these hours. The person who is aware of Allah's observation will never cheat people. 
