اسم الله القدوس 5

Islam is a religion of purity. It teaches you to be pure on the inside and outside.

E.g. On the authority of Anas bin Malik that the Prophet ﷺ said, "None of you will believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself." [Agreed upon]

E.g. "و قولوا للناس حسنا" 


It's a religion of purity in matters pertaining to buying, selling, worship, food, drink, even down to the way we talk. And when we purify ourselves and accept the guidance of the purest religion, we are ascribing purity to Allah. 

All babies are pure and born on the فطرة. And then they may be changed by their parents, society, culture, but Allah will not leave you to blind follow your parents and culture. He will guide you individually, in a way suitable to your nature. One person may be guided through dreams, another through discussing religion, others through incidents, etc. 
And if you don't accept one way, Allah will bring another way. Because He is القدوس. He guides us through different ways to purify ourselves. And when you take the path to purify yourself, Allah will give you the best place to live- دار السلام. 
The People of Paradise are purified. They went through tests in life, the Day of Judgement, etc. which purified them. Their sweat is musk. They have no bad smell. Their faces are pure. Their houses are pure. Their food is pure. Their speech is pure. Because they made تقديس الله while they lived on earth. 

We are created to be among the dwellers of Paradise. We are not created to be the dwellers of Hellfire. We want to go back home. That is the real life. The life we live now is just a test, and lasts only for a blink of an eye. That life is a pure life. Allah wants us to live pure, eat pure, be pure, and when you are pure, He will give you the pure life.

الله المتبارك في ذاته، اسمائه، صفاته، أفعاله

1) ذاته
The cause of all the blessings in the world is Allah. He is blessed and perfect in His blessings. A persons blessedness may vary depending on the time and place, but it's something that can never be detached from Allah. 

2) أسمائه
E.g. Our names are merely names. But the Names of Allah have a بركة in and of themselves.

"..تبارك اسمك.."

When you mention the name of Allah on something little, Allah will increase it for you. 
When you do anything and say بِسْم الله, Allah will bless it and maximize it for you.

That's why most of the Adhkars contain names of Allah.

E.g. The Dua in Times of Distress

You're so depressed and sad, you ask Allah by all His names.

How many times have we had an issue and we studied the names of Allah and our problem was resolved. Because many times its not the problem that's the problem, it's the way we look at the problem. 
القدوس makes you look at your life in peace. Why do I need to worry about my life when Allah planned it?  And He is القدوس, He makes no mistakes and has no faults. 

If the person is weak and attaches himself to القوي Allah will give Him strength.
If a person is humiliated by people, and He attaches himself to العزيز, Allah will honour him.
It just requires us to be attached to Allah and His names. 
All the names of Allah are beautiful, give you honour and happiness and security from the inside.

If Allah's names are full of بركة, imagine Allah. 
This is why the greatest reward is looking at Allah's face, and the worst punishment is being deprived from it. 

In (75:22-23):

3) صفاته 

كتاب الله مبارك 

In (21:50):

In (38:29):  

The بركة from the Qur'an is not through hanging it. The word of the Qur'an has بركة. 
The blessing of the Qur'an is endless. It is مبارك in:
-> Its Recitation 
Ibn Mas'ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah, he will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a ten-fold reward. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is one letter, but Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Mim is a letter." (At-Tirmithi) 

->  Its Meaning 
-> Acting upon it
When you read the Quran you feel fear, love, hope. When we go to class we come out feeling refreshed, happy, even if we may be drowning in problems. We feel light and happy; on cloud nine. This is from the بركة of the Qur'an. 

A scholar said that the more time he spends with the Qur'an, the more He finds that Allah blesses his time. 
Allah is able to stop the time for you. But what happens is that we begin relying on Allah, and then when it continuously works, we rely on the means, and then it fails us. The moment you think you have time, you're out of it. We need to completely rely on Allah. 
Don't ever think that studying the Qur'an is a waste of time. On the contrary, it blesses your time. 

But everyone is after the tangible. 1+1 doesn't equal 2 with بركة, but infinity. 

عن أنس بن مالك قال: قال رسول الله ﷺ "إن الله أهلين من الناس" قالوا "يا رسول الله من هم؟" قال: "هم أهل القرآن، أهل الله و خاصته" 

The Prophet ﷺ  said “Allah has chosen a group of people; a special group of people.” The Companions asked “O Messenger of Allah ﷺ who are they? Explain them to us”; in their eagerness to be of those people. He said, “Those chosen special group of people are the people of the Qura'n, special people, with a special rank." (Those who learn it, teach it, understand it and live by it.) 

What better companion than the Qur'an? You will become a blessed person in your environment. Wherever you walk, everything around you will bloom. 

4) أفعاله 
All His actions are بركة. Our lives are filled with actions of Allah. Every single creation, movement, are all actions of Allah and thus pure and full of بركة. Even what you perceive as evil. So don't be a judge over the actions of Allah. 

We become lawyers to defend ourselves and a judge over everyone else. We should be a judge over ourselves and a lawyer to others (i.e. Defend and be lenient to others) 
If this is how we should be to others, then how about Allah and His actions? 

E.g. When we say things like:  Why did these two get married to each other, they don't suit each other? Why does he have all this money, he doesn't deserve this? Why is she pregnant again? Why is the weather so hot? 

We observe and comment and make judgements on everything we see. And they're all actions of Allah. 

Shaytan judged Allah. In (17:16):

The desires of a person can cause him to have bad manners with القدوس. You see things how you want to see them.

Even if we see something apparently evil, we believe in Allah more than we believe in what our eyes see. 
You can be a blessed person when you teach people to think good about Allah. 

When your faith increases you find yourself thinking differently. Your negativity will be less. 

The بركة is from Allah, and there's a Hadith which affirms this. And Allah said: "أنا عند ظن عبدي بي"

If you truly believe Allah is المتبارك, He will give you the بركة. 
