Sunday 4 (12/4/15) - Unedited

It is a must upon every Muslim to learn and act upon the names of Allah. It should have an effect on our thoughts and behaviour.

Allah brought us in this life to know Him and accordingly love Him. When we love Him we will obey and worship Him.
Those who don't worship Allah don't know Him. If they know Him very well they will have no problem obeying Him and doing good in their lives.

The Qur'an talks about Allah from beginning to end. 

Whoever knows Allah will perfect their Tawheed. Allah sent books and Messengers down to fulfill Tawheed.
You will not be able to perfect your Tawheed, your لا اله الا الله, unless you know whom Allah is.

Knowing Allah will purify our hearts from sicknesses like envy, jealousy, pride, etc. 
All the problems we face in our lives, if you know who Allah is, it will be very easy for you to explain the problems you are going through. You will have rest in your heart, peace, and tranquility. 
The true believer lives a good life in this world. He lives with a peaceful mind and he is at rest. 

The people fight for worldly things thinking it will bring happiness. Knowing who Allah is brings happiness to the mind and soul.

الحي القيوم 
HADITH: If anyone calls Allah by this name, Allah will answer his dua.

Another meaning of the name القيوم:
...."أَفَمَن هو قائم على كل نفس بما كسبت و جعلوا لله شركاء قل سموهم ام تنبئونه بما لا يعلم في الارض ام"

Surah Ra'd is about belief in Allah and the rest of the articles of faith. It also talks about the Uloohiya of Allah, by first mentioning Allah's actions.

In Verse 1: 
"المر تلك ايات الكتاب و الذي انزل إليك من ربك الحق و لأكن اكثر الناس لا يؤمنون" 
Every Surah that begins with these letters, immediately after it Allah either praises The Qur'an, The One who sent down the Qur'an, or the Prophet.
In this Verse Allah praises the Qur'an.

Verse 2: 
الله الذي رفع السماوات بغير عمد ترونها 

Allah is describing Himself, the One who sent down this Qur'an.

Allah is the One who raised the sky without any pillars. He is the One who holds the sky from falling on us.

ثم استوى على العرش 
This is an attribute of Allah

و سخر الشمس و القمر 
The sun and the moon don't benefit themselves, nor do they benefit Allah. They are subjected for our benefit.

يدبر الامر 
Allah is the One managing the affairs of the entire dominion. He disposes every affair in the heavens and earth.

يفصل الآيات 
He explains all the ايات to us.

Why? لعلكم بلقاء ربكم توقنون 
All these actions of Allah are there for one purpose. So that we will be certain of the meeting with our Lord.

Verse 3: 
و هو الذي مد الارض 
Allah is the One who spread the earth, such that it will be easy for us to walk on it.

و جعل فيها رَوَاسِي و انهار 

و من كل الثمرات جعل فيها زوجين اثنين

يغشي الليل النهار 

No one does all these actions except Allah.

ان في ذالك لآيات لقوم يتفكرون 
These are signs for people who reflect. Reflection makes a person increase in faith. All prepared rewards for those who reflect, and prepared punishment for those who dont reflect on these signs and are heedless. 
Every day Allah makes us see the sun, the moon, the alternation of the day and night, etc. And yet people still don't believe in Allah.
The creation should guide us to Allah. 

In this Surah Allah also tells us about His attribute of knowledge. In Verses 8-10:

الله يعلم ما تحمل كل أنثى 
و ما تغيض الأرحام و ما تزداد 
و كل شئ عنده بمقدار 

عالم الغيب و الشهادة الكبير المتعال

We don't know the thoughts in other people's minds. Allah knows what is going on in everyone's hearts and minds in detail.

سواء منكم من أسر القول و من جهر به و من مستخف باليل و سراب بانهار

When you know Allah you will feel that Allah is enough for you. Even if you are alone you will feel fine. Allah is with you, taking care of you, protecting you, sufficing you.

Back to Verse 33:

This Verse has two meanings:
1) Allah is the maintainer, the guardian, the One who is watchful over us, He knows our secrets, our affairs, etc.
He knows what everyone does. 

This is similar to the statement of Allah in (10:61)
"و ما تكون في شان و مل تتلوا منه من قرءان و لا تعلمون من عمل الا كنّا عليكم شهود اذ تفرضون فيه

و عنده مفاتح الغيب لا يعلمها الا هو و يعلم ما في البر والبحر و ما تسقط من ورقة الا بعلمها و لا حبة في ظلمونا الارض و لا يابس الا في كتاب مبين 

Allah knows about every leaf, when, how. where it has fallen. Allah is telling us about his detailed knowledge.

و ان تجهر بالقول فانه يعلم السر و اخفى 

This should make us fear Allah, show shyness to Him, not to commit sins while He sees and is aware of what we are doing.
Remember that Allah sees you, knows what you are thinking of. He knows if you are thinking evil or good. He may reward you for your good intention, even if you didn't do the deed. 

After Allah tells us about His ability, actions, knowledge, is it fair to worship false deities other than Him? They don't deserve the attachment of our hearts

HADITH: whoever pleases the people at the expense of Allahs pleasure, Allah will make the people displeased with him. Whoever pleases Allah at the expense of people's pleasure, Allah will make the people pleased with Him.

It doesn't matter how close the person is, as long as you obey Allah, then even if these people are not pleased with you now, they will be pleased with you later. Allah deserves to be pleased over the people.

2) Allah takes charge of every soul according to what this soul does.

Allah deals with the person according to his deeds. He nurtures the Slave according to the Slaves deeds. If he does good then Allah will be قائم over him with his kindness and mercy. If he does evil then Allah will be قائم over him with his anger and punishment.

من عمل صالحا من ذكر او أنثى و هو مؤمن فلنحيينه حياة طيبة و لنجزينهم أجرهم باحسن ما كانوا يعملون

Even the disbeliever does good deeds, that's why the person has to be a مؤمن. 
The person may not have that much, but he is still happy. This is due to him doing good and believing in Allah.

It is mentioned that the People of the Cave were the children of kings. They abandoned their people and this luxurious life because they believed in Allah. How did Allah deal with them? One of the impacts of His kindness and mercy with them: 

...و نقبلهم ذات اليمين و ذات الشمال 

Allah turned them on their right and left while they were asleep for 300 years.

The more you do good, the more Allah will deal with you with His kindness and mercy. 

In (24:55)
Allah promised those who believe and do righteous deeds with three promises in this verse:
1)  ليستخلفنهم في الآرض 
2) و ليمكنن لهم دينهم 
3) و ليبادلنهم من بعد خوفهم امنا 

You will never get peace through disobedience to Allah. 

As-Sa'di chose the second meaning when he interpreted Verse 33. He said, "Allah is taking charge of every person for what he has earned by giving them a hastened recompensed, and a delayed recompense in the hereafter"
You will be rewarded in this world and next.

In the previous verse: (13:32)
ولقد استهزئ برسل من قبلك فأمليت للذين كفروا ثم أخذتهم فيكف كان عقاب

The disbelievers mocked the Prophet and accused him of being mad, a magician, etc. Allah is comforting his heart in this Verse.
This is the recompense of Allah with the wrongdoers. If a person does evil, Allah may not punish him immediately. He will give them respite. But if this wrongdoer persists in committing that sin, Allah will seize them with punishment.

You see people doing wrong everywhere and you may wonder why Allah is not punishing them. Allah does not hasten the punishment. One of His names is الحليم. He gives respite again and again for that person. 
If the oppressor doesn't repent, Allah will take him with punishment. He cannot run away from Allahs punishment, this is the way of Allah with the oppressors.

Don't be deceived when you see Allah giving respite. Look at what happened to the previous nations. 
Allah deals with people according to their deeds. This is why Allah says in Verse 33.

We need to focus on ourselves. Are we following Allah's commands or not? Are our deeds righteous or not? 
Don't think that Allah loves you or is pleased with you when He doesn't punish you immediately. He is giving us a chance to turn back to Him in repentance.

The calamities we see in the world and in ourselves can be explained by either being a punishment or an expiation of sins and elevation in ranks with Allah. And this depends on the righteousness of the person.

Ex. A person's income is unlawful. Because this person is doing wrong, Allah may cause him to lose all his wealth.
The Slaves action precedes Allahs action. The slave did wrong, and accordingly allah dealt with Him.

Ex. A person is dutiful to his parents. Allah will make his children dutiful to him, and even if he doesn't have children, Allah may subject someone to serve and help him. 

Allah is appreciative. Look into your deed, and Allah will deal with you accordingly.

Ex. We remember Allah in an assembly, Allah mentions your name in an assembly with Angels.

There is no deed you do but Allah will compensate you for it.

Ex. A person spends charity in this world, Allah will give him abundant رزق from where he never even imagined.

Ex. A person invokes Allah truthfully, Allah responded to him.

Ex. A person caused enmity between people, Allah will punish him

Ex. The person who follows up the mistakes of the people, Allah will expose him even if he was in his own house. 

Allah is watching and knows about every moment we do, whether it is good or evil. This kind of watchfulness is something that should make us very happy. It indicates His care for us. Whatever we do Allah will nurture us.
Allah watches our actions, takes care of us. As a mercy, if I do wrong or go wrong, Allah will nurture me by making me go through a distressful situation, to teach you a lesson.

Whenever Allah takes care of someone, and nurtures him specially, there is hope for this person to be cured from the sickness in his heart.

Ex. A person has a severe stomach pain and goes to the doctor who gives him a strict diet. There is hope for a healing.
If a person has cancer and it has spread to the point it's reached the last stage, the doctor won't give him anything, he will tell him to go home and do whatever they want until they die

When you see Allah is nurturing you with problems, constrictions, etc. be very happy. Allah is taking care of you, you are under His intensive care. 
It is better to be under His care than to be left to do whatever you want.
This care of Allah will purify the person from sins, and there is hope for his purification and cure. 

If you don't have problems in life, then you should be afraid. 
Yet we think the opposite. We shouldn't wish calamities for ourselves, but know that when you go through calamities it is because Allah cares about you. He wants you to turn in repentance, etc.

HADITH: If Allah loves the slave, He will afflict Him.

If Allah doesn't love a slave, then He will not afflict him. The greatest thing in life is to be in the intensive care of Allah.
Allah wants to purify you of your sins before you death, and this is the greatest thing. This should make the slave love Allah.
There is hope for your healing from the sicknesses.

Those whom Allah has left to themselves:
فلما نسوا ما ذكروا به فتحنا عليهم أبواب كل شئ حتى اذا فرحوا بما اوتو أخذناهم بغتة فإذا هم مبلسون

Allah opened all the gates of good in the Dunya for them. Don't think that the people who have abundant blessings and do evil are loved by Allah. استدراج 
Allah will take that person with punishment in the end. 

If the person persists in committing sins and Allah is giving them blessings, you have to be scared. The person will be taken in punishment sooner or later. 

Allah may account a person in this world before the Aakhirah to purify his sins.

HADITH QUDSI: Shadad bin Aus that Allah says, "If I afflict one of my believing slaves and he praised me for what I have afflicted him with, He will get up from his bed like the day he was born and I will tell the recording Angels, 'I have fettered my believing slave, and afflicted him, so write for him in his record what you used to write for him when he was in good health'" 

The person says الحمد لله because He knows Allah does not afflict him in vain. 

If you have reached the grave while you are free of sins then know it is a gift from Allah. The people who are sick before they die, know it is something good, especially if that person is righteous.

Purification of sins can take many forms: afflictions, sickness, harm from beloved ones (family, children, etc). 
All the misbehaviour we see from kids is a nurturing from us. It is a purification for our sins, if we are good. If we are doing something wrong, Allah is sending a message to us. Don't ever please people at the expense of Allahs anger. 

Though Allah afflicts us, if you bear this with patience and say الحمد لله، Allah will purify your sins and elevate your ranks with Him.

Look at calamities as a mercy from Allah.

HADITH: Allah wonders at the people who enter Paradise in chains. 
HADITH: I wonder at people who will be driven to paradise in chains while they dislike it.

A disbeliever may be captured as a war prisoner captured by the Muslims, and when he finds out about Islam he becomes Muslim.
It could be a Muslim war prisoner, who is fettered by the disbeliever, who dies while in fetters.

Generally, there are people whom Allah will make go through severe distresses, and through it they will enter Paradise. This severe situation made them do good.
Compare it to the people who live in relaxation and luxury. You hardly find the first line of the mosque filled. The countries that go through distresses, their mosques are full. 
Their problems made them go to Paradise. If they weren't in problems, they might've been taken away by the life of this world.

The diamond is originally coal. When it is exposed to a high temperature and pressure it turns into a diamond.
When the person is in distress he will be purified from his sins.

In a nutshell:- If you are going aright in your life, obeying Allah and doing good, and you are facing a lot of problems, then this indicates that Allah wants good for you, He wants to elevate you in ranks.

HADITH: Indeed I have feared for the sake of Allah such that no one has feared like me. I have been harmed for the sake of Allah, such that no one had been harmed like me. Thirty days passed over me and bilal without having anything to eat...etc.

We should think good about Allah. 
Allah never punishes a person without a reason. 

If a person doesn't do good then it is a nurturing from Allah.
