Thursday 2 - (22/10/15) - Unedited

One of the most important goals behind تدبر of the Qur'an is to increase in faith. This is the description of اولو الباب in the Qur'an: 

In (3:190 - 193):

"ان في خلق السماوات و الارض واختلاف أليل والنهار لآيات لاول الباب
الذين يذكرون الله قياما و قعودا و على جنوبهم و يتفكرون في خلق السماوات و الارض ربنا ما خلقت هاذا باطلا سبحانك فقنا عذاب النار........"

At-Tabari said, "The caller to إيمان is the Qur'an because not everyone has heard the Prophet personally"

But not everyone who reads the Qur'an will increase in faith. Many people memorize the Qur'an but their faith hasn't increased. What is missing? Understanding, Pondering, and Acting upon the Qur'an. 

Look at the verse, think deeply over its meaning. What does Allah want from you? Why did this verse come in the context of such and such matter? What is the wisdom behind ending the verse with such and such names of Allah? 


REVISION: Continuation of the description of the منافقين in سورة التوبه

النفاق  = The one who shows good and conceals disbelief/evil. 
The منافق is the one who displays what is contrary to his heart. 

النفاق is of different degrees. If the person conceals disbelief of Allah or in the articles of إيمان is condemned of major hypocrisy (نفاق الاعتقادي). He is considered a كافر. And he is even worse than the disbelievers. In (4:145):
"إن المنافقين في الدرك الأسفل من النار" 

If the person conceals sins (e.g. Disobedience to Allah, Hatred, Envy) and shows contrary to what his heart (I.e. He tells someone he loves him when in reality he hates him) he is condemned of minor hypocrisy (نفاق العملي) 
How many times do we say words which are contrary to what's in our heart? This is hypocrisy in a lesser degree, and indicates the person has one of the traits of the hypocrisy. Don't belittle this, because if you neglect your heart it will grow and may end up becoming major hypocrisy. 

Why has hypocrisy appeared in the Muslim community? It is usually something which appears when Islam has the upper hand. This is what occurred during the time of the Prophet.
There is no mention of hypocrisy in the Qur'an until the battle of Badr occurred. When the Muslims were victorious the hypocrites started to appear.

Due to the huge number of the hypocrites and their danger to the Muslim community, Allah explained their descriptions in detail in the Madani Surahs.
Allah talks about the hypocrites in more than half of the Madani Surahs. This is to tell you that it is not something that disappeared, it is still there. We need to fear it for ourselves.

The Surahs which Allah mentions about the Hypocrites:-

In سورة البقره verses 8-15
In سورة آل إمران Allah tells us about their fear, anxiety, impatience etc. 
In سورة النساء verses 60-69 Allah tells us that they turn away from the commands and the laws of Allah and the Prophet.
In سورة المائدة verses 51-53 Allah tells us that they take the Jews and Christians as allies. 
In سورة الانفال verse 49 Allah talks about their doubts in the promises of Allah. 
In سورة التوبه Allah tells us that they give false excuses.
The word "يعتذرون" is repeated many times in this Surah. Their excuses aren't genuine. 

In سورة الحج verse 11 Allah tells us about their lack of firmness. They are wavering.
In سورة النور verses 47-50 Allah tells us about how the hypocrites choose from the religion what is according to their desire and disregard that which doesn't go along with their whims.
In سورة العنكبوت verse 10 Allah tells us about their lack of patience. 
In سورة الأحزاب verses 12-20 Allah tells us that they break their promises with Allah
In سورة محمد Allah tells us about their cowardice. And Allah described their cowardice.
In سورة الفتح verse 6 Allah mentioned their bad thoughts about Allah. 
Bad thoughts about Allah may come to any of us. You may feel like you're making dua and it's not accepted, or they you're spending good and you don't receive except evil. Or thinking that Allah didn't forgive your sins or accept your good deeds.This is all thinking bad of Allah. You need to remind yourself that Allah is قريب، مجيب، غفور، الرحيم، التوب.

In سورة الحديد verse 15 they were deceived with false desires
In سورة المجادله Verses 14-19 Allah says they take oaths falsely.
In سورة الحشر Allah tells us about how they disappointed their allies from the Jews. They always encourage you to start something and when you start they quit.

In سورة المنافقون verses 7-9 Allah mentions their bad manners with the Prophets and the believers.
In سورة التحريم verse 9 Allah mentions that they deserve to be treated harshly.

There are other descriptions which are mentioned in the Qur'an. This is just a quick overview. 
Allah didn't mention all these descriptions in vain.  
The Qur'an wasn't sent down for mere recitation. We have to ponder, and find out what Allah wants from us. We need to know the descriptions of these people, because we need to find out if we have these qualities and then ask Allah to help us overcome it. 
Don't feel depressed if you find you have some of these qualities. Say الحمد لله that Allah is guiding you and teaching you about these qualities in order to purify your heart from these sicknesses.

سورة التوبه is a Madani Surah.
It was revealed after سورة المائدة. It was the last complete Surah to be revealed upon the Prophet before his death. 
It was revealed at the time when the Muslims were preparing to march forth with Islam to the entire world. It was about the battle of Tabuk, the last expedition of the Prophet. There were 30,000 Muslims at that battle.
سورة الانفال, the previous Surah, was about the battle of Badr, which was the first battle in Islam. There were 313 Muslims in that battle.

Compare the situation of the Muslims in سورة الانفال and their situation in سورة التوبه. Compare between the different environments and circumstance and how Allah gave victory to the believers.

The Battle of Tabuk was one of the battles where the impact of hypocrisy was shown clearly. Those who stayed behind were many while in the battle of Badr there were hypocrites.

التوبه - Repentance
One of the themes of this Surah is to call the disbelievers, hypocrites, to repent to Allah.
Allah repeats "فان يتوبوا يكون خير لكم"

In Surah AlHadid Allah mentions four things which the hypocrites did which made them deserve the hellfire:-
1. فتنتم انفسكم
2. تربصتم
3. ارتبتم
4. غرتكم الأماني (e.g. When they attended the gatherings of the Muslims, they thought that Allah will overlook their sins and they will be entered into Paradise along with the believers)

سورة التوبه 
Verses 38-41: 
"يأيها الذين آمنوا ما لكم اذا قيل لكم انفروا في سبيل الله اثاقلتم الى الارض أرضيتم بالحياة الدنيا من الآخرة فما متاع الحياة الدنيا في الآخرة الا قليل"

They clung to this earth due to love of it.
The remedy: Knowledge about the reality of this world, the meeting with Allah, knowledge of the hereafter. 

Verses 42-45:
"لو كان عرضا قريبا و سفرا قاصدا لاتبعوك و لأكن بعدت عليهم الشقة و سيحلفون بالله...."

They give excuses and they lie in their excuses. 
They look for quick gain with little hardship. But because the distance was long for them, and a lot of struggle was required they lagged behind.
They have doubts. 

The Remedy: Knowing about Allah, His names and Attributes, Reality of the Day of Judgement, this World, etc.

Verses 46-47:
"و لو أرادوا الخروج لأَعَدُّوا له عدة و لأكن كره الله انبعاثهم فثبتهم و قيل اقعدوا مع القاعدين"

If they truly intended to go they would have made preparations for it. Instead, they prepared the false excuses they were going to give. Therefore, Allah hated for them to participate in the good.
How did Allah deal with them? ثبتهم. Allah made them lose their resolution. 
They were enthusiastic in the beginning, but because of their ill intention, Allah didn't make it easy for them participate. He made them lag behind.

و قيل اقعدوا مع القاعدين 
Either the Prophet said this to them, or they told each other, or the Shaytan.

In the next verse Allah tells us the reason behind making them stay behind:

"لو خروجوا فيكم ما زادكم الا خبازا و لأوضعوا خلالكم يبغونكم الفتنة و فيكم سماعون لهم و الله عليم بالظالمين " 

- If they came with you they would cause you confusion and disorder 
- They would rush hurriedly amongst you and cause فتنه  
- They would dishearten the believers
In (33:18):
"قد يعلم الله المعوقين منكم القائلين لاخوانهم هلم إلينا و لا ياتون البأس الا قليلا"

المعوقين: People who prevent and put obstacles.
This is like someone who wants to do good and people dishearten him. If he comes to attend a class they'll say, 'You have knowledge, why are you attending?'
Or if he is putting effort in a project, they'll say "Don't be too hard on yourself, etc."
Instead of asking Allah to bless it for you, and encouraging you, they completely discourage you. 
If people become upright and do good they say, "Islam is not that strict, stop being extreme, no need to wear abaya, etc."

These people have the description of the hypocrites.

- Among the believers are those with weak belief. As soon as the hypocrites say something these people will follow and listen to them. Allah protected that group of believers from the hypocrites. سماع -> They listen very attentively to everything, believing everything they hear, and then spread it.

You should have knowledge to distinguish and be able to recognize the truth. If someone tries to discourage you, you should know that it is what Allah loves. That you will prefer what Allah loves over what that person is saying, over what he loves, his time, etc.

We need to verify what we receive. Don't spread everything you hear or receive immediately.

The lessons from this verse: 
1. The most valuable thing we own is our hearts. Our hearing and seeing are the two faculties which connect to our hearts. You have to be careful. Don't open these channels to your heart all the time such that you hear and see everything, because in the end it will cause corruption to your heart. If you hear and see good it will be good for your heart, and if you see and hear evil your heart will get corrupted. 

Don't be سماع to the people who are always discouraging and disheartening you because in the end they will corrupt you and prevent you from taking part in the good. If you have knowledge and faith you will be able to distinguish between the good and evil of people's sayings.

How much hearing and seeing corrupts the heart:-
- You receive a message about a site defaming the Prophet. Out of anger and passion you forward this message, with your intention being to warn the people. When you circulate sites which talk bad about Allah and the Prophet, there are people amongst those who receive the message are سماعون. You end up raising doubts in a persons religion.

Last year there was a YouTube video about secularists talking about صحيح البخاري. This was circulated. Many of the youth started doubting the authenticity of صحيح البخاري. You end up raising doubts instead of actually warning people about it. 

Don't send any message unless you are sure it will increase the people in faith, reform their hearts, worldly affairs, etc. 
You will bear the burden of the sin if you just circulate things like that. Think about the evil consequences of your actions. Your good intention is not an excuse.

When you know Allah you will be able to explain every situation you go through. Knowledge is required in order to be able to judge whether you should carry out an action or not. If you are in doubt then abstain. 

Don't expose yourself to فتنه nor expose other people to it. The first description of the hypocrites in الحديد is that فتنتم انفسكم. 

Even when you watch the news everyday. You don't know where they are getting the news from, if it's true, who's running it all, etc

When فتنه befalls people:
1. One should refer to the people of knowledge. 
Listen to the ختبه الحرمين every Friday, they always update the Muslims on the current situation of the Muslims. 

2. You are in darkness, confusion. You need light. Take it from the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

3. Avoid spreading false news, or news which you are in doubt of. إرجاف is one of the descriptions of the hypocrites.
Don't circulate pictures of dead people or children. This causes fear in the hearts of the believers, and they wholeheartedly believe we are defeated and the disbelievers are superior. This is a psychological war which the hypocrites cause. When we have low spirits and are weak the disbelievers can easily overpower us. Don't give them that chance to weaken your faith or the faith of the people. 

Don't spread news which will weaken their resolution or faith. 

"والله عليم بالظالمين"
Who are the wrongdoers in this Verse? -> Next Week.
