اسم الله القدوس 6

In (2:214):

The afflictions and problems of the Dunya are just a temporary test to show the truthfulness of the person. When you see the events in the world and the actions around us without knowing Allah, you'll live a difficult, confused life. You'll wonder why all these bad things happen, and you'll think evil of Allah. Knowing Allah makes this test easy. 

If you don't know القدوس and read this verse, you will think evil of Allah. The question of why is Allah testing me will come to mind. We know the creation, and can't accept things which go contrary to the way our mind works. So when we know Allah, and then go to the creation, things will become clear and easy for us. 

When you know the name القدوس you will never think bad about Allah. I may see problems and calamities, but I know Allah is القدوس. And this is belief. 

You will purify your heart and all your actions. A person who knows Allah by His name القدوس will be different from a person who doesn't. 

Allah is so pure. He has no faults and He doesn't do mistakes or anything in vain. In (44:38-39):

And in (23:115):

1) الطاهر
Nothing can change Allah's purity. But our minds and hearts can get corrupt, and we need to purify it because Allah is القدوس. And we need to seek the purity from Him, because He is القدوس. 

2) المتبارك
[These aren't independent names of Allah, just the meanings of the name]

This means that all the afflictions, البأساء, الضرآء, in the Dunya are both pure and blessed. 
Afflictions are a turning point for many people. It changes them for the better. And you learn in an affliction what you don't learn through ease. Through afflictions we learn that this life is not perfect, so you search for something perfect, and you find the perfection in Allah. 
And on the Day of Judgement, there will be people who will see mountains of good deeds. And they will be told it's because of the afflictions, and their patience in them. So the afflictions have بركة.

Many people connect the بركة with objects and other people. But Allah is the source of all the بركة.

كتاب الله مبارك
You will get the blessings of the Qur'an when you ponder it, recite it, act upon it, etc. 

The Prophet ﷺ mentioned one specific Surah which has بركة, although the entire Qur'an is مبارك:
Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Umamah Al-Bahili said that he heard the Messenger of Allah say, 

«اقْرَأُوا الْقُرْآنَ فَإِنَّهُ شَافِعٌ لِأَهْلِهِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ اقْرَأُوا الزَّهْرَاوَيْنِ، الْبَقَرَةَ وَآلَ عِمْرَانَ، فَإِنَّهُمَا يَأْتِيَانِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ كَأَنَّهُمَا غَمَامَتَانِ، أَوْ كَأَنَّهُمَا غَيَايَتَانِ أَوْ كَأَنَّهُمَا فِرْقَانِ مِنْ طَيْرٍ صَوَافَّ، يُحَاجَّانِ عَنْ أَهْلِهِمَا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَة»

"Read the Qur'an, because it will intercede on behalf of its people on the Day of Resurrection. Read the two lights, Al-Baqarah and Al `Imran, because they will come in the shape of two clouds, two shades or two lines of birds on the Day of Resurrection and will argue on behalf of their people on that Day."

The Prophet ﷺ then said, 
« اقْرَأُوا الْبَقَرَةَ فَإِنَّ أَخْذَهَا بَرَكَةٌ وَتَرْكَهَا حَسْرَةٌ وَلَا تَسْتَطِيعُهَا الْبَطَلَة»
"Read Al-Baqarah, because in having it there is blessing, and in ignoring there is a sorrow and the sorceresses cannot memorize it."

Don't try to experiment, just do it. And you'll see the بركة in your time, your life, etc. With Allah anything is possible. We say we have more time because we organized ourselves, woke up early, etc. as if we are the ones who give بركة.

This doesn't mean you hang it on the wall or play it without listening to it. You need to recite it, understand it, and do it with an attentive heart and belief. And when it works don't wonder how, because nothing is impossible with Allah. Just believe in Allah. 

And if you leave reciting it, it's a regret. You are missing out on so much blessings and good. Our whole life is full of opportunities. Whatever Allah has opened for you, take advantage of it without hesitating. 

If you read سورة البقرة the Shaytan won't come to your house for 3 days.

The Prophets and Messengers are blessed by Allah
Their بركة is not by going to their graves, etc. It's in their knowledge and following their example. And the بركة of names of Allah as well aren't achieved through repeating them over and over again, but when you apply it in your life. It all requires understanding and belief. 

Ibn ‘Abbaas, who said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ  said: “The nations were shown to me and one or two Prophets would pass by me with a group (of followers), and a Prophet who had no one with him…” (Agreed upon) 

Alll the Prophets and Messengers are blessed, even if no one followed them. Nuh spent 950 years in calling his people, and only 85 people followed him. And yet Allah praised Nuh so much in the Qur'an. 

People would call this a failure because we are so narrow minded. The بركة is not because of the achievement, but because of what the person did. Your بركة is in your faith and good deeds.


Not everyone followed Isa, and there were people who tried to kill him. But Allah called him مبارك.

E.g. Two people doing an exam. One person got full marks and the other got zero. The one who got zero may have worked hard and struggled but the former might have cheated. So who is better? 

E.g. The Prophet ﷺ's father died, and then later his mother died, and then his grandfather, etc. People would say he was an 'unlucky child'. And he is the Prophet ﷺ. 

We should ask Allah -> اللهم اجعلنى مباركا أينما كنت

Allah blessed certain times

a) Laylat AlQadr
b) The Day of Arafah
c) The Last Third of the Night
d) After Fajr
That's why if you don't sleep after Fajr and do work, you'll find بركة in your time. 
The Prophet ﷺ made dua saying, "بورك لأمتي في بكورها" 

Allah blessed certain places

a) Makkah
b) Madinah
c) Sham 

In (17:1):

The blessing in these places are the reward. When you pray in Makkah and Madinah its blessed. But the land of Sham is blessed, that's why everyone is fighting for it. The best type of olives come from there. 

ZamZam is blessed

It's blessing can be attained when you drink it and have an intention for something. You can drink it for knowledge, wisdom, cure, wealth, paradise, anything. It's one medicine for everything. But not through pouring it in your head, etc.

Allah is القدوس and puts the بركة in whatever He wants. 
So if you seek the بركة, seek it from Allah. 

Ask Allah to bless your provision, your food, your drink, your life, your money, your marriage, your children, knowledge, actions, every part of my body, my hair, etc.  
Dont think that getting more بركة in your money is through investing, life through drinking certain drinks, or through a teacher when it comes to knowledge, etc. Don't think of anything or anyone except Allah.

If Allah doesn't put the بركة in the blessing, it will be defective. 
"اللهم بارك لي فيما أعطيت" 

We get attached to our facilities and technology, but no one can give you the بركة except Allah. 

Whenever the Prophet ﷺ saw a blessing apparent on himself or on someone else, he ordered us to seek Barakah for it. 

E.g. You wake up in the morning and your hair is nice. Instead of admiring yourself, ask Allah to bless it. He is the One who created it.

People think we have to say ما شاء الله. But this is incorrect. We have to say something like اللهم بارك فيه or تبارك الله أحسن الخالقين 

Anything you see and like, the Shaytan wants to spoil it for you. If you say the above he can't do anything. But if you don't say anything, you might afflict the thing with your evil eye. Even a mother could be the cause of afflicting her child, or even herself. A person might be amazed by another and that person passes away immediately. People kill each other with their عين. 

The Prophet ﷺ said, "العين حق" 

The Prophet ﷺ liked spacious, open houses. 
