Thursday 3 - (9/4/15) - Unedited

If someone wronged the bearer of the Qur'an regarding his honour, wealth, etc, he will pardon. If someone transgressed against him, he'll show patience. This is because
 he knows the reward and punishment of Allah. If someone wronged him, he will immediately remember the reward of patience, of pardoning, of حلم. This holds him back from acting foolishly. 

And even if he does forget, he will take the admonition and show patience as soon as someone reminds him. 

Q. Shouldn't I take my rights?
A.  In the Qur'an Allah has mentioned that if you are punished you can punish with the equivalent punishment. (16:126)
But the حامل القرآن follows the statement of Allah in (39:55)

"واتبعوا أحسن ما انزل إليكم من ربكم"

In (16:126):

Allah gives us two situations here. You can take your rights if someone did wrong to you, but if you are patient it is better. "ولئن صبرتم لهو خير للصابرين"

The bearer of the Qur'an is always thinking about the hereafter, the Day of Judgement. The people who fight for their rights here want their reward in this Dunya. The حامل القرآن wants the best with Allah.

How can I be like the حامل القرآن? Strengthen your faith. 

Pardon and forgive. Leave the Dunya for the people of the Dunya.

- He restrains his anger to please his Lord and enrage his enemy - (كظم الغيظ)
He holds back the anger in himself. He will not show it with his tongue, actions, etc. 

"والكاظمين الغيظ و العافين عن الناس"

Pardoning people is better than suppressing your anger. 

HADITH: He who surpresses his anger, Allah will bring him in front of all the people.....etc

If this is the reward of those who surpresses their anger, than the reward of those who pardon are even better? It is higher than suppressing anger.

العفوا is to forgive the misbehaviour and not take the person with punishment. Only those who develop ethics and morals inside themselves practice it. Only those who have strong Eeman practice. 

What is he hoping for? He is hoping for the reward of Allah in return. He doesn't care about the praise or the reward of people. 

"whoever pardons then his reward is with Allah"

Ibn Taymiyah mentioned the highest rank of good conduct with people:
1) To join the relation with those who have cut relations with you and that is by greeting him, giving him a gift, visiting him, invoking for him, asking Allah to forgive him, etc.

2) To give to those who deprived you.

3) To pardon those who wronged you in your blood, money, honour, etc.

We need to exert our utmost to reach that state, and this is not impossible.

There are two benefits in surpressing anger: 
1) You will please Allah
2) Enrage your enemy - The Shaytan & Human

When you pardon, show patience, and surpress your anger the Shaytan gets angry. So he comes and tries to remind you of what happened in detail. He will not allow you to forget what had happened. You want peace of mind and rest, but the Shaytan won't let that happen. 
He doesn't want you to forgive the people. 

How will you repel the whispers of the Shaytan? 
- As soon as he reminds you, seek refuge with Allah. 
- Stay firm on your decision of forgiveness
- Pray for that person 

When the Shaytan sees that you are increasing in doing good, he will never come and remind you again. 
Allah will give you peace of mind if you repel the whispers of the Shaytan in this way.

One of the plots of the Shaytan is that in the middle of the persons sleep he will wake the person up and make him remember all his problems. 

HADITH: The Prophet said, "Whoever wakes up from his sleep and says......etc. and invokes Allah, his prayer will be accepted, and if he prayed two Rak'ah's his prayer will be accepted"

If you do that, then the Shaytan will never disturb you again. 

The enemy could be the people around you. If you show forebearance, people will say this is a weakness, and humiliation. Allah will take your rights for you, and that is enough. The حامل القرآن is always foreberant. 
Even if there is no one around you, allah will make you remember verses just to keep you firm. This is a gift from Allah. You are dealing with Allah, and this is a special dealing with his Slaves.
Only people who do everything for the sake of Allah will get this. 

Don't consider your patience has humiliation, disgrace. If your intention is to please Allah, then Allah will support you.

ان الله يدافع عن الذين امنوا" 

3) You will have peace of mind
4) Your scale will be Heavy on the Day of Judgement.


The Hypocrites 

One thing you should focus on when you read the Qur'an are the descriptions of the people. Allah mentioned that one of the severest punishments are for the hypocrites.

1) فتنتم انفسكم
- Exposing yourself to doubtful matters -

HADITH: The حلال is clear, and the حرام is clear, and in between them are matters which are doubtful. (This doesn't mean there are matters in Islam which are doubtful, but it may appear doubtful to the person who has no knowledge. In that case ->) Protect your religion until the matter becomes clear. 

Nowadays there are many doubtful matters. 

Eg. Riba based banks, eating food from the People of the scriptures, etc.

If you are in doubt then stay away. Protect your religion. 
The scholars have talked about eating the meat of the Christians and Jews. If you are unsure how they slaughtered it then it's okay to eat it. If you're in doubt than just don't eat it.

Eg. Talking about the blessings of Allah and boasting. Many people can't distinguish between the two. 
"و اما بنعمت ربك فحدث"
The former is good and the latter is a sin. 
It's about the intention of the person. If the person is talking about the blessings and attributes of Allah and his intention is to make the people to love Allah, while when it comes to boasting, He is talking about the blessings of Allah but wants to show his superiority to the people. He wants to show he is better than the other people.

This would be a doubtful matter for someone who has no knowledge.

Eg. Loving for the sake of Allah and loving with Allah.
Loving for the sake of Allah is to love what Allah loves. This is perfect faith.
Loving with Allah is considered Shirk. How can a person reach that state? there are many people, their relationship starts for the sake of Allah, then it becomes strong. People who don't have knowledge, talk with them for 24/7 at the expense of their duties towards their husbands, homes, parents,  etc.

Loving for the sake of Allah can turn into love with Allah. If you prefer them over what Allah commanded you with. 
If you are in a situation where you talk with them, and your husband wants something from you, then your husbands rights come first. 
If she's not married then the parents. 
This is considered forbidden love which will lead to Shirk. The person doesn't see the good at all.

2) تربصتم

The general meaning of this is to wait for something to happen.
The hypocrites at the time of the Prophet would wait for misfortune or harm to inflict the believers. They were waiting for the defeat of the believers during the battles. The death of the Prophet. Calamities to befall the believers.

One of the greatest crimes is to await for the death, or end, of the means to good. 

Waiting for good to cease is a trait of the hypocrites. The hypocrites hate the believers. 
The hypocrites waited for any event to happen against the religion generally, or for righteous people to commit a mistake in order to expose and scandalise them. 
Humans are not infallible, everyone makes mistakes. Regardless if the person repented, these hypocrites expose and talk about them.
They just wait for mistakes to be committed.

Some people go to lectures just to hear the lecturer make a mistake in order to talk about them. Don't be that person who looks for the mistakes of people. 
Having this in your heart is one of the characteristics of the hypocrites. The believer never follows up the mistakes of the people.

HADITH: تتبع العورات 
Whoever does that, Allah will expose him even if he's in his own house.

This is not one of the characteristics of the believer. The hypocrites magnify one simple mistake.

The media does this openly and clearly. A person does a small mistake and they magnify. Don't help the media by sending links to the people. The hypocrites use the believers in spreading propaganda. They propagate evil in the community.
Allah explained this all in Surah Nur.

The hypocrites condemned with major hypocrisy wait for the defeat of the Muslims.
These are large scale examples. Here are some day-to-day examples which we can fall into:

Eg. There is a conflict between your husband and you. You're sure he is wrong, in your heart you are waiting for something bad to happen 

Eg. Even if your children are undutiful to you, don't want them to taught a lesson, or wish something bad happens to them so they are taught a lesson. 

The حامل القرآن does not await for harm to happen to anyone. If allah shows and punishes him, it is something between him and Allah. But in your heart you will not wait for it. 

If there is a conflict then invoke for that person. Don't wait for evil for that person. 

Don't think that the Qur'an does not apply to our time. Allah is warning us of acting like them.

If it happened that there is a conflict, you need to watch your heart, and strive against yourself. You need to strive hard to clear your heart from that malice and anger and remind yourself of the seriousness of this matter. 
The person may ignore this feeling and not know the gravity of this matter. 

Having one or two characteristics of the hypocrites may lead a person to becoming a hypocrite one day.
Allah opens gates of goodness for them and they wish for it to be closed. Allah opened means of learning, understanding, etc. don't be that person who wishes it was closed. 

This happens because of a conflict that happens between you and someone who opposes your desire. Someone who opposes what you like and want. This is from the very hidden kinds of hypocrisy.

3) وارتبتم
This is doubt with fear.

They doubted the religion and had fear of its prevalence.
If you have ANY doubts about the religion or religious matters don't neglect it.

People doubt that Allah will give victory to the Muslims, etc.
Victory has different aspects, but people wait for one specific kind of victory.

We need to check our hearts for doubts. The more knowledge you have, the less doubts you will have. The opposite of ريب is يقين.
Certainty comes with knowledge, especially knowledge about Allah.

Eg. The Promises of Allah in the Qur'an.
"و من يتق الله....."

You went through a distressing situation and the relief was delayed. Will you doubt that Allah will relieve you eventually?

When you are in prosperity and at rest you may not feel any doubts. The doubts may appear during hardships.

The Shaytan and evil people will increase these doubts. 
If you are حامل القرآن you will have no doubt about the promise of Allah. The remedy of this is to learn about Allah from His book. 
If the person realises about the greatness of Allah and His great ability, and that the dominion is in Allah's hand, etc. if the person is sure of that, Allah will give him relief.

Look into the stories of the Prophets. They faced the severest calamities, but they demonstrated an example of endurance. Their prayer, trust, etc. should be taken as an example.

Ignorance Allah makes the person have doubts. The more you learn about Allah's names and attributes the less doubts you will have. It will drive away the hypocrisy from the hearts.

The descriptions of the hypocrites are that they are shaken in their faith, and this is due to their ignorance of Allah. When you are afflicted with any trial check your heart, are you certain or shaken. This ريب comes out during times of hardship and distress. 

During the times of distresses repeat لا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين
No one is greater than Allah, no one I love more than Allah, No one can remove my distress except Allah.
سبحانك -> Allah is far above being attributed with not keeping his promises, not defending his believers. He is above of being thought bad of. 

اني كنت من الظالمين -> I am the one who did wrong. I committed the sin, and this problem is due to my sins. 

When you repeat this, Allah will relieve you as he relieved Yunus and brought him out of the belly of the fish. Allah comforted his heart with the belief of his people. 

This certainty will not come until you have knowledge about Allah.

Everything we discuss revolves around the heart. We need to watch and observe the turning of our hearts. What do you feel? What do you think?

There is behind every distress a great kindness from Allah. 

4) و غرتكم الأماني 
They were deceived by their false hopes.


What kind of hopes is established in the hearts of the hypocrites? 
When they prayed and did good like the believers they hoped that their end would be like the believers as well. They didn't know they are hypocrites and far away from belief. They saw their apparent actions as good, so they thought they would have the same belief.

They thought their sins would be forgiven in spite of their sins and hypocrisy. If the slaves just ponders over the state of the hereafter he would know that Allah does not treat the believers and hypocrites the same.

A person commits a sin and knows he commits it. Because he doesn't see Allah punishing him, he thinks he is good and that Allah loves and has forgiven him. He doesn't see the evil consequence of his sin, he doesn't know Allah is dealing with him with his name الحليم. 
He is deceived because Allah did not punish him, his repentance is cold. He doesn't feel remorse nor regret for the sin. He doesn't see the evil consequence of his sins and he is heedless of Allah, etc. 

He is deceived with his sins.

Another kind of being deceived by false hopes is that a person only remembers his good deeds and forgets his bad deeds. The Shaytan makes you forget your evil deeds and reminds you of your good deeds. This is in order to make you feel like a good person, and that Allah will forgive you. The person may commit serious sins and the Shaytan makes him not see that sin.

They will live in this deception until they meet Allah. They think they're good.

Eg. The person started to memorise or teach the Qur'an to the people. His intention was good in the beginning. When the people started to praise him and give him gifts, his intention started to change. He is pleased with the gifts, praise,etc. thinking that He is doing good. He isn't aware that his intentions changed. He is deceived by the praise of the people.
"يوم يبعثهم الله جميعا فيحلفون كما يحلفون لكم و يحسبون انهم على شئ الا انهم لكاذبون"

They think they are standing on solid ground. 

This word يحسبون is mentioned many times in the Qur'an. There are many people living in this Dunya thinking they are right and will find out on the Day of judgement they are wrong.

->Find out the verses with يحسبون and its derivation.
