Sunday 8 - (29/11/15) - العزيز 5

Allah commanded us twice in the Qur'an to know that He is العزيز. In addition to that, this name is mentioned in the Qur'an 90+ times, and there are many more verses which talk about the impact of His عزة.

Continuation of the different kinds of عزة mentioned in the Qur'an:

7) In (11:66-67):

= عزة القوى

Allah saved Saleh and those who believed alongside him with His power and strength. 

8) In (9:40):

= عزة القهر و الغلبة

Allah made Shirk low and the word of Allah (لا اله الا الله) superior. Allah is غالب and قاهر over the disbelievers. 

9) In (39:36-37):

= عزة القوى

10) In (8:63):

= عزة القهر و الغلبة

11) In (5:38):

= عزة القوى

12) In (67:2):

= عزة القهر و الغلبة

Allah subdued us with with death.

Whatever happens now to us of decrees can't be repelled because it happens by Allah's عزة القهر. We have no choice in it. And it's considered a test for us.
We have a choice in our response to this test.
The next Qadar that befalls you will come according to your failure or success.

E.g. Allah gave the people of Saba blessings -> They responded with ingratitude -> Allah destroyed their blessings.

We need to watch our thoughts, statements, behavior, actions because it's according to this that the next Qadar will come either in your favour, or against you. You can't blame anyone except yourself.

Q. Someone transgressed against themselves or people in the past. What should they do now?
A. They shouldn't despair of Allah's mercy. They should repent, ask forgiveness, and if they transgressed against someone they should give back their rights as much as they can.

After knowing the meaning of the name of Allah العزيز and the three types of عزة, how can I worship Allah according to His name العزيز? 

1) Have belief in this name.
Allah can never be overpowered by anyone, He can never be defeated. No one can subdue Allah, rather Allah subdues everything.
If you believe this it will give your heart strength, courage, and trust in Allah. It'll help you accomplish great things, because you seek Allah's help. You know your Lord is irresistible; no one can overcome or overpower Him. 
The believer is never afraid, because he knows he has a Lord who is العزيز. If the people gathered to harm him they would never be able to do so, unless Allah wills it. And if they gathered to benefit him they wouldn't be able to even benefit him by an atom, unless Allah, العزيز, allows it. He has confidence and trust in Allah. 

When you reflect over the stories of the Prophets and Messengers you would know this very well. 

E.g. The story of Musa
When Musa spoke to Allah on Mount Tur, Allah said (in 27:9):

We also find Allah repeatedly telling Musa to not be afraid. He mentioned this name in order to give Musa strength and courage. He was going to meet Pharoah, the most tryannical person on earth.

Before Musa was born, Pharoah was told that someone would be born from Bani Israeel who would take power and authority from him. So he killed all newborn boys. Then he was told that if he continued to do that, he would have no one left to serve him. So he started killing every other year (i.e. He'd kill one year, then pause the next). 

Musa was born in the year that he was killing, and he was raised under the protection and care of Pharoah himself; in his own palace. Allah's عزة is shown clearly here. Regardless of Pharoah's tyranny and the precautions he took, Allah's will is executive. 
The believer should never be afraid, you have a Lord who is العزيز.

Pharoah chased Musa with his soldiers and Allah, by His power, made the sea turn into two mountains. No one can do this except Allah القوي، العزيز. And with this same sea, Allah drowned Pharoah and His soldiers. 

E.g. Because Allah wanted Yusuf to be a Prophet and have authority in the Land, when Yusuf's brothers plotted to kill him, Allah, العزيز, turned one of the brothers hearts and caused them to spare him and throw him into a well instead. 
Allah, by His عزة, unites the hearts (as we saw in 8:63), and by His عزة He can separate the hearts. 

In (12:31):

Allah is غالب. This is عزة القهر. 

E.g. When the Jews intended to crucify Isa.
In (4:158):

By Allah's power He raised Isa up to Himself, and they didn't kill him.

E.g. The Quraish tried their best to kill the Prophet ﷺ, expel him, etc. and all their efforts went in vain. Allah, العزيز, willed Islam to spread throughout the Arabian peninsula and the entire world. They tried their best to fight Islam and the Prophet ﷺ, and Allah, by His عزة, caused them to fail.

Don't worry about what the enemies are doing through the media to distort Islam. More and more people are becoming Muslim. Allah, by His عزة, supports the religion.

Have strength and confidence that Allah is العزيز and is there supporting you. This belief enables the believer to undertake great missions without fear of anyone. Be strong and confident in Allah.

2) Allah's عزة is joined with His حكمة. 
Whatever Allah wills will happen, but Allah is wise in all that He wills. There is a wisdom in everything that happens.

E.g. In (5:118):

This was said on the tongue of Isa عليه سلام.

If you punish them, it is because they deserve it. Hadn't they been obstinate, tyrannical, and rebellious, you wouldn't have punished them. You are more merciful to them than they are to themselves.

What is the wisdom behind Allah ending the verse with العزيز الحكيم and not الغفور الرحيم? Because when Allah forgives them, it's not out of weakness. Sometimes we may forgive the person who transgresses against us because we are weak. Allah doesn't forgive because He is incapable of punishing them, rather He forgives them while He is able to punish them.  He is العزيز. 
Also, He is الحكيم. Allah knows who deserves to be punished and He knows who deserves to be forgiven. He won't punish the person who seeks forgiveness. 

E.g. In (8:49): 

The believers in the battle of Badr were few in number. The disbelievers who saw them said they were deceived by their religion, thinking that they could never overcome them with such few men. Allah responded to them. It is Allah, العزيز, who gives the power and strength.
لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله

Even if you are weak, alone, and in front of a whole community of people, Allah will give you the strength against them. The hypocrites don't know this fact. That's why when they saw the few numbers of believers, they said the Muslims were doomed. 

Just put your trust in Allah, and He will give you strength against your enemy. Feel at rest, be confident, be tranquil, Allah will strengthen you.

E.g. You're entrusted with a job far beyond your capability of accomplishing. Seek the strength from Allah, العزيز. It's enough that He is there to support you and help you fulfill it.
A single person may be able to accomplish a job which an army of people wouldn't be able to accomplish. Why? Because he put his trust in Allah, العزيز الحكيم.

Don't show cowardice, fear, or weakness. Be strong. Allah, العزيز, is with you. Just say لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله, and you'll be able to move mountains from their places. This phrase is a treasure of Paradise.

Whatever Allah decreed of events out of His عزة is good for you, because it's linked with His wisdom. It's either to reform your heart, make you a better person, elevate you in ranks, forgive your sins, etc.
