Thursday 7 - (26/11/15)

When Allah mentions the descriptions of the people in the Qur'an we need to stop, think, and ask ourselves if we fall under this category of people. If you are doing good praise Allah, and if you aren't reprimand yourself and take the means to change. This will increase your faith, and increasing our faith is one of the main reasons we are pondering over the Qur'an.

If you see that your faith has increased, you start to abandon sins, behave better, and you've changed, then it is an indication that you are dealing with the Qur'an with إحسان. But if you are studying it and you find no change then it means you are doing wrong to yourself. One of the characteristics of the Hypocrites in (9:124-125): 

Check yourself with every verse and Surah you understand:- Did your faith increase or not? 

The believers faith increases and they rejoice. Allah mentioned that in the hypocrites hearts are sicknesses. They have many sicknesses such as doubt, fear of people and being exposed, envy, love of the Dunya. Their concern is always the Dunya. "و غرتهم الحياة الدنيا"

Verse 58:

لمز -> They criticize in order that they be given and other people deprived, and in order to defame the person who is preferred over them. They want to make the person in front of them inferior. 
In this verse they are defaming the Prophet ﷺ. They don't honour or respect the Prophet ﷺ, nor do they revere Allah and His religion. 

In Verse 79:

In this verse they criticized those who gave charity, but this also applies generally to anyone who practices good deeds voluntarily. They criticize every believer who voluntarily does good and wait for just one mistake from that person in order to expose, defame, or criticize him. Humans are not perfect, so when they find this fault, they make it a huge issue. And this is something we see happening in the media. 

One of the traits of the hypocrites is that they will leave no one except that they will defame or ridicule him. - Ibn Kathir

They do this all the time, in all circumstances. 

Abu Masoud said, "When the verses of the charity was revealed, Allah and His Messenger ﷺ urged the believers to spend. All the believers came giving according to their ability. Some gave in abundance and others gave only one sa'a (two handfuls). When someone gave in abundance the hypocrites would accuse him of showing off, and when a person gave little they would say, 'Allah is in no need of their charity'" 
Nothing pleases them. Therefore Allah revealed this verse. 

فيسخرون منهم
They make fun of them and ridicule the believers, so Allah dealt with them in the same way: 

سخر الله منهم 

There is a difference between the mocking of the creation and the mocking of Allah. This is considered a restricted attribute of Allah; He is not attributed with mocking all the time. Allah only mocks at those who mocks at the believers, in return to their mocking.

Allah's mockery is praiseworthy and perfect. The consequence of the mockery of Allah is that He will punish them with a painful torment, because of what they used to do with the believers. Allah will throw their mocking right back at them.

الجزاء من جنس العمل
(The recompense is of the same nature as the deed)

This is one of the disgraceful characteristics of the hypocrites. They don't leave any matters of the religion nor of the Muslims but they defame and criticize it. - السعدي

Their statement comprises of many prohibitions:
1) Pursuing the defects of the people and being keen to find one in order to talk about it. تتبع العورات
HADITH: Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: Allah's Messenger ﷺ mounted the pulpit and called in a loud voice, "You who have accepted Islam with your tongues but whose hearts have not been reached by faith, do not annoy the Muslims, or revile them, or seek out their faults; for he who seeks out the faults of his brother Muslim will have his faults sought out by Allah and he whose faults are sought out by Allah will be exposed by Him, even though he should be in the interior of his house." - [At-Tirmidhi #1308]

You find that people only criticize the Muslims. The disbelievers are safe from their tongues, and they only focus on Muslims. We find this happening even amongst students of knowledge. 

Al-Albani, Ibn Uthaymeen, and Ibn Baz were so perceptive of people who would attend classes to find one mistake and then spread it on YouTube, etc. Sometimes when someone asked a question, these scholars would say to them, "I think you are seeking something evil" or the like.

People take this very easy especially with technology.

2) Defaming the believers just because they are believers. And this is considered كفر.
In their hearts there is no ايمان so they hate the believers. 
Check your heart when you criticize someone. Are you defaming him because of his knowledge or faith? People may criticize others out of jealousy.

3) لمز, which is forbidden. 
If it is done with regards to worldly things it's a major sin. Criticizing someone regarding religion is even more grievous. 

4) Disheartening whoever obeys Allah and does good. 
It is incumbent upon us to help them those who try to do good and not criticize them. 
E.g. Many mothers, when their children (who didn't pray before) start praying and try to be good according to their limited knowledge, criticize every little mistake they make. This will dishearten them. Overlook it, at least they're trying. 

Encourage the good in the person, don't put down their evil. You don't know, Allah may make them better. 

Mothers are the main culprits of practicing this, especially with their children.

E.g. When a conflict happens with your husband and he criticizes you, you shouldn't say, "Look at yourself first you do such-and-such'

5) التألي على الله 
They talk on behalf of Allah, and judge others, as if they know the intentions of the people and the غيب. This is something very serious. Only Allah knows if the person is doing it sincerely or showing off. 

This may nullify the deed of the person. 

6) Accusation with suspicion. This is another major sin.

Allah said in (49:12):

7) Making false statements.
They didn't say "Allah is in no need of your charity" to the one who gave more, as if Allah is in need of a lot of charity. 

8) Having bad manners with Allah and being ignorant with regards to His mercy, forgiveness, حلم. 
They don't know who Allah is. Allah is rich and in no need of any charity. If you give charity it is for the good of your own self. 

The main problem with the hypocrites is that they don't who Allah is. If they really knew Him they wouldn't speak or do all these things.  


Jundub reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “A man said: By Allah, Allah will not forgive this person! Allah the Exalted said: Who is he who swore by me that I will not forgive someone? I have forgiven him and nullified your good deeds." [Muslim #262]

We have to be careful with our tongues. 

Verse 61: 

They annoy the Prophet ﷺ by saying that he listens to everything they tell him, whether it's falsehood or truth. He listens but it is good for them, because if he tells them that they are lying he would expose them. And if they are exposed they would be in danger.

Harming the Prophet ﷺ with utterance or action, regarding him, his family, or Sunnah is considered annoying Him, and Allah prepared for those who annoy the Prophet a painful torment. 

المؤمن غر كريم
والفاجر خب لئيم

The believer is gullible and innocent. He doesn't understand that the people are playing tricks on him. He is naive. People think this is something deficient and not good, but the Prophet  said this is a characteristic of the believer. He doesn't think evil of people, and he is generous.

The فاجر is the opposite and always plays tricks with people and tries to fool them. And he thinks this is intelligence.

E.g. It could be that one of your childrens inborn qualities is غر. His friends at school may play tricks on him and he doesn't understand that, and you as a mother become angry and upset at his gullibility. This is something which is in his nature. But because you think it's not good you tell your child to say or do things against these kids, and by this you're turning your child into a فاجر. 
We are turning a person who has a good character into a bad character, thinking it's good and the good character isn't good.

The word naive in relation to the believer is something good for him.

Verse 62:

They are swearing falsely again.

In this verse are swearing to please the believers. But their concern should be to please Allah. 
They don't want to be exposed. They don't want to be expelled from the group of believers, they want to be with them. They are afraid of the public exposure of their secrets. How do we know this? 

In Verse 64:

Allah promised that whoever has ill secrets in his heart against someone, Allah will bring it out. No matter how much you try to hide that secret, Allah will expose it.

This is why سورة التوبه is called الفاضحه. It is a very strong Surah. Allah exposed the hypocrites and mentioned their characteristics one by one. 

Allah didn't mention their names. He only mentioned their descriptions. Why?
1) Because Allah is الستير. He conceals his servants.
2) In order for these verses to be applicable until the establishment of the Day of Judgement. If Allah mentioned certain names, people in this age would say it only applies to them and not us. 

Verses 65-66:

The hypocrites defame the believers and the Muslims and the religion of Islam. 

Ibn Umar said in the Battle of Tabuk the people were sitting in the gathering. One of the hypocrites said, "I have never seen like these recitors of ours (the companions). They have the hungriest stomachs (they eat too much)، they have the most lying tongues, and show the most cowardice in battles"

But it is the hypocrites who are cowards, as Allah said.

One of the companions said, "You have lied. You are a hypocrite, I will tell the prophet"'
When this hypocrite came to know that the Prophet ﷺ heard his statement, he came to the Prophet ﷺ giving excuses, saying he was just joking, just to pass time.

The Prophet ﷺ was riding his camel and said, "أبالله و ءاياته كُنتُم تستهزون"

You didn't find anything to mock about except Allah and His Messenger 

The hypocrites believed with tongue or they had very weak belief.

RULING: Whoever mocks at Allah, his religion, the Prophet ﷺ, the Sunnah is considered a disbeliever and out of the fold of Islam. 

Why will Allah punish them? بأنهم كأنو مجرمين
Their crime was mocking. They were joking and making fun. Defaming is to find defects but mocking means to make fun and to make the people laugh at this matter, and take it as jest. This is كفر.

Mocking at the hijab, Niqab, beard, etc. is all included in this.

1) Mocking at Allah, His Messenger, the Qur'an is considered Kufr which brings the person out  of the fold of Islam. - السعدي
Why? Islam is based on تعظيم الله. We need to magnify and revere Allah, His Messengerﷺ, His speech. If a person ridicules and mocks these matters, he contradicts the basis of Eeman.

If he repents then it is accepted as long as he didn't die. If he doesn't repent and dies in that state he may die as a kafir.

2) Defaming the Prophet   is defaming Allah, who chose him as a Prophet. 

3) Defaming the religion leads people to mistrust the religion

4) These verses indicate that whoever is concealing an evil secret against someone, Allah will surely expose him and will punish him severely for it.

5) One may become a كافر due to uttering one word, or doing one action that he does.
HADITH: Abu Hurairah reported: I heard the Prophet ﷺ saying, "A person utters a word thoughtlessly (i.e., without thinking about its being good or not) and, as a result of this, he will fall down into the fire of Hell deeper than the distance between the east and the west." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Even the expressions we use. Watch your tongue. Don't repeat what the people say except by thinking first.

E.g. Some people say لا حول لله. It is as if you are saying Allah has no strength or حول, instead of saying لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله.

One word may make the person fall into disbelief.

6) We are accountable for what is established in our hearts of secrets and ill intentions. And Allah may reveal it.
In (47:29-30):


They think that Allah will not bring out the diseases in their hearts. Allah will bring out their ill wills.

7) This includes mocking at the signs of Allah. 
(I.e. The universal signs and textual signs) 
Some people curse or talk evil of the weather, wind, time, day, etc. 
Be careful, Allah is the one making the weather hot and cold; all His actions are considered praiseworthy.

People criticize everything nowadays. 

You don't know. By this word you may displease Allah or cause you to be out of the fold of Islam without being aware of it.

E.g. When people don't understand the Qur'an they utter words which indicate disrespect. Instead of accusing their deficiency in thinking, they criticize the Qur'an and Sunnah.

- Knowing Allah 
- Knowing the Religion, the rulings of Halal and Haram
Ignorance makes people fall into such major sins. We need to learn and study the religion. And we need to ask if what we said is right or not if we don't know. Don't blindly imitate people.

- Belief in the Judgement Day
Allah will account us on the Day of Judgement.

Whenever you go through a calamity or hardship then sit down and reflect on the past. Perhaps you committed one of these sins.
