Thursday 3 - (29/10/15) - Unedited

سورة التوبه  has more than 14 names. When something has a lot of names it indicates its greatness.

Allah mentioned about the three companions who didn't answer the Prophets call for Jihad and stayed behind. He ordered them with this and called them to something obligatory, and when they didn't respond they committed a major sin. 

Knowledge is something obligatory. "العلم فريضة"
Whoever has the chance to learn and doesn't take it then he has to check himself.

سورة التوبه also shows the difference between the truthful and the liars, the believers and the hypocrites.

Another name of this سورة is برآء. Allah is disassociating him and the Prophet from the مشركين and كفار.

It is also called المقشقشه. It is a purification from hypocrisy. سورة الكافرون has this name as well because it purifies a person from كفر. This means that if a person ponders upon these verses, understands, and acts upon it, he/she will be purified from hypocrisy and shirk.

Ibn Abbas said it is called الفاضحه because it exposes the hypocrites. Notice in the سورة Allah mentioned "و منهم.." a lot. When Allah says "و منهم" He is usually referring to the hypocrites. Ibn Abbas said it was mentioned so many times they became so afraid that no one would be exempted from hypocrisy.
Whenever you see this "و منهم" stop and reflect over their actions.

Sometimes we want to do something good and it is not made easy for us. We should be afraid that Allah is making us stay behind because He doesn't like us going out with them. In this case you have to ask Allah to forgive you and make it easy for you.

In Verse 47 Allah mentioned the reason behind preventing them marching forth with the Prophet. If they went they would cause chaos, fear, confusion, doubts, dissension, they would discourage the believers, etc. 
Don't be sad if someone doesn't join the good after calling them many times. Leave them to Allah.

السماع is the person who seeks to hear and know. And when he hears and knows he believes it and spreads.
The believer doesn't seek to know everything, he doesn't want to hear everything and spread. This depends on your intention, and Allah knows. 

Being a سماع will end up with you being prevented by Allah from joining the good. Don't spread things unless it reforms you and the people.


"والله عليم بالظالمين"
Who are the wrongdoers?

There are two kinds of ظلم:

1. Wronging yourself. This is by committing sins, or putting yourself into فتنه. Some people go to places or sites out of curiosity, and trust their own knowledge, and end up becoming deviated. 

One of the descriptions of the hypocrites: فتنتم انفسكم

تربصتم - A conflict happens between that person and someone else, and you wait for something to happen to them. It could be with a husband, a child, etc. The hypocrites have this attribute. We should never wait for misfortune to happen to someone, instead we should invoke to Allah for them, to guide them, etc.

ارتبتم - As soon as you have a doubt you have to clear it. Don't let this doubt grow, because that doubt may cause you to die a bad end.

Another type of wronging yourself is thinking bad. Allah makes us go through situations to keep us firm on the right path, to increase our faith in Allah. But instead of doing that, you interpret it badly.
As soon as evil thoughts come you should immediately repel it by thinking good about Allah. 

E.g. رزق
Thoughts like who will take care of me when my husband dies? When my children go up and get married? Etc. 

These thoughts come to everyone. But you need to repel this by reminding yourself that Allah is الرزاق. He has been providing for you since you were in the womb of your mother, why would he leave you now? 
Repel bad thoughts with good thoughts. The problem is that we surrender to these thoughts, which come from the Shaytan.
As soon as you surrender to these thoughts it will begin to establish itself in your heart. The Shaytan knows that this is your weak point and they will start reoccurring. The person will think evil of Allah, which is one of the characteristics of the hypocrites. سوء الظن بالله.

ALWAYS expect good from Allah. Ask Him to be لطيف with you. 

Never surrender to the Shaytan. When you do he will overpower you.

50-60 years ago there was no oil. People lived on رزق day by day. The man would leave in the morning not knowing what he would receive at night. Their faith and trust in Allah was greater than us. Now people think about what's in their bank account, and instead of relying on Allah they rely on their salary. This is why we are afflicted and trialed more. Allah is nurturing us, teaching us not to think like this.

Even if you tell your child that you have no money they'll tell you to go to the bank. They don't tell you to ask Allah. This is because we raised them like that.

If you are truthful Allah will help and support you.

Every morning and evening we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of ourselves, the evil of the Shaytan و ان عقترف على نفسي سوء or causing evil or harm to another Muslim. We wrong ourselves and others.

The blessed person always talks, praises Allah, He is content with whatever Allah gives Him, and He reminds others to be pleased with Allah. He reminds himself and others of Allah. 

If the mother always complains, the children will end up becoming just like her.Teaching and upbringing children isn't something easy. It's a big responsibility.
Ask Allah to make you a blessed person wherever you are. If you are truthful, you may say one word and Allah will bless it and you will get abundant reward.
E.g. البخاري compiled the authentic narrations of the Prophet. What made him compile this? His teacher. He said, "It would be good if someone compiled the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet in one book"
His words affected بخاري. 
The teacher didn't foresee the effects of his words. The Muslim nation now benefits from صحيح البخاري. If you are truthful and sincere it will affect the people. 
Don't expect the result now. Expect it on the Day of Judgement. But do good and say good as much as you can. Allah is الشاكر and الشكور, He will appreciate it and enlarge it in a way you don't even imagine.

If someone comes to you seeking advice or consulting you regarding a matter don't make him despair of Allah's mercy, think evil of Allah, think high of himself, etc. Be the person who makes him love Allah and be pleased with Allah. 

Verse 48:

The attitude of the hypocrites in this verse:

1. They seek فتنة. They don't just take an action, they always think and plan and plot. 
2. Then they turn over the truth. They uglify the truth and adorn falsehood such that the person who has no knowledge will accept it. They always seek to cause failure to the Muslims by all means. Whoever relies on Allah, Allah will suffice them over their plots.

Nowadays there is a great war against Islam and the Muslims through the media. They make the truth look ugly and beautify falsehood. Anyone that teaches Tawheed or studies it is "A Wahhabi" or a "fanatic". They want your life to be separate from religion.

"و هم كارهون"
Whenever Islam prevails they feel rage. This is the attitude of the hypocrites.

Atheism is appearing in our communities. Don't think that this is something random. It's been planned many years before, only now we are seeing the effects of it. But Allah is aware of their plot, and He will disclose it, and He will make the truth prevalent. This is what we believe. Allah's religion will prevail.

So don't give heed or be sad if they lag behind. They will cause فتنة for you. 

It's good that the hypocrites exist sometimes. When the hypocrites raise falsehood, the people who are asleep will wake up and try to verify it, and will end up finding the truth. Allah uses them as a means of elevating Islam. 

How many times have the enemies of Islam tried to distort the image of Islam and the Muslims, but more people end up embracing Islam. 

Verse 49:

This man came to the Prophet and told him not to put him into فتنة. He said he is weak and can't resist the Roman women. The Prophet allowed him to stay behind.
By his statement this man intends to show that he is pious and fears Allah. He doesn't want to disobey Allah and commit حرام. Someone who doesn't know what is in his inner self will believe him. This man showed contrary to what was in his heart. And Allah exposed him.
"الا في الفتنة سقطوا"
It is as if a man is walking and he suddenly falls in a hole. This is the state of this person. He thought he was safe, but Allah exposed him. He has fallen into a great فتنة. And this فتنة he caused to himself deserves the hellfire.

Not joining the Jihad and disobedience of the Prophet is a greater فتنة than the فتنة of the women.

If he means don't cause me فتنة by letting my reputation be ruined amongst people in case I commit Zina, then Allah exposed him and condemned him of hypocrisy. This reputation is into the day of judgement. We are still talking about his hypocrisy. 

If he meant by فتنة by being separated from his family and property, then the greater فتنة he has fallen into is being hated by all people

Even if he really did have this weakness, the فتنة of disobedience of Allah is worse.

At-Tabari said Allah said that the فتنة he fell into because of not joining the Prophet n Jihad, preferring his safety over the safety of the Prophet, is worse than the فتنة he falsely claimed to fear.

"و ان جهنم لمحيط بالكافرين"

Allah revealed the reality of this man and his intentions. 

If the Prophet were to go to a near place they would've joined him. But because he went to Tabuk they didn't join him. 
The true slave of Allah is the one, whenever Allah and His Messenger calls him to any act of worship, he joins, regardless if it is easy or hard. He obeys Allah in all states. He carries out acts of worship whether it is easy or difficult.

1. Conformity of the speech and the heart is important. 
2. One can lie to himself and believe it. 
In reality the man didn't want to join. The excuse he gave was to protect himself from the فتنة of women. He is considered a liar with Allah and the Messenger. Moreover he could be lying to himself. Inwardly he has an ill intention, and he covers it with a good intention. This means that you have two intentions: one is real, and the other is the one you show to others.
Then you keep telling yourself that you're not going because of such-and-such until you start to believe yourself. 

There are two voices in your heart. One making you do something for the sake of people. Another voice tries to silence the first voice and make you do the good deed for Allah.

So which is the reason you did this? Allah will ask you on the Day of Judgement why you did this, and the person will lie to Allah and say I did this for your sake, and Allah will call him a liar. 

Before we start any good deed check your intention. If something started with an ill intention, Allah will nurture us and show us the evil consequence of our intention.
