Sunday 12 - (27/12/15) - العزيز Part 9b

Another Lesson: It is impossible that the One who perfected the creation of the heavens and earth would leave the disbelievers without punishment. There is a promised and set time for them. Even if you find that they didn't receive their punishment in this world, have no doubt that there is one waiting for them in the next.

Understand that this world is not the abode of recompense. Not everyone will get their rights here

In (3:196-197):

Don't be deceived by the current state of the disbelievers. This Dunya is temporary and little. Regardless of the evil they are doing, they will never escape Allah. Their abode will be the Hellfire in the end. 

In (14:42-52):

After Surah Ibrahim (14) comes Surah Hijr. Allah ended the former Surah talking about the state of the disbelievers, and began Surah AlHijr talking about them as well. In Verses 2-3:

When you repeat these verses to yourself you'll find relief. This Dunya does not go on without wisdom or control. Allah knows exactly what's happening; He's giving the disbelievers respite and there is good in it for the believers. To Allah belongs the utmost wisdom; we can't judge over His actions with our narrow, limited minds. 

The problem is that we look at events according to our desires. We see mercy through the filter of our whims whereas for Allah, mercy is whatever is good for that particular person. 

HADITH: Sa'd reported that the Prophet ﷺ said, "The most in their suffering among the people are the Prophets, then the best, then the (next) best. One is afflicted in accordance with his Deen. If his Deen is firm his affliction is hard, and if his Deen is weak his affliction is light. Indeed one would be so much subjected to adverisity until he walks among the people without any sins" [Tirmithi]

The more severe a persons trial is, the higher their rank with Allah is. As your faith increases, as the severity of your trials increase. Don't let this discourage you from wanting to increase your faith though; because through your faith, Allah will keep you firm, and help you deal with the problems. He'll send down tranquility in your heart. This is why we see people tranquil and calm although they may be going through severe calamities.

Verse 10:

Allah still opens the door of repentance for the disbelievers, because He is merciful. But if they continue and do not desist, then He warns them of عذاب الحريق. 
The recompense is of the same nature as the deed. Just as they burnt the believers in this world, Allah will burn them with a fire 70x hotter in the next.

Don't let the Shaytan make you think evil of Allah. We feel sad when we see oppression taking place, but what's upon us is to pray for them and to think and expect good from Allah. This is just the Dunya. It is a prison for a believer and a Jannah for the disbeliever. Our Jannah is in the hereafter. And We will be the ones laughing at them on the Day of Judgement.

Nowadays the situation around the world is becoming severer by the day. Remind yourself of these verses. 

In Verses 12-16 Allah tells us who He is:

Just as Allah originated the creation, He is able to recreate them and resurrect the disbelievers and punish them on the Day of Judgement. This should put fear in our hearts. 

These names of Allah suit Verse 11:

This should put love and hope in our hearts.

Verses 15-16:

This should put magnification of Allah in our hearts and stop us from sinning or even coming close to a sin. 

We have to live our lives with fear, love, hope, and magnification of Allah.

But what's wrong with the disbelievers? Why do they continue persisting in sin? 

Allah tells us in Verses 19 and 20:

They are in denial. 

In Verse 21 and 22:

What is the connection between the Qur'an and the disbelievers denial? If they just pondered over the Qur'an they would cease to do what they're doing. 

Whenever Allah mentions the word 'تدبر' in the Qur'an it's directed to the disbelievers and the hypocrites. If they pondered over the Qur'an they would be guided. It would cure their disbelief and hypocrisy.  
