Sunday 4 - (1/11/15) - Unedited - (1)

In the Qur'an, Allah sometimes mentioned knowledge with praise, and other times with dispraise. The praised knowledge is beneficial knowledge, whereas the blameworthy knowledge is knowledge void of benefit.

An example of the first kind can be found in (39:9):

"قل هل يستوي الذين يعلمون و الذين لا يعلمون"

He also says in (3:18):
"شهد الله انه لا اله الا هو والملائكة و أولو العلم قائما بالقسط"

And in (35:28):
"إنما يخش الله من عباده العلماء"

Allah also relates to us the story of Adam and how He taught him the names of everything. When this was shown to the Angels they said:
"سبحانك لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الحكيم"

And the story of Musa with Al-Khidr, when he said:
"هل أتبعك على ان تعلمني مما علمت رشدا"

On the other hand, we have people whom Allah granted knowledge but their knowledge didn't benefit them. The Jews are one example of this. Another example of this is (7:175-177:

"واتل عليهم نبأ الذي آتَيْنَاه آيَاتِنَا فَانسَلَخ منها فاتبعه الشيطان فكان من الغَاوِين " 

The Shaytan usually is in front of the person, misleading him, however Shaytan is pushing this person from behind. He deliberately persists in error.

"و لو شئنا لرفعناه بها و لاكنه أَخْلَد الى الارض و اتبع هواه"

His example is like the example of a dog:
"فمثله كمثل الكلب ان تحمل عليه يلهث أو تتركه يلهث
ذالك مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآياتنا فاقصص القصص لعلهم يتفكرون"

"ساء مثلا القوم الذين كذبوا بآياتنا و أنفسهم كانوا يظلمون"

Whether or not they're exposed to Allah's signs and warnings they won't believe.

This person has inwardly detached himself from knowledge. He pants after this world, loves its pleasure, and trades his religion for it. He uses the religion to achieve worldly gain. He is like a dog, no matter how much you give him he always wants more and more. He appears to have knowledge and the people think good of him.

The problem is that Allah granted this person knowledge of his signs, and he understood it. But the love of this Dunya is his إله, and he used this knowledge to achieve it. This is how knowledge became unbeneficial for him.

How did he detach himself from the آيات? The knowledge taught him about the reality of this world and the next, he should have used it to seek the hereafter and shun this world, and wait for his reward from Allah. But the hereafter isn't great in this persons heart, nor does it incite him to do good, all his thoughts revolve around this world. 

These verses signify that one of the characteristics of the owners of knowledge void of benefit is تعظيم الدنيا. The hereafter is weak in their hearts.

But do not despair; One of Allah's great blessings upon creation is that He had sent down the Qur'an and a Messenger - to teach us about Him. To know Him by His names, attributes, and actions.
The companions of the Prophet became the best people on earth after they used to be the worst. 
How did this happen? When faith entered their hearts they transformed from being slaves to their desires and traditions to become slaves submitting to Allah. They became people of high morals. The meeting with Allah became their sole concern and this made them do good in this worldly life.


Continuation of Manners of Studying the Names of Allah

3. We have to understand the meaning of the name from the Qur'an and Sunnah, and in Arabic.

4. When we affirm the names and attributes of Allah we should do it without:
- [ ] - Denying the Attribute
- [ ] - Alteration, changing the meaning
- [ ] - Misinterpretation
- [ ] - Interpreting based on my own intellect  
- [ ] - Resemblance
- [ ] - Giving description to the attributes

E.g. One of the names of Allah is العلى which means the most high over His creation by His essence, attributes, and most high by his power. 
When I read in the Qur'an that Allah استوى على العرش (rises above the throne in a manner which suits his majesty) I shouldn't imagine this nor question how it happens.

Allah taught us what benefits us with regards to His names and attributes. The fact that He didn't inform us about its description and how these attributes are show us that we don't need to know about it, and that our kinds can't comprehend or even bear knowing it.  Musa عليه سلام fainted when the Mountain crumbled when it saw Allah.

We should be concerned with:
a) Knowing the meaning of this name
b) Its impact on us
c) How we can worship Allah according to the name.

Our problem is that our faith in that our faith in the unseen is very weak. This is shown through our behavior and attitude. We don't act like people whose concern is the hereafter. 
When our faith in Allah weakened our seeking help from him became weak, our humility became weak, and our deification became weak. This is because our hearts are attached to the Dunya.

E.g. Fear
You're afraid to do good because you'll lose status with the people. Know that if any kind of fear or obstacle is presented to you and you repel it, you will have multiple rewards.
