تدبر سورة الكهف 2

Trial of the Deen (Verses 9 to 31) 

قصة أصحاب الكهف - The Story of the People of the Cave:
a) The General Part of the Story (مجمل) - Verses 9 to 12
b) The Detailed Part of the Story (مفصل) - Verses 13 to 22

The name of the سورة is mentioned in the context of the first trial - the trial of the Deen. This is a very great test. A cave is a place of refuge, protection, escape, from all the trials.

But if you are amazed by their story, then know that the Qur'an is even more of an amazing sign.
It's not something strange or to wonder at, that these boys were caused to be asleep for hundreds of years, because nothing is impossible with Allah. If He wills something, all He says is be and it is.

الرقيم -> These are tablets which contain the names of all those who were in the cave. And yet people argue about their number, when it's already known.

They were a group of young boys who sought refuge in a cave. We need a 'cave' to run to when we fear the loss of our faith.

They called Allah by His name الرب because they needed their situation to be reformed. 

ءاتينا = to give it smoothly 
لَّدُنك = deeply from you 
رحمة = all types of mercy 

و هيئ لنا من أمرنا رشدا 
They are asking Allah to make the means easy for them. Allah inspired them to pick the best cave, where even the suns rising and setting didn't harm them. They were afraid, but got strength through their دعاء to Allah. 
When you have the means you shouldn't feel self sufficient, but feel even poorer towards Allah.

Allah answers our دعاء's in ways we can't even imagine, and He does so in the best way. 
He made them sleep as a protection for their faith and health. And He blocked their sense of hearing in order to not be affected from the outside, and this shows you the ability of Allah.

There are so many possibilities and ways Allah could have saved them, but He chose 309 years. Allah chooses the best for us. 

They sought guidance and mercy, and Allah guided them, kept them firm, as well as made them a means of increasing the faith of others in the future.

Sleep is minor death, and this shows us that Allah is able to resurrect us after death.

Allah knows what we are going to do beforehand, but only when we do the action, does Allah recompense us for it. This shows us the justice of Allah. 

The two groups being referred to in this verse are the believers and disbelievers. It's a test of your faith in Allah; whether you will believe in what Allah and His Messenger ﷺ say.
For example, when Allah says that honey is a cure for mankind, you don't need to wait until scientists confirm it. Don't put someone else's words before Allah and His Messenger ﷺ.

The Detailed Part of the Story (مفصل) - (Verses 13 to 22)

This is similar to the beginning of Surah Yusuf, except Allah says "بالحق" here 
When Allah says "نحن", He is referring to Himself, and this is the Majestic We.
Surah Yusuf was called a قصص, whereas the story of the people of the cave is called a نبأ, because it was a great news, a karama.

فتية means they were young boys.
What did they do? 

ءامنوا بربهم 
They believed in their رب. This shows they did not follow the desires of their families and they had an open heart.

What did Allah do for them? 

زدناهم هدى
Look at how Allah gives. When you come walking to Allah, He comes running. It is said that the guidance they received was beneficial knowledge and righteous good deeds. And this was a result of their belief.

و ربطنا على قلوبهم
Allah gave them firmness because they were surrounded with disbelievers. And this shows you that as long as you believe, Allah will be with you. So be active and keen to increase your faith, and don't get distracted. When you are focused on increasing your faith, your heart will be able to see the light, but when you get distracted, it's hard to see it. And the heart being 'tied' means patience, firmness, tranquility. 

When did Allah give them this strength? 

إذ قاموا

When they stood up against their people and left. No one told them all this information, but they understood it from the nurturing of Allah. Allah will give you firmness when you show that you don't want to go with the flow when it's wrong. When you show courage to stand against them, Allah will keep you firm.

What did they say?

ربنا رب السماوات و الارض 
This is توحيد الربوبية.

لن ندعوا و من دونه إلها
This is another way of saying لا اله الا الله and it's توحيد الألوهية.

شطط means to be far away from the truth and what is right.

Although they may have had differences, they were still their people.

Notice that the word "اتخذوا" appears many times in this Surah. They have taken refuge with not one, but many Gods. If a person doesn't take Allah as his One God, He will take many and his heart will be scattered all over the place. 

"لولا يأتون عليهم بسلطان بين"
There is no evidence for Shirk. There's no clear proof that these Gods are actually Gods, so why are they wasting their time? 
Something you worship needs to have authority. To Allah belongs the authority, and worshipping Him has evidence. 
Those who associate partners with Allah know that their idols are not gods, but they're hasty and want something tangible and in front of them, so they don't bother themselves with the proof.

فمن أظلم -> 
The greatest ظلم is committed by the person who invents lies against Allah 

When you look at other religions you find so many fabricated stories, and they're all so confusing and contradictory. But the Muslim lives in peace, he doesn't have to fabricate anything.  

In these two verses it's as if The People of the Cave are saying:

Their hearts had already left their people, but now they leave physically. 
They were afraid of Shirk and left the place of قتنة. When you take a step towards Allah, He will give you more than you expect. Allah increased them in guidance, tied their hearts and gave them firmness to speak the truth to the people, etc.

Generally, what attracts people to each other? The same beliefs. But when they are different they repel each other. That's why believers love believers, disbelievers love disbelievers, etc. 
and that's why you find when you attend a gathering you naturally gravitate with the people whom you are similar to. 

فأو الى الكهف 
The means when there's فتنة, keep away from it. And notice الكهف is definite. There are so many caves, but Allah inspired them to go to that specific cave. 

And when you seek refuge in the Cave, what will Allah do for you? 

1. ينشرلكم ربكم من رحمته 
2. و يهيئ لكم من أمركم مرفقا  

In their دعاء they asked for "رشدا". But "مرفقا" is greater than رشدا; It's anything that facilitates and benefits you. 
And this shows us when you think good about Allah, Allah will give you even more.
