Thursday 10 - (28/5/15) - Unedited

The means of reformation is the Qur'an. 

The behaviour of the bearer of the Qur'an during times of calamity: If he is afflicted with a difficulty, the Qur'an and Sunnah are two educators for him. He grieves with knowledge. He cries with knowledge. He has patience with knowledge.

When he is afflicted with a calamity he runs to the Qur'an and Sunnah. He finds in their guidance a cure, a reformation, a healing for his grief. This is his attitude.
How does he run to the Qur'an? If he memorised the Qur'an then as soon as he goes through a situation, the relevant verses come to his mind and he feels at rest and tranquil. These verses will be a reminder for him. 
The Qur'an will educate him about the Fiqh of Patience. How to show patience, what the reward of the patient people will be, etc.
They will educate him to behave correctly such that even if he becomes heedless and forgets, as soon as someone reminds him he will immediately return to the correct way which is pleasing to Allah.

The meanings of the Qur'an are alive in his heart. He doesn't learn the Qur'an from one side and neglect applying it in his life. The Qur'an guides him what to say in certain situations, what to do, etc.

Eg. (64:11)
"ما اصاب من مصيبة الا باْذن الله و من يؤمن بالله يهد قلبه والله بكل شئ عليم"

When you are afflicted with a calamity, know and believe that this happening to him by the permission of Allah. Nothing can occur without the permission of Allah. He has this firm belief in his heart. 
And he knows that there is a wisdom in what is happening. 
we need to have belief in Allah, that Allah decreed it for us. Either Allah wants to test our patience, gratitude, elevate us in ranks with Him, remind you that you're committing a sin, explaining sins, etc. There is a wisdom behind the calamities we go through.
When you believe this you will submit yourself to Allah. 

HADITH: How wonderful is the case of the believer. If he experiences prosperity he will show gratitude and that is better for him. And if he experiences any distress he shows patience and that is better for him. 

The believer is between gratitude and patience, and in both cases that is good for him. The believer knows if he shows patience he will be rewarded, and if he shows gratitude he will be rewarded. A person will never be a loser with Allah, He is always a winner.

The bearer of the Qur'an educates himself with the Qur'an.

"ولنبلؤنكم بشئ من الخوف و الجوع و نقص من الأموال ...."

Everything we are afflicted with is just a touch. It is just a شئ. We will be tested with loss of lives, fruits, money, etc. All this is just considered a bit. 

وبشر الصابرين 

Verse 156:
الذين اذا اصابتهم مصيبة قالوا انا لله و انا اليه راجعون 

This is what will make you feel at rest. Me and all what I have lost belongs to Allah. Allah gave me and took it from me. Everything is for an appointed term. Allah is الودود، الرحيم. If we ask him he will respond to us. No one can mend our broken hearts except Allah, الجبار. Knowing Allah by His names and attributes will make me feel rest with Allah. This is only the attitude of the believer, the one who knows Allah. 

The bearer of the Qur'an grieves with knowledge
He will not behave according to his human nature nor will he cry excessively and allow the whispers of the Shaytan to overcome him and destroy his life. He is in between two extremes. 
He will grieve a natural grief. 
Some people think crying is discontentment and displeasure its Allah and this is not right. The Prophet shed tears when his grandson passed away. 
And there are people whom when they see you patient they will tell you to cry and let everything out. 
The Qur'an is always in front of his eyes, showing him how to behave during times of calamity. Even if he does cry, he still has pleasure and contentment with the Qadar of Allah. 

من رضي فله الرضاء و من سخط فله السخط

Sometimes the people around us don't understand and don't help you. We need people around us to help us be patient, remind us of the reward of the patience, etc. Sometimes we don't find these people. Here you should know that whatever Qur'an you have in your heart should be alive in your heart. Tell yourself and remind yourself of these verses. Comfort your heart with the Qur'an. 
There are people who don't have much knowledge, but may know just one Hadith and this Hadith will be a comfort for her and she will stay patient hoping to get the reward which Allah promised her. This is a favour from Allah to remind the person how to behave during times of calamity.

And he is patient with knowledge
He doesn't show patience in every situation he goes through. The bearer of the Qur'an knows how to distinguish between the situations he is required to show patience, and the situations in which he is required to take an action. 
If the persons transgression will cause a bad effect on the family and people you need to take an action. 
Eg. You came to know that one of your neighbours drinks wine. Do you act with concealment or an action? Concealment, unless his drinking wine transgresses and it harms the people. 

Eg. You have a student entering the school from one gate and as soon as her parents leave she bunks school. As a teacher you need to take an action.

Eg. One of your colleagues is taking from the school property and using it for her house. You have to take an action. You need to approach her first, if she didn't receive admonition then go to the head.

If she is harming herself alone conceal, but if she is harming the other people and there is transgression you need to stop her. This requires knowledge and understanding.


سورة الطوبه

Hypocrisy is something very hidden, such that the person doesn't feel of it. It is the head of all the sins.

IbnMulaykah said, "I met more than 30 companions and all of them feared hypocrisy for themselves"

If the companions feared hypocrisy then we should fear it more. The believer doesn't feel secure from hypocrisy while the hypocrite feels safe and secure from it. If you advise anyone nowadays and tell them not to behave in such a way because it is one of the characteristics of the hypocrites, they will become furious and offended, They think they are far from hypocrisy and there is no way they can be hypocrites. This is because they don't understand what hypocrisy is.

Recap of the lessons from Verse 46:
We have to take care of our intention. Whenever Allah opens a gate of good deed for us we should participate. We need to prepare for it and have sincerity, truthfulness, high resolutions, seeking the pleasure of Allah, etc.
We should not feel hatred, reluctance, etc.
Allah will deal with us according to what is established in our heart. If you want to do good, Allah will help you. If in your heart you feel hatred, forced to go, Allah will turn your heart away from that good deed. Your end depends on what is established in your heart.
In the beginning you might've been enthusiastic then in the end you lost that resolution -> تثبيط 
If you lost the chance to join in a good deed and you feel happy and rejoice because you missed that opportunity -> تثبيط 
If it was established in your heart that you were hesitant, disliked to, etc. and then the doors closed for you -> تثبيط
If you are wavering and having doubts regarding the matter and you are preparing excuses in advance. 
Allah knows about all this.
We have to be careful. You may deceive people but you cannot deceive Allah. The believers are truthful with Allah. If they don't want to join from the beginning don't join, but don't give false excuses to clear yourself.
Preparing excuses in advance indicates the person doesn't want to go ahead and join forth.
Show remorse when a gate of good is closed on you, and ask forgiveness and ask Allah to open it for you. This could be a trial.

General Benefits from the Verse:
1) بعثك للخير عطاء و تثبيطك عنه حرمان

Out of Allah's mercy he opens the gate of goodness from His slave. Sometimes Allah opens the provision for the Aakhirah from means he never thought of. The means of good could be in insignificant and behind it small good.
But we have to hope for the reward. احتساب. 
We are looking for big works and ignore the little good deeds Allah opens for us.

There are people who receive this and there are people who are deprived from it. In the Haram you can see people wanting a place and instead of giving her place hoping for the reward from Allah she sits. She is deprived.
A helper may ask you for help carrying books, etc. 
Allah opens the gates of good for us. But there are some people who complain and say that every time these people ask for help. 
This is Allah making the person come to you. There are people who will say yes and others who will say ان شاء الله and Allah knows what is in the person's heart. 

الحرمان is something people don't feel of. They don't feel that they are deprived from it. Allah opens the gate of good deed and they refuse and deprive themselves of it.
And there are people looking for good to do all the time. 
During Ramadan there were people close to Fajr time making Tawaf on the first floor (before the constructions). There was a lady with her son carrying cups of Zam Zam because she wanted them to make Suhoor before the Fajr started. 
You wonder how people think of these good deeds and are always looking for opportunities to do good. Nowadays we only concentrate on ourselves. Gates of goodness are abundant nowadays and it is a gift from Allah.
Do as much good as you can and don't forget to bring the intention. 

People think good is only in money. When they get money they're happy, and when they lose they are sad. They are depriving themselves from abundant good from Allah.

2) يعطيك الحول و القوة عبى ما قام في قلبك
 "لأكن كره الله انبعاثهم فثبطهم"
The power and might is from Allah. Dont think that when you want to do good it is by your own strength. 
Even those who stayed behind, Allah gave them the strength to stay behind. Power and might could be to so good or stay behind.
Ask the حول and قوة from Allah. 
Allah will give it to you according to what is established in your heart.

Verse 47:
"لو خرجوا فيكم ما زادوكم الا خَبَالا و الاوضعوا خلالكم يبغونكم الفتنة و فيكم سماعون لهم والله عليم بالظالمين "
Allah is mentioning the wisdom behind making them stay behind. Allah is consoling the Prophet and believers.

1) They will not increase them except in خَبَالا 
خبالا is فساد, It is a certain kind of corruption. It is to disassemble a united matter. Also the person who has gone insane is خبال.

2) The hypocrites move quickly to sow fitnah among the people. To sow enmity between each other, to raise doubts in your hearts, etc.
A person who is moving hurriedly - 
خلال - gaps
يبغونكم فتنة -> 

They may say one word, and people with weak faith may receive that one word and become disheartened.

سماعون -> listening to everyone and responding. Helping the hypocrites in spreading rumours and disheartening.

والله عليم بالظالمين
Allah already knows. This didn't happen. Allah knows in advance and he knew what was happening and what was happening and if a matter were to happen how it would happen.
So be happy that the hypocrites didn't join with you.

1) Watch your tongue and actions, especially while working with a group of people. Don't say a word which may cause doubts for other people, because there are people who could be سماعون, and you will be the cause of that.

2) Be a key to good not to evil. Be a person who encourages others to do good, not the other way around. Don't close the gates of good for people
HADITH: طوبى for the person who is a key to good. 
You might say one word, one action, with a good intention and Allah blessed that matter and opened goodness for others.

3) Hypocrites are keen to weaken the strength of the believers. Don't feel sad for someone whom you think is good and doesn't come. You invite her to good and she refuses. Don't force her. Maybe she is not good for your group. She may dishearten your group. It is better for her to stay behind.
Allah nurtures us. We are so keen sometimes to have a certain person to come and join our group and Allah shows us when she joins how she raised doubts and caused a lot of problems, fear, and fitnah. 
We have to be careful. We don't know what is in people's hearts. Allah knows best if they don't join. Maybe Allah is keeping them away because they might have a bad effect on the group and on you yourself.

4) If you participate in any group work, don't be concerned except with your heart and yourself. Ask Allah to make you a blessed person in this group. 
If you join any group, you should believe that
-  Allah bestowed this gift upon me, 
- and he wanted me to perform it in a way pleasing to him,
-  Allah particularised me with this gift, 
- so let me use it in obedience to Allah.

This should be in our hearts. Ask Allah to make you a blessed person in that place, benefitting yourself and the people.
Check your heart all the time. Check your intention, sincerity, truthfulness, etc. Remind yourself all the time of this.

5) If you see your group is breaking into parts and there is conflict here know that there is someone or something that is raising doubts. You shouldn't accuse anyone of hypocrisy but you need to implant the concept of truthfulness, sincerity, unity, among the people in the group.
There are people in the group who are سماعون, they can pick a word, spread it and cause problems for you. ما زادوكم الا خبالا

Choose the people in your group wisely. Don't be happy with the numbers. Numbers are not proof of a successful group. Quality not quantity.
Don't bring someone whose Aqeedah is distorted, and you are unaware of her background, you hope she may become good, but she may cause doubts, etc. but instead of her becoming good, she causes the rest to become bad.
It's not about how many, but who the people are.

Did they increase a خبالا or was there unity but this person caused خبالا? The latter. Another interpretation is that there could be among the believers those who have weak faith, if the hypocrites join they will increase them in disorder.

Even the society amongst the students of knowledge. A person may come and cause disunity amongst them. We need to fortify our students, make them aware.

6) you yourself, don't be سماع. There are people who send and forward everything they receive. We should have knowledge to oppose those who raise doubts. Don't convey everything you receive, stop it at yourself.
 With technology the fitnah increases.

What should you do if someone raises a doubt? In (4:83)

Allah is talking about the hypocrites. If there comes to them a matter concerning fear and safety they publicise it to the people immediately. So if you are in doubt about any matter, immediately take it to the scholars. Verify and do not spread things before you are sure. Verification is required. 
Don't say this is a good site,scholar, etc. without knowing.
The Prophet is not here now, we have his ميراث. Don't be driven away by emotion. Refer every matter, even if it is about something happening in the community, ask the authority.

Even if it is good news, don't spread it without knowing it is the truth. Even if it looks like the truth, verify it first. 
Don't collect money for projects without knowing where the money is going, etc. 
There are individuals raising funds and we don't know where the money is going. This is happening a lot nowadays. 
We have to take care of our hearts, intentions, groups, societies, etc
