Sunday 12 - (27/12/15) - العزيز - Part 9a

Sometimes we plan months ahead for something, but in the end it doesn't work out. Why? Allah is showing us that He is العزيز: Whatever He wills will happen, and no one can repel His decrees. 

The person who doesn't understand this name of Allah will complain and question the wisdom of Allah. He judges Allah, who is perfect, with his deficient mind. Allah's planning is far better than our planning, and His wisdom is greater than our wisdom. He is perfect. 

People who celebrate Christmas attribute a son to Allah, and thus attribute deficiency to Him. Despite this we find ignorant Muslims congratulating them on this festival. When you say 'Merry Christmas', you are congratulating them on their abusing Allah, on their disbelief, and on their lies against Allah. When you congratulate them, you are giving your seal of approval to their disbelief. Allah said in (18:4-5):

Grievous are the words that comes out of their mouths. If they truly knew who Allah العزيز is, they wouldn't dare utter such words. 

And Allah said in (19:88-93):

Continuation: A person may ask, "If Allah is really العزيز, why doesn't He support the believers and help them overpower the disbelievers?"

A. In سورة البروج:

Verse 1:

Whenever Allah swears by something it is to:
a) Draw our attention to the greatness of that matter
b) Teach us something about His noble self

Allah swears by the sky and what it contains. The sun and moon move from station to station without precedence nor delay, and have been that way, and will be that way until the Day of Judgement. What does this teach us about Allah, their creator? 

1) Allah is able. 
These great creations cannot move themselves. Allah is the One moving them.

2) Allah is merciful
Hadn't it been for these creation, we wouldn't have the alternation of the day of the night, the seasons, a calander, we wouldn't have the stars to guide us at night, etc. Allah created all these for our benefit.

3) Allah's knowledge is vast
Allah knows what we need. We need the day, the night, the warmth from the sun, etc. He knows what benefits us.

4) Allah is الحكيم
Allah puts everything in its right place. These creation do not stray from their orbits. This shows us the perfection of Allah.

Merely looking and contemplating over the sky leads us to know who Allah is. And this is something ingrained in our فطرة:- For every action there is a doer. And looking into the action teaches us the attributes of the doer.

E.g. You head a loud, strong knock on the door. You don't know who the person behind the door is, but from that knock you'll be able to make out that it's someone strong; a man, etc. 

E.g. You see a car in front of you following all the traffic rules, giving signals, etc. You probably haven't even seen the driver, but from this you'll say that he's good, a well mannered person, etc.

Look into the creation and you will learn about Allah. If the sky is high, then the Creator of this sky is even higher. My eyes cannot reach the end of the sky or even encompass it. If this is my state with the creation, then how about Allah, the Creator? 

Verse 2:

This refers to the Day of Judgement. 
What is the connection between this verse and the first verse? Every verse in the Qur'an is related to the other. Allah is the One who created these great creation in the sky, and He is all able to resurrect the people on the Day of Judgement. He promised this day will come and He has the power to bring it.

Verse 3:

Everything we see of people, matters, and events, are things we are witnesses of and things that are witnessed.

What is the connection between this verse with the previous verse? All the witnesses and what they  witnessed will be brought forth on the Day of Judgement for judgement. 

Verse 4 - Verse 9:

What is the connection between these verses with the previous verses? The One who created these great creation in the sky, the One who is All-Wise, All-Knowledgeable, All-Merciful, All-Able, is aware of what the disbelievers did to the believers, and has set a promised day for them - The Day of Judgment, to recompense them for their actions.

This Surah is a Makki Surah. The disbelievers were persecuting the believers, torturing them with different types of torment, and Allah revealed this Surah to console the hearts of the Prophet ﷺ and the believers.

Any person who embraces Islam or gives Da'wah will go through trials. Why? Because if it began with favors, everyone would do it - the truthful, the liars, the good, and the bad. Allah allows this in order to distinguish between the truthful and the liars. In (29:2-3):

But how is Allah's mercy shown in this? People go through tests, and the believers were thrown into a fire, but it's temporary. It's nothing compared to the eternal delight they will have after they die. And the fire is nothing in comparison to the fire of Hell.
Allah is الحكيم and puts everything in its right place. Do you really think that the disbelievers will be left without punishment? A day will come wherein they will be dealt fairly by Allah, and they will taste the evil of their actions. 
And Allah allowed what He allowed to happen to the believers to expiate their sins, elevate them in ranks, to make them reach Paradise, etc. 

How do I apply this to my life? 
E.g. A person who was not good before was guided by Allah and he adopted the right way. As soon as he becomes upright trials after trials will come. He may face pressure from his family, friends, etc. 
What is the wisdom behind this? Allah wants to strengthen his faith and certainty in Allah, to make him run to Allah, to show him that no one can help him except Allah. Allah wants you to make دعاء, to ask Him, and He will respond and give you.
Yet there are people whom Allah tested, but their faith was on edge, so they relapsed and went back to the type of people they were before. They didn't understand the wisdom behind the trial, and thus failed. If they pushed on and continued to stay firm it would have been better for them. The trials distinguish between those who are truthful and those who are insincere.

E.g. A persons finishes all his money and he has no money left to pay the rent, etc. He knocks on the door of people and they apologize and turn him away. He goes to everyone and they all refuse to give. Where will he go now? He knocks on the door of الرزاق and Allah provides for him, not through the people whom he initially thought would help him, but in a way he never even expected. Allah is teaching us to put our trust in Him and not on the people. The people can never do any good for you without the permission of Allah. 
Don't allow your heart to get attached to the people. Let it be attached to Allah and He will give you.

Allah sends trials to strengthen our faith, to strengthen our دعاء. If your calamity is still going on then it may mean you haven't invoked Allah enough. Cry more to Him, beg Him, and you will be responded to.

E.g. A man was in a coma for many years. His family thinks it's better for him to die; to relieve him from this suffering, and don't understand the wisdom behind Allah allowing him to remain in this state.

HADITH: Abdullah bin Amr narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said, "No (believing) person gets sick but (his deeds) will be recorded for him in accordance with what he used to do when he was well" (Bukhari) 

Allah is elevating this person in ranks and reward. His good deeds may not be enough to help him reach the rank Allah prepared for him in Paradise, so Allah allows this to happen. We can't judge Allah's actions. We may not completely understand them but we have to believe and know that He is All-able, All-wise, All-merciful. 

