Thursday 4 - (16/04/15) - Unedited

In surah Israa Allah said, "  ...."
The scholars said it guides to the most just matters in creed and manners. The Qur'an guides a person to these manners. 

1) He is humble
The opposite of humility is Pride.

HADITH: Pride is rejection of the truth and looking down at the people.

The arrogant person passes by a state in which he admires himself and sees himself better than other people such that he doesn't see anyone having rights on him. 
Ex. If the children become arrogant, they won't see their parents have rights on them.

Every arrogant person sees herself/himself higher than other people. 

One of the rights of a Muslim upon another Muslim is the سلام. The arrogant person doesn't see that the other people have rights. Sometimes we pass by children and we don't greet them because we see them as insignificant. Or workers, helpers, cleaners, etc. 

Everyone who knows the truth and thinks that a person doesn't deserve it is considered arrogant. A person who doesn't know the truth is exempted from this. 

The arrogant person knows the truth but doesn't obey or follow it.

The wife knows that she has to obey the husband, but people will tell her  to have dignity. 
although it is an عبادة and the wife will be rewarded for it. 

Many people explain arrogance wrongly. They think it is according to how good you are to poor people, without realising it is to fulfil the rights of all kinds of people. You shouldn't see yourself higher than others, regardless of who they are. 

كبر prevents a person from obedience. It is related to the rights of others.

Even the ground we walk on has rights over us. و عباد الرحمن يمشون على الارض هون 

Look around you. Are you fulfilling the rights over the people around you?if they are sisters, mothers, children, parents, etc.

The bearer of the qur'an is humble in himself. If the gates of good such as knowledge, wealth, etc. was opened for him he is still humble in himself. He doesn't see himself higher than other people. 
He exerts his utmost to fulfil and keep the duties towards others.

How is he humble?
2) When the truth comes to him he accepts it, whether it comes from someone who is younger or older

If you feel upset or angry when someone corrects you when you make a mistake, it is an indication of كبر.

The truth may come to you from people who are younger than you or have no knowledge. 

Hadith: an atom of pride will prevent a person from entering Paradise.

The bearer of the Qur'an hates كبر and is afraid of it. He inspects his heart in every situation and takes account of himself. And he checks whether he is fulfilling the rights of the people whether they are young or old.

The humble person gives the rights of the people and doesn't ask for his rights. The arrogant person asks his rights from the people and doesn't fulfil their rights.

He seeks high status from Allah and not the creatures. He knows exaltedness and success and happiness is in the hand of Allah. 

He knows if he shows humility, Allah will elevate him and that the dunya is nothing with Allah. He thinks of what is with Allah in reward. His concern is his status in the Aakhirah.

The person should be afraid of كبر. Your fear will make you always take account of yourself, and ask Allah for protection from it. 

Allah is the nurturer of His servants. He makes us go through situations to make us see our sicknesses and defects. Someone might come to you who is younger than you in age, or less than you in knowledge, who reminds and corrects you if you are mistaken. Here, Allah is sending you a message. No one decrees these events except Allah. You have to think, Why did Allah send me this particular person with this particular statement? 

We won't behave 100% correctly. We might fail again and again, and the event might repeat itself many times, in order to nurture us until in the future you know how to act.
Be aware of the nurturing of Allah.

The Qur'an cures the sicknesses of the hearts. 

You discovered you have كبر. You search for the word كبر and its derivations in the Qur'an. Or the word علو، طغيان, etc.
Find out the verses and look at the causes of arrogance, and the recompense, etc.
If you repeat these verses to yourself, it will be a means of remedy.

Ex. Qarun
"فبغى عليهم"
He boasted with arrogance and ungratefulness. He attributed the blessing to himself, his knowledge.
His recompense -> Allah made the earth swallow him

تلك دار الآخرة نجعلها للذين لا يريدون علو فالارض و لا فساد

Ali bin abi Talib said "If a man wears a shoe in order for it to be better than the shoe of his brother then this is علو"

Everyone wants to be better than everyone else in beauty, clothes, etc. 
The bearer of the Qur'an doesn't have this.

In every situation you showed humbleness, even if no one saw you, hoping the reward from Allah, then know that Allah will elevate you because of that in the Dunya and Aakhirah.

The bearer of the Qur'an seeks status with Allah, not the people. He doesn't want people to praise him, doesn't want to hear it.

He looks for the secret deeds. 


The Hypocrites

Allah has mentioned the descriptions of the hypocrites in many verses in the Qur'an in order to avoid what they used to do and be aware of their attributes. Their state in the hereafter is worse than the مشركين.This isn't something that should be taken lightly.

When we discuss the traits of the hypocrites, it is only suitable to mention them with their remedy.

1) فتنتم انفسكم
They exposed themselves to فتنة because they sought a worldly interest, had no fear of it, and confidence in themselves. 

Remedy: Don't come close to doubtful matters. Seek Knowledge, it repels doubts. This world tempts the people and makes them go to the فتنة. They don't care how they achieve what they want. This world is their main concern, and the Aakhirah is not on their mind at all. We need to learn about the Aakhirah more, the descriptions of the people on the Day of Judgement, etc.

2) تربص
People await for harm to happen to other people especially during conflict.
Remedy: Strive against yourself to clear your heart from malice, hatred. Make dua for that person. 

3) ارتبتم 
One of the main characteristics of the hypocrites is that they always have doubts regarding the religion, the promises of Allah, etc.
They doubt that Allah will not give them, respond to their dua, etc,

Remedy: Increase in knowledge, especially knowledge about Allah. The more you learn about Allah the more you will rid yourself of hypocrisy.

4) اغترار 
The person is deceived with false hopes. This person only sees his apparent good actions and is neglecting his heart and the sicknesses of the heart. He isn't aware of what is in his heart. 
He thinks that Allah won't take account of what is in his heart and that Allah will forgive him and give him the same reward as other believers. 
Whoever lives thinking she is guided, doing well, etc. she will die on that state and come on the Day of Judgement thinking she is one of the dwellers of Paradise until Allah takes account of her. She was deceived with her good deeds but she had a lot of sins in her heart.

Remedy: To know the reality of this world and the next, of Allah. To have knowledge. This person was unaware of the sicknesses of the heart. Knowledge reforms the heart. You will know that Allah reveals your sicknessss to yourself when you go through situations.

Examples of the word, "يحسبون" in the Qur'an:

1) (7:30)
"فريقا هدى و فريق حف عليهم الضلالة انهم اتخذوا الشياطين أولياء من دون الله و يحسبون انهم مهتدون 

It was because they took the Shayateen as their friends. Allah told them to spend, the Shaytan said not to spend and they followed the Shaytan. They do this their entire lives. It is as if misguidance is sealed on them. And they think they are guided.
The Shaytan adorns the sins to them.

2) (18:104)
"الذين ضَل سعيهم في الحياة الدنيا و هم يحسبون انهم يحسنون صنعا "

Missionaries spend money and efforts thinking they are doing good and the people are wrong. 

3) (23:55-56)
"أيحسبون انما 

They think that Allah is pleased with them, loves them, they don't realise Allah wants to take them gradually in punishment.

4) (43:36-37)

The person sees at night and doesn't see in the day time. The person turns away from the remembrance of Allah, from the Qur'an. 

As a punishment Allah appointed upon him a Shaytan to be his Qareen. 

If the Qareen is the Shaytan then it will guide him and push him to evil. 

These Shayateen will prevent the people from the path of Allah and make them think they are guided. They think their sins are minor, Allah has forgiven them, etc.

This person blinded himself from the truth. He had the means. Especially nowadays, the means to knowledge is abundant. This person didn't have time for studying the Qur'an, and Hadith, so he is the one who turned away from the ذكر الله and Allah appointed for him a Shaytan. 

And they think they are guided. He had the chance for learning and he didn't take that chance. He remained in ignorance. 


They think that Allah can't hear their secret talks. The Angels record everything they do and say. And on the Day of Judgement this will all be presented to him.


4) (24:39)
والذين كفروا أعمالهم كسراب بقيعة يحسبه....

A person is in the desert in intensive heat. He is very thirsty and the ground is level. In the distance he sees a mirage. He runs to it thinking it is water. When he arrives he finds it is nothing.
This is the state of the disbelievers. 
They do good deeds like charity, helping people,etc. but they will be rewarded for it in the Dunya and have nothing on the Day of Judgement. They will come on the Day of Judgement having nothing, and Allah will take them with punishment.

To live in this world thinking that you are guided is a deception. 

Who deceived us? (57:14)
و غركم بالله الغرور 

The Shaytan deceived them regarding Allah. In what way? 
Eg. He made them think that Allah doesn't see, hear, or know what is in their hearts. Or that Allah is not able on the Day of Judgement to make their skins and limbs witness against them. Or he makes the person forget that Allah sees, hears, responds, etc. or that every gift of Allah is an indication of the pleasure of Allah. Whenever they received any good thing in the Dunya they think that Allah is pleased and loves him. They don't know that Allah gives the Dunya to both the believer and disbeliever. 
The Shaytan made them think bad about Allah, that Allah doesn't know what is in their hearts, or doesn't take account of what is in their hearts. Many people think Allah will only take account of what they say and do.

Remedy: Knowledge about Allah. 
This is the importance of knowledge about Allah. Knowing Allah by His names and attributes clears the heart from hypocrisy.

Allah mentions the apparent actions of the hypocrites:

1) When they stand for prayer, they stand in laziness
2) Even if they get up energetically for prayer, they do it showing off
3) They don't remember Allah except little

The hypocrites do remember Allah. But only little. 
In order to be opposite, remember Allah profusely. Remember him with a heedful and attentive heart. Know the meaning and understand what you are saying, don't just give lip service to it. Even the hypocrites remember Allah, and you want to be distinguished from them.

If you want to be far away from hypocrisy, remember Allah in every state you are going through. Implore Allah, seek forgiveness, make dua, etc.

Think of Allah all the time. If you are like this, then you are far away from this characteristic of hypocrisy.

"الذكرين الله كثيرا و ذاكرات. " - الأحزاب 

Whoever remembers Allah much is far from hypocrisy. Is heart is alive with the remembrance of Allah. In every minor or major state, resort to Allah. Thinking of Allah and his reward will clear a person from hypocrisy.  


The Descriptions of the Hypocrites in Surah Taubah

Surah Taubah is a Madani Surah which was revealed after Surah Fat'h.
Zaid ibn Thabit said it was one of the last Surahs revealed on the Prophet. It was put after Surah Anfal and there is no Basmalah in between.
Surah Anfal was revealed in the 2nd year after the Hijrah. Surah Taubah was revealed in the beginning of the 10th year after the Hijrah. 

The title of the Surah-
- Taubah
- براء 

The Sahabah, Tabi'een and Scholars named this Surah with many names. From them:
- المقشقشة (Dissociation from Hypocrisy and its people)
- المخزيه (The disgraceful)
-  الفاضحة (The scandaliser) - It scandalises the behaviour of the hypocrites
- المشردة (The disperser) - It disperses the hypocrites 
- المبعثرة (The scatterer) - It scatters their secrets to the people
- المنكلة (The one that declares war severely against the hypocrites)
- الغزوتين -
- الصيف

From these names you can tell this Surah is very severe and strong against the hypocrites and disbelievers.
Many names for one Surah indicates the greatness and majesty of that Surah. 

At-Taubah: in this Surah Allah mentions that he forgives and accepts repentance of the believers, and specifically the three companions that stayed behind during the battle of Tabuk.

برآء : Allah is dissociating himself and the Prophet from the مشركين. Also, whoever didn't obey the call of the Prophet and stayed behind, Allah disassociated himself from them. The prophet abandoned the companions and didn't speak to them for some time, until they repented to Allah. 
The Surah also started with the word برآء. There is no peace treaty with the disbelievers, and no one of them is allowed to enter Makkah. This Surah is declaring Jihad against the hypocrites and disbelievers.

The word Taubah and its derivations have been mentioned more than any other Surah (around 17 times). 
Surah Baqarah, the longest Surah has the word and its derivation mentioned only 13 times.
Surah Nisa: 12 times
aal Imran: three
Anfal: Once

This Surah mainly talks about the hypocrites and disbelievers. It is as if Allah is opening the gates of repentance for them. Allah wants to emphasise that they have no way of salvation except through repentance.

The theme of the Surah:  verse 74

Allah is calling to repentance. 
The wisdom behind the revelation of this Surah at the end of the lifetime of the Prophet is Allah is opening the gate of repentance for everyone, believers and unbelievers. 

All the categories of the people are mentioned in this Surah. Allah is calling them all to repentance.

This Surah didn't start with Basmallah for many reasons:-
1) At the era of Othman, when the companions compiled this Surah, othamn told them not to put Basmallah because he was not commanded by the Prophet. 

The prophet knows a Surah had finished when the Basmallah was revealed upon him (Abu Dawud) 

The companions were in doubt whether Surah Anfal and Taubah were one Surah. The prophet died before telling them. 

2) Basmallah includes mercy, peace, safety for the person. This Surah started with برآء. so the Basmallah and this don't go along together.
This Surah is the Surah of the sword upon the disbelievers, hypocrites, etc.

3) Before Islam, whenever there was a covenant between the Arabs and other people and they wanted to break the covenant, they would write a letter with no greeting and with no introduction. This was their habit, even in the beginning of Islam. 

4) The absence of the Basmalah to indicate that the Muslims can't live in peace with the disbelievers anymore. When the Muslims were few and weak they made peace treaties with the disbelievers. The situation changed, and the Muslims became powerful and strong, the previous treaties were anulled. Either the disbelievers become Muslim or there is a war. The people of the scripture either become Muslim or pay tax.
For necessity nowadays, the Muslim may need to make peace treaties. But this is for that time and during the time of the Prophet, Allah wanted to expel the mushrikeen from Makkah. And the Prophet wanted to perform Hajj. He didn't want to go to perform hajj and the disbelievers were doing their rituals. He sent Ali and Abu bakr to declare that no mushrikeen will enter the Haram. 

In this Surah Jihad became obligatory. This is why Surah Anfal and Taubah are very close in their themes. They talk about the treaties with the disbelievers and the Jihad.

- read verse 38-107
Find out verse by verse some of the characteristics of the hypocrites - 
