اسم الله القدوس 7 (2)

بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Life is full of hardship, tests, and afflictions. The names of Allah help you overcome these afflictions, think positively, and teach you how to deal with the situation.
When you know Allah it will strengthen your لا اله الا الله. And all our tests in life boil down to that. 

The name of Allah القدوس is mentioned twice towards the end of the Qur'an. But our action towards Allah is mentioned in the beginning (in سورة البقرة):

The Angels said, "و نقدس لك" to show that they weren't thinking bad of Allah when they asked the question. 

-> They negate all imperfections from Allah 
-> Attribute all perfection to Allah 
-> تقديس (and this is an even higher level) 

In (59:1):

Everything else praises and attributes perfection to Allah, but the Angels do something additional. 

We need to purify ourselves and thoughts from thinking evil of Allah, and ascribe all the blessings to AllahIf a human being does this, he will be even greater than the Angels. Because the Angels are already pure, but we have the tendency to fall into evil thinking, ascribing imperfections, and thinking negatively. 

And so after Allah created Adam, He told the Angels to prostrate to Adam. There's so much بركة in knowledge. Never think evil of Allah.

People are divided into two groups regarding تقديس:

1) لا يقدسون الله 
I.e. Thinking evil of Allah 

Most people do this. 

2) يقدسون الله
I.e. Thinking good about Allah and thinking evil about yourself 
Only the minority do this. 

At the time of goodness, when Allah answers your dua, most people forget about Allah and think good about themselves. When you think good of yourself, you automatically think evil of Allah. And this is dangerous. 
So at the time of goodness, look down at yourself. It's not because you are lucky or good, it's out of Allah's kindness and mercy. 
At the time of affliction, people think evil of Allah. Questions like: Why does this happen to me? I don't deserve it? We think evil of everyone else except ourselves. We need to think good of Allah.

ظن بالله 
When we study the Qur'an, we find two groups of people thinking evil of Allah: The Kaafir and the Munafiq:

1) (3:154):

Allah gave them sorrow after sorrow, so that the Dunya would be reduced in their hearts. 

This verse is in the context of the Battle of Uhud. In the beginning there was tension, rumours, difficulty. On the outside, it looked like everyone was the same. But Allah knows what's in the hearts. He knew who really believed in Him, and who had hypocrisy in his heart. 
Accordingly, Allah gave the believers, who thought good about Allah, sleep and safety, while the other group was unable to sleep. 
The believers thought and expected good from Allah, and disbelieved in what their eyes saw of of problems and chaos. 
The hypocrites only concern was themselves. 

"ظن الجاهلية"

The one who doesn't know Allah will automatically think evil of Allah. He won't be able to explain his sickness, for example, and will only see the bad in it, whereas the one who knows Allah will talk about the mercy in the sickness. The hypocrites are like this although they have knowledge, because their knowledge didn't reach their heart. 

E.g. You have a friend and you know and trust her well. You won't believe whatever bad news your hear about her because you know her. To Allah belongs the highest example. 

"يقولون هل لنا من الأمر من شيئ
I.e. Where is the victory? Why didn't Allah support the Prophet ﷺ? And they began accusing one other.

Anything that's in your heart will come out through your tongue.

There's no point in accusing each other. It'll make you fail. That's why Allah said in the same Surah:

It's done. You accuse others because you only care about yourself. The test is my test. I don't need to correct anyone else's exam.

"يخفون في أنفسهم ما لا يبدون لك" 
They'll hide it from you. And they say:

"يقولون لو كان لنا من الأمر شيئ ما قتلنا هاهنا"
But the matter is done already. You don't need to say if. Allah wanted this to happen. 
People try to play around the decrees of Allah. But the matter is completely with Allah. 

Even if the people who were killed were in their homes, the decree of Allah would have overtaken them. 

Then Allah mentions the wisdom behind the situation:

1) و ليبتلي الله ما في صدوركم 
To test and show you the level of faith or hypocrisy in your heart. 

2) و ليحمص ما في قلوبكم
السعدي said this means to show how you much the Shaytan and your evil self has influence over you.

والله عليم بذات الصدور 

At the time of afflictions you see the reality of people from their statements, reactions, etc. 

2) (48:6):

The منافق already thinks evil of Allah, because he thinks he can cheat Allah. He thinks Allah will forgive him even though his heart is corrupted, as if Allah doesn't know what's in his heart.

Thinking evil of Allah is a great matter.
In Surah AlBaqarah, Allah mentioned so many verses regarding النفاق in comparison to the verses about the believers and disbelievers. It's such a dangerous matter. 
And when you hear the word منافق don't think about anyone else. Think about yourself. Ironically, we think everyone else is bad and we are good.

3) (48:12):

Allah gave us so many promises in the Qur'an. We need to expect good from Allah. 
This is regarding Hudaibiya. The hypocrites thought the believers and the Prophet ﷺ would perish and not return back. They think negatively about the future. Bad situations happen to them so they expect that the future will be bad as well. If you think good about Allah, you will believe Allah will support them, grant them victory, etc.

And their bad thinking has been beautified in their hearts. Imagine misery being beautified in your heart. 

The Solution: Think Good about Allah and all the believers, and accuse yourself. We never think it's because of our sins. 
Anyone who thinks something contrary to what Allah said about Himself, is thinking evil of Allah. Allah said He is الرحمن، الرحيم, etc. 
